10,469 research outputs found

    Report on the formal specification and partial verification of the VIPER microprocessor

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    The formal specification and partial verification of the VIPER microprocessor is reviewed. The VIPER microprocessor was designed by RSRE, Malvern, England, for safety critical computing applications (e.g., aircraft, reactor control, medical instruments, armaments). The VIPER was carefully specified and partially verified in an attempt to provide a microprocessor with completely predictable operating characteristics. The specification of VIPER is divided into several levels of abstraction, from a gate-level description up to an instruction execution model. Although the consistency between certain levels was demonstrated with mechanically-assisted mathematical proof, the formal verification of VIPER was never completed

    Using genetic algorithms to generate test sequences for complex timed systems

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    The generation of test data for state based specifications is a computationally expensive process. This problem is magnified if we consider that time con- straints have to be taken into account to govern the transitions of the studied system. The main goal of this paper is to introduce a complete methodology, sup- ported by tools, that addresses this issue by represent- ing the test data generation problem as an optimisa- tion problem. We use heuristics to generate test cases. In order to assess the suitability of our approach we consider two different case studies: a communication protocol and the scientific application BIPS3D. We give details concerning how the test case generation problem can be presented as a search problem and automated. Genetic algorithms (GAs) and random search are used to generate test data and evaluate the approach. GAs outperform random search and seem to scale well as the problem size increases. It is worth to mention that we use a very simple fitness function that can be eas- ily adapted to be used with other evolutionary search techniques

    Experiments towards model-based testing using Plan 9: Labelled transition file systems, stacking file systems, on-the-fly coverage measuring

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    We report on experiments that we did on Plan 9/Inferno to gain more experience with the file-system-as-tool-interface approach. We reimplemented functionality that we earlier worked on in Unix, trying to use Plan 9 file system interfaces. The application domain for those experiments was model-based testing.\ud \ud The idea we wanted to experiment with consists of building small, reusable pieces of functionality which are then composed to achieve the intended functionality. In particular we want to experiment with the idea of 'stacking' file servers (fs) on top of each other, where the upper fs acts as a 'filter' on the data and structure provided by the lower fs.\ud \ud For this experiment we designed a file system interface (ltsfs) that gives fine-grained access to a labelled transition system, and made two implementations of it.\ud We developed a small fs that, when 'stacked' on top of the ltsfs, extends it with additional files, and an application that uses the resulting file system.\ud \ud The hope was that an interface like the one offered by ltsfs could be used as a general interface between (specification language specific) programs that give access to state spaces and (specification language independent) programs that use (walk) those state spaces like simulators, model checkers, or test derivation programs.\ud \ud Initial results (obtained on a less-than-modern machine) suggest that, although the approach by itself is definitely feasible in principle, in practice the fine-grained access offered by ltsfs may involve many file (9p) transactions which may seriously affect performance. In Unix we used a more conservative approach where the access was less fine-grained which likely explains why there we did not suffer from this problem.\ud \ud In addition we report on experiments to use acid to obtain coverage information that is updated on-the-fly while the program is running. This worked quite well. The main observation from those experiments is that the basic block notion of this approach, which has a more 'semantical' nature, differs from the more 'syntactical' nature of the basic block notion in Unix coverage measurement tools\ud like tcov or gcov

    Virtual Communication Stack: Towards Building Integrated Simulator of Mobile Ad Hoc Network-based Infrastructure for Disaster Response Scenarios

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    Responses to disastrous events are a challenging problem, because of possible damages on communication infrastructures. For instance, after a natural disaster, infrastructures might be entirely destroyed. Different network paradigms were proposed in the literature in order to deploy adhoc network, and allow dealing with the lack of communications. However, all these solutions focus only on the performance of the network itself, without taking into account the specificities and heterogeneity of the components which use it. This comes from the difficulty to integrate models with different levels of abstraction. Consequently, verification and validation of adhoc protocols cannot guarantee that the different systems will work as expected in operational conditions. However, the DEVS theory provides some mechanisms to allow integration of models with different natures. This paper proposes an integrated simulation architecture based on DEVS which improves the accuracy of ad hoc infrastructure simulators in the case of disaster response scenarios.Comment: Preprint. Unpublishe

    FORTEST: Formal methods and testing

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    Formal methods have traditionally been used for specification and development of software. However there are potential benefits for the testing stage as well. The panel session associated with this paper explores the usefulness or otherwise of formal methods in various contexts for improving software testing. A number of different possibilities for the use of formal methods are explored and questions raised. The contributors are all members of the UK FORTEST Network on formal methods and testing. Although the authors generally believe that formal methods are useful in aiding the testing process, this paper is intended to provoke discussion. Dissenters are encouraged to put their views to the panel or individually to the authors
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