12,739 research outputs found

    An information architecture for validating courseware

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    Courseware validation should locate Learning Objects inconsistent with the courseware instructional design being used. In order for validation to take place it is necessary to identify the implicit and explicit information needed for validation. In this paper, we identify this information and formally define an information architecture to model courseware validation information explicitly. This promotes tool-support for courseware validation and its interoperability with the courseware specifications

    The development of intelligent hypermedia courseware, for design and technology in the English National Curriculum at Key Stage 3, by the sequential combination of cognition clusters, supported by system intelligence, derived from a dynamic user model

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    The purpose of this research was to develop an alternative to traditional textbooks for the teaching of electronics, within Design and Technology at Key Stage 3, in the English National Curriculum. The proposed alternative of intelligent hypermedia courseware was investigated in terms of its potential to support pupil procedural autonomy in task directed, goal oriented, design projects. Three principal design criteria were applied to the development of this courseware: the situation in which it is to be used; the task that it is to support; and the pedagogy that it will reflect and support. The discussion and satisfaction of these design criteria led towards a new paradigm for the development of intelligent hypermedia courseware, i.e. the sequential combination of cognition clusters, supported by system intelligence, derived from a dynamic user model. A courseware prototype was instantiated using this development paradigm and subsequently evaluated in three schools. An illuminative evaluation method was developed to investigate the consequences of using this courseware prototype. This evaluation method was based on longitudinal case studies where cycles of observation, further inquiry and explanation are undertaken. As a consequence of following this longitudinal method, where participants chose to adopt the courseware after the first trial, the relatability of outcomes increased as subsequent cycles were completed. Qualitative data was obtained from semi-structured interviews with participating teachers. This data was triangulated against quantitative data obtained from the completed dynamic user models generated by pupils using the courseware prototype. These data were used to generate hypotheses, in the form of critical processes, by the identification of significant features, concomitant features and recurring concomitants from the courseware trials. Four relatable critical processes are described that operate when this courseware prototype is used. These critical processes relate to: the number of computers available; the physical environment where the work takes place; the pedagogical features of a task type match, a design brief frame match and a preferred teaching approach match; and the levels of heuristic interaction with the courseware prototype

    Interface Design Principles For Malaysian Interactive Science Courseware

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    In today’s Malaysian educational setting, most of the interactive courseware has been used as a new way to fully support the teaching and learning activity. Within these practices, the uptakes of interactive courseware in classroom were increased. Therefore, there are ongoing debates concerning the effectiveness used of the interactive courseware in classroom. Part of the arguments’ that had been acknowledged is deals with the quality of the interface design performance within the interactive courseware. Towards the issues concern, this paper discusses the 5 establish principles of interface design and its practical applications on the existing Malaysian interactive science courseware designed for the Smart School. The data describes in this paper is a part of the result from main research study undertaken on the development of a new doable set of interface design principles that is currently being completed. The new doable set of interface design principles moreover presuming will help the interface designers’ and the courseware developers in future development and improving the possibility of learning experience

    The integration of computer use in education

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    There is an increasing awareness that disappointing experiences with the introduction of computers in education are a consequence of insufficiently taking into account factors that are crucial when introducing change in educational settings. Many of the problems in the literature show great similarity with the kind of problems often experienced in curriculum implementation. In this context the endeavors to make computer use an integrated part of classroom activities are analyzed. Emphasis will be laid on the interaction between teachers and courseware; elements for a more effective strategy for the integration of computer use in educational practice will be presented, with special attention to the design of support materials as an essential part of courseware

    Animated Courseware Support for Teaching Database Design

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    Database technologies are a core component of computing technology curricula. Their importance will only continue to expand as more and more data are retained in database systems. An effective database system is predicated on a good data model. Database design is the conceptualization of an underlying data model that progresses from identifying user requirements to graphically depicting those requirements and finally mapping the graphical models to a set of tables implemented in a physical database system. The abstract nature of much of database design makes it challenging to teach. This paper presents a set of software animations designed to support the teaching of database design concepts. Topic areas covered include mapping problem descriptions to Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams, mapping ER diagrams to tables, normalization and denormalization and comparison of various ER notation sets. The animations are fairly intuitive to use and are independent of any specific database text or product. They are intended to provide supplemental instructional support and also provide students with additional learning opportunities

    Web-based Hypermedia Courseware in Higher Education: A Proposed Framework

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    This thesis is concerned with hypermedia and learning, and in particular with the design and development factors that need to be considered for the creation of hypermediabased courseware in higher education that uses the Web as a delivery platform. One of the most commonly cited problems with educational hypermedia is related to the design and structure of the educational material. It appears that Web-based instructional authors have not had access to an instructional model, which has been empirically tested. However, there is a large body of knowledge in the field of instructional design from which one can draw suitable conclusions for the design process of Web-based educational hypermedia. The current research recommends that a precondition for effective Web-based courseware design in higher education is careful consideration of the traditional body of knowledge in the field of instructional design which should act as a foundation for future developments in the design process. In addition, the end-users' input should be sought as it can confirm the above and enhance further our understanding toward the implementation of this new medium in higher education. Based on this recommendation, a framework is proposed in terms of its design, user input and evaluation for the development of Web-based courseware in higher education aimed at supporting the delivery of physical modules. The thesis describes how the different stages of the proposed framework were implemented through the develop moot of two Web-based courseware applications aimed at supporting the delivery of two higher education modules taught in De Montfort University, U.K. In order to test the validity of the proposed approach, that a Web-based courseware developed according to the experimental framework could effectively support the delivery of physical modules compared with conventional teaching methods, two empirical studies have been conducted. They were concerned with the summative evaluation of the two Web-based courseware applications, which were developed according to the proposed framework. The results from the evaluation of the two empirical studies indicated significant improvements in users' performance and satisfaction compared with conventional teaching methods. Thus, the proposed framework can indeed offer a solution for the development of Web-based courseware that aims to support the delivery of physical modules in higher education. Moreover, the experimental framework can also provide a detailed starting point and can be adapted for the design and development of Web-based courseware aimed at addressing distance learning or other forms of Web instruction.Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY

    Teaching Database Design with Software Animations

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    Understanding database design is central to understanding a good data model and an effective database implementation. This tutorial presents a set of software animations developed to support the teaching of database design concepts. Topics covered by the animations include ER notation sets, mapping Scenarios to ER diagrams, mapping ER diagrams to tables and normalization. The animations comprise one module of an Animated Database Courseware project funded under the National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement program. The courseware has been made freely available and may be accessed at http://adbc.kennesaw.edu

    Systematic development of courseware systems

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    Various difficulties have been reported in relation to the development of courseware systems. A central problem is to address the needs of not only the learner, but also instructor, developer, and other stakeholders, and to integrate these different needs. Another problem area is courseware architectures, to which much work has been dedicated recently. We present a systematic approach to courseware development – a methodology for courseware engineering – that addresses these problems. This methodology is rooted in the educational domain and is based on methods for software development in this context. We illustrate how this methodology can improve the quality of courseware systems and the development process

    Issues in making courseware exploitable and issues in making exploitable courseware

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    Part 1 of the paper, ‘Issues in making courseware exploitable’, is about dealing with the legacy of large volumes of incompatible non‐integrated courseware which are currently being generated within initiatives such as the Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP). We suggest strategies for allowing end‐users to apply courseware management techniques belatedly to current courseware developments, thereby offering ways of making the emerging courseware more exploitable than it otherwise would be. Part 2 of the paper, ‘Issues in making exploitable courseware’, takes a forward‐looking approach which recognizes that future courseware development efforts must pre‐empt these problems of incompatibility and non‐integration. Courseware development must mature to the stage where it makes use of courseware design standards, embraces a host of essential lessons from conventional software development, and recognizes the importance of courseware management issues