4 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Application in Data Visualization and Analysis

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    This thesis is aimed for finding a solution for non-gaming application of Virtual Reality technology in data visualization and analysis. Starting by reconstructing the concept of Virtual Reality, the paper then describes the principles, concepts and techniques of designing a Virtual Reality application. In the last part of the thesis, a detailed description of how a prototype implemented is presented to provide a preview of how data visualization and analysis and Virtual Reality technology can be combined together in order to enable users to perceive and comprehend data in a possibly better way

    A semiotic and usability analysis of Diegetic UI: Metro - Last Light

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    A narrativa de um jogo é um dos principais componentes da criação da imersão do jogador. À medida que a tecnologia avança, novas ferramentas possibilitam aos desenvolvedores de jogos a criação mundos digitais cada vez mais complexos. A Interface de Usuário tem um papel crucial, fornecendo ao jogador feedback sobre os vários atributos e mecânicas do jogo. Alguns jogos buscaram integrar a interface tradicionalmente intrusiva dentro da narrativa e da arte do jogo, por meio das Interfaces Diegética. O objetivo desta tese é entender como a integração da interface na arte e na narrativa do jogo - criando o que é chamado de Interface Diegética - pode aumentar a sensação de imersão do jogador. Para identificar os processos através dos quais o significado é observado na Interface Diegética, contamos com a Semiótica Discursiva proposta por A.J. Greimas e para avaliar se essas representações Diegéticas afetam a Usabilidade, empregamos as Heurísticas proposta por Desurvire e Wiberg. A metodologia mostrou resultados interessantes acerca das relações entre Interface e Narrativa, bem como o impacto de Usabilidade derivado de tal implementação no jogo Metro: Last Light.A Game’s narrative is one of the key components of creating Player immersion. As technology advances, game developers increase their toolset for creating increasingly complex game worlds. The UI has a crucial role, providing the Player with feedback about the various attributes and mechanics within the game. Some games sought to integrate the traditionally intrusive UI within the game’s narrative and art, by the means of Diegetic UI. The goal of this Thesis is to understand how integrating the User Interface into the game’s art and narrative – creating what is called a Diegetic Interface – can increase the feeling of immersion for the Player. To identify the processes through which meaning is observed in Diegetic UI, we’ve relied on the Discoursive Semiotics proposed by A.J. Greimas and to assess if these Diegetic Representations affect usability, we employed Game Usability Heuristics proposed by Desurvire and Wiberg. The methodology proved to yield interesting results regarding the relationships between UI and Narrative as well as the Usability impact derived from such implementation in the game Metro: Last Light

    Crafting memorable VR experiences using experiential fidelity

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