16 research outputs found

    Formal verification coverage: computing the coverage gap between temporal specifications

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    Existing methods for formal verification coverage compare a given specification with a given implementation, and evaluate the coverage gap in terms of quantitative metrics. We consider a new problem, namely to compare two formal temporal specifications and to find a set of additional temporal properties that close the coverage gap between the two specifications. In this paper we present: (1) the problem definition and motivation, (2) a methodology for computing the coverage gap between specifications, and (3) a methodology for representing the coverage gap as a collection of temporal properties that preserve the syntactic structure of the target specification


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    We define the model-measuring problem: given a model M and specification φ, what is the maximal distance ρ such that all models M′ within distance ρ from M satisfy (or violate) φ. The model measuring problem presupposes a distance function on models. We concentrate on automatic distance functions, which are defined by weighted automata. The model-measuring problem subsumes several generalizations of the classical model-checking problem, in particular, quantitative model-checking problems that measure the degree of satisfaction of a specification, and robustness problems that measure how much a model can be perturbed without violating the specification. We show that for automatic distance functions, and ω-regular linear-time and branching-time specifications, the model-measuring problem can be solved. We use automata-theoretic model-checking methods for model measuring, replacing the emptiness question for standard word and tree automata by the optimal-weight question for the weighted versions of these automata. We consider weighted automata that accumulate weights by maximizing, summing, discounting, and limit averaging. We give several examples of using the model-measuring problem to compute various notions of robustness and quantitative satisfaction for temporal specifications

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We define the model-measuring problem: given a model M and specification φ, what is the maximal distance ρ such that all models M'within distance ρ from M satisfy (or violate)φ. The model measuring problem presupposes a distance function on models. We concentrate on automatic distance functions, which are defined by weighted automata. The model-measuring problem subsumes several generalizations of the classical model-checking problem, in particular, quantitative model-checking problems that measure the degree of satisfaction of a specification, and robustness problems that measure how much a model can be perturbed without violating the specification. We show that for automatic distance functions, and ω-regular linear-time and branching-time specifications, the model-measuring problem can be solved. We use automata-theoretic model-checking methods for model measuring, replacing the emptiness question for standard word and tree automata by the optimal-weight question for the weighted versions of these automata. We consider weighted automata that accumulate weights by maximizing, summing, discounting, and limit averaging. We give several examples of using the model-measuring problem to compute various notions of robustness and quantitative satisfaction for temporal specifications

    Evaluating Code Coverage of Assertions by Static Analysis of RTL

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryAssertions are critical in pre-silicon hardware verification to ensure expected design behavior. While Register Transfer Level (RTL) code coverage can provide a metric for assertion quality, few methods to report it currently exist. We introduce two practical and effective code coverage metrics for assertions - one inspired by test suite code coverage as reported by RTL simulators and the other by assertion correctness in the context of formal verification. We present an algorithm to compute coverage with respect to assertion correctness, by analyzing the Control Flow Graph (CFG) constructed from the RTL source code. Our technique reports coverage in terms of lines of RTL source code which is easier to interpret and can help in efficiently enhancing an assertion suite. We apply our technique to an open source USB 2.0 design and show that our coverage evaluation is efficient and scalable.Qualcomm Inc. / C5505 Qualcomm 90003867

    Reasoning About Systems with Transition Fairness

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    Abstract. Formal verification methods model systems by Kripke structures. In order to model live behaviors of systems, Kripke structures are augmented with fairness conditions. Such conditions partition the computations of the systems into fair computations, with respect to which verification proceeds, and unfair computations, which are ignored. Reasoning about Kripke structures augmented with fairness is typically harder than reasoning about non-fair Kripke structures. We consider the transition fairness condition, where a computation π is fair iff each transition that is enabled in π infinitely often is also taken in π infinitely often. Transition fairness is a natural and useful fairness condition. We show that reasoning about Kripke structures augmented with transition fairness is not harder than reasoning about non-fair Kripke structures. We demonstrate it for fair CTL and LTL model checking, and the problem of calculating the dominators and postdominators.

    Conflict-Directed Graph Coverage

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    Abstract. Many formal method tools for increasing software reliability apply Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers to enumerate feasible paths in a program subject to certain coverage criteria. Examples include inconsistent code detection tools and concolic test case generators. These tools have in common that they typically treat the SMT solver as a black box, relying on its ability to efficiently search through large search spaces. However, in practice the performance of SMT solvers often degrades significantly if the search involves reasoning about complex control-flow. In this paper, we open the black box and devise a new algorithm for this problem domain that we call conflict-directed graph coverage. Our algorithm relies on two core components of an SMT solver, namely conflict-directed learning and deduction by propagation, and applies domain-specific modifications for reasoning about controlflow graphs. We implemented conflict-directed coverage and used it for detecting code inconsistencies in several large Java open-source projects with over one million lines of code in total. The new algorithm yields significant performance gains on average compared to previous algorithms and reduces the running times on hard search instances from hours to seconds

    Responsibility and verification: Importance value in temporal logics

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    We aim at measuring the influence of the nondeterministic choices of a part of a system on its ability to satisfy a specification. For this purpose, we apply the concept of Shapley values to verification as a means to evaluate how important a part of a system is. The importance of a component is measured by giving its control to an adversary, alone or along with other components, and testing whether the system can still fulfill the specification. We study this idea in the framework of model-checking with various classical types of linear-time specification, and propose several ways to transpose it to branching ones. We also provide tight complexity bounds in almost every case.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure