6,126 research outputs found

    Unsplittable coverings in the plane

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    A system of sets forms an {\em mm-fold covering} of a set XX if every point of XX belongs to at least mm of its members. A 11-fold covering is called a {\em covering}. The problem of splitting multiple coverings into several coverings was motivated by classical density estimates for {\em sphere packings} as well as by the {\em planar sensor cover problem}. It has been the prevailing conjecture for 35 years (settled in many special cases) that for every plane convex body CC, there exists a constant m=m(C)m=m(C) such that every mm-fold covering of the plane with translates of CC splits into 22 coverings. In the present paper, it is proved that this conjecture is false for the unit disk. The proof can be generalized to construct, for every mm, an unsplittable mm-fold covering of the plane with translates of any open convex body CC which has a smooth boundary with everywhere {\em positive curvature}. Somewhat surprisingly, {\em unbounded} open convex sets CC do not misbehave, they satisfy the conjecture: every 33-fold covering of any region of the plane by translates of such a set CC splits into two coverings. To establish this result, we prove a general coloring theorem for hypergraphs of a special type: {\em shift-chains}. We also show that there is a constant c>0c>0 such that, for any positive integer mm, every mm-fold covering of a region with unit disks splits into two coverings, provided that every point is covered by {\em at most} c2m/2c2^{m/2} sets

    The P-Norm Push: A Simple Convex Ranking Algorithm that Concentrates at the Top of the List

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    We are interested in supervised ranking algorithms that perform especially well near the top of the ranked list, and are only required to perform sufficiently well on the rest of the list. In this work, we provide a general form of convex objective that gives high-scoring examples more importance. This “push” near the top of the list can be chosen arbitrarily large or small, based on the preference of the user. We choose ℓp-norms to provide a specific type of push; if the user sets p larger, the objective concentrates harder on the top of the list. We derive a generalization bound based on the p-norm objective, working around the natural asymmetry of the problem. We then derive a boosting-style algorithm for the problem of ranking with a push at the top. The usefulness of the algorithm is illustrated through experiments on repository data. We prove that the minimizer of the algorithm’s objective is unique in a specific sense. Furthermore, we illustrate how our objective is related to quality measurements for information retrieval

    Uncertainty Relations for Angular Momentum

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    In this work we study various notions of uncertainty for angular momentum in the spin-s representation of SU(2). We characterize the "uncertainty regions'' given by all vectors, whose components are specified by the variances of the three angular momentum components. A basic feature of this set is a lower bound for the sum of the three variances. We give a method for obtaining optimal lower bounds for uncertainty regions for general operator triples, and evaluate these for small s. Further lower bounds are derived by generalizing the technique by which Robertson obtained his state-dependent lower bound. These are optimal for large s, since they are saturated by states taken from the Holstein-Primakoff approximation. We show that, for all s, all variances are consistent with the so-called vector model, i.e., they can also be realized by a classical probability measure on a sphere of radius sqrt(s(s+1)). Entropic uncertainty relations can be discussed similarly, but are minimized by different states than those minimizing the variances for small s. For large s the Maassen-Uffink bound becomes sharp and we explicitly describe the extremalizing states. Measurement uncertainty, as recently discussed by Busch, Lahti and Werner for position and momentum, is introduced and a generalized observable (POVM) which minimizes the worst case measurement uncertainty of all angular momentum components is explicitly determined, along with the minimal uncertainty. The output vectors for the optimal measurement all have the same length r(s), where r(s)/s goes to 1 as s tends to infinity.Comment: 30 pages, 22 figures, 1 cut-out paper model, video abstract available on https://youtu.be/h01pHekcwF

    Decomposition of Geometric Set Systems and Graphs

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    We study two decomposition problems in combinatorial geometry. The first part deals with the decomposition of multiple coverings of the plane. We say that a planar set is cover-decomposable if there is a constant m such that any m-fold covering of the plane with its translates is decomposable into two disjoint coverings of the whole plane. Pach conjectured that every convex set is cover-decomposable. We verify his conjecture for polygons. Moreover, if m is large enough, we prove that any m-fold covering can even be decomposed into k coverings. Then we show that the situation is exactly the opposite in 3 dimensions, for any polyhedron and any mm we construct an m-fold covering of the space that is not decomposable. We also give constructions that show that concave polygons are usually not cover-decomposable. We start the first part with a detailed survey of all results on the cover-decomposability of polygons. The second part investigates another geometric partition problem, related to planar representation of graphs. The slope number of a graph G is the smallest number s with the property that G has a straight-line drawing with edges of at most s distinct slopes and with no bends. We examine the slope number of bounded degree graphs. Our main results are that if the maximum degree is at least 5, then the slope number tends to infinity as the number of vertices grows but every graph with maximum degree at most 3 can be embedded with only five slopes. We also prove that such an embedding exists for the related notion called slope parameter. Finally, we study the planar slope number, defined only for planar graphs as the smallest number s with the property that the graph has a straight-line drawing in the plane without any crossings such that the edges are segments of only s distinct slopes. We show that the planar slope number of planar graphs with bounded degree is bounded.Comment: This is my PhD thesi

    Reach Set Approximation through Decomposition with Low-dimensional Sets and High-dimensional Matrices

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    Approximating the set of reachable states of a dynamical system is an algorithmic yet mathematically rigorous way to reason about its safety. Although progress has been made in the development of efficient algorithms for affine dynamical systems, available algorithms still lack scalability to ensure their wide adoption in the industrial setting. While modern linear algebra packages are efficient for matrices with tens of thousands of dimensions, set-based image computations are limited to a few hundred. We propose to decompose reach set computations such that set operations are performed in low dimensions, while matrix operations like exponentiation are carried out in the full dimension. Our method is applicable both in dense- and discrete-time settings. For a set of standard benchmarks, it shows a speed-up of up to two orders of magnitude compared to the respective state-of-the art tools, with only modest losses in accuracy. For the dense-time case, we show an experiment with more than 10.000 variables, roughly two orders of magnitude higher than possible with previous approaches
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