19 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Model Transfer in Forest Mapping Using Multi-Source Satellite SAR and Optical Images

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    Deep learning (DL) models are gaining popularity in forest variable prediction using Earth observation (EO) images. However, in practical forest inventories, reference datasets are often represented by plot- or stand-level measurements, while high-quality representative wall-to-wall reference data for end-to-end training of DL models are rarely available. Transfer learning facilitates expansion of the use of deep learning models into areas with sub-optimal training data by allowing pretraining of the model in areas where high-quality teaching data are available. In this study, we perform a “model transfer” (or domain adaptation) of a pretrained DL model into a target area using plot-level measurements and compare performance versus other machine learning models. We use an earlier developed UNet based model (SeUNet) to demonstrate the approach on two distinct taiga sites with varying forest structure and composition. The examined SeUNet model uses multi-source EO data to predict forest height. Here, EO data are represented by a combination of Copernicus Sentinel-1 C-band SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral images, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 SAR mosaics and TanDEM-X bistatic interferometric radar data. The training study site is located in Finnish Lapland, while the target site is located in Southern Finland. By leveraging transfer learning, the SeUNet prediction achieved root mean squared error (RMSE) of (Formula presented.) m and R2 of 0.882, considerably more accurate than traditional benchmark methods. We expect such forest-specific DL model transfer can be suitable also for other forest variables and other EO data sources that are sensitive to forest structure.</p

    Countrywide mapping of shrub forest using multi-sensor data and bias correction techniques

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    The continual increase of shrub forest in the Swiss Alps over the past few decades impacts biodiversity, forest succession and the protective function of forests. Therefore, up-to-date and area-wide information on its distribution is of great interest. To detect the shrub forest areas for the whole of Switzerland (41,285 km2), we developed an approach that uses Random Forest (RF), bias correction techniques and data from multiple remote sensing sources. Manual aerial orthoimage interpretation of shrub forest areas was conducted in a non-probabilistic way to derive initial training data. The multi-sensor and open access predictor data included digital terrain and vegetation height models obtained from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) and stereo-imagery, as well as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter from Sentinel-1 and multispectral imagery from Sentinel-2. To mitigate the expected bias due to the training data sampling strategy, two techniques using RF probability estimates were tested to improve mapping accuracy. 1) an iterative and semi-automated active learning technique was used to generate further training data and 2) threshold-moving related object growing was applied. Both techniques facilitated the production of a shrub forest map for the whole of Switzerland at a spatial resolution of 10 m. An accuracy assessment was performed using independent data covering 7640 regularly distributed National Forest Inventory (NFI) plots. We observed the influence of the bias correction techniques and found higher accuracies after each performed iteration. The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for the predicted shrub forest proportion was reduced from 6.04% to 2.68% while achieving a Mean Bias Error (MBE) of close to 0. The present study underscores the potential of combining multi-sensor data with bias correction techniques to provide cost-effective and accurate countrywide detection of shrub forest. Moreover, the map complements currently available NFI plot sample point data

    Accuracy and Consistency of Space-based Vegetation Height Maps for Forest Dynamics in Alpine Terrain

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    Monitoring and understanding forest dynamics is essential for environmental conservation and management. This is why the Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI) provides countrywide vegetation height maps at a spatial resolution of 0.5 m. Its long update time of 6 years, however, limits the temporal analysis of forest dynamics. This can be improved by using spaceborne remote sensing and deep learning to generate large-scale vegetation height maps in a cost-effective way. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of these methods for operational application in Switzerland. We generate annual, countrywide vegetation height maps at a 10-meter ground sampling distance for the years 2017 to 2020 based on Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. In comparison to previous works, we conduct a large-scale and detailed stratified analysis against a precise Airborne Laser Scanning reference dataset. This stratified analysis reveals a close relationship between the model accuracy and the topology, especially slope and aspect. We assess the potential of deep learning-derived height maps for change detection and find that these maps can indicate changes as small as 250 m2m^2. Larger-scale changes caused by a winter storm are detected with an F1-score of 0.77. Our results demonstrate that vegetation height maps computed from satellite imagery with deep learning are a valuable, complementary, cost-effective source of evidence to increase the temporal resolution for national forest assessments

    Mapping forest age using National Forest Inventory, airborne laser scanning, and Sentinel-2 data

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    The age of forest stands is critical information for many aspects of forest management and conservation but area-wide information about forest stand age often does not exist. In this study, we developed regression models for large-scale area-wide prediction of age in Norwegian forests. For model development we used more than 4800 plots of the Norwegian National Forest Inventory (NFI) distributed over Norway between 58{\deg} and 65{\deg} northern latitude in a 181,773 km2 study area. Predictor variables were based on airborne laser scanning (ALS), Sentinel-2, and existing public map data. We performed model validation on an independent data set consisting of 63 spruce stands with known age. The best modelling strategy was to fit independent linear regression models to each observed site index (SI) level and using a SI prediction map in the application of the models. The most important predictor variable was an upper percentile of the ALS heights, and root-mean-squared-errors (RMSE) ranged between 3 and 31 years (6% to 26%) for SI-specific models, and 21 years (25%) on average. Mean deviance (MD) ranged between -1 and 3 years. The models improved with increasing SI and the RMSE were largest for low SI stands older than 100 years. Using a mapped SI, which is required for practical applications, RMSE and MD on plot-level ranged from 19 to 56 years (29% to 53%), and 5 to 37 years (5% to 31%), respectively. For the validation stands, the RMSE and MD were 12 (22%) and 2 years (3%). Tree height estimated from airborne laser scanning and predicted site index were the most important variables in the models describing age. Overall, we obtained good results, especially for stands with high SI, that could be considered for practical applications but see considerable potential for improvements, if better SI maps were available

    Global canopy height regression and uncertainty estimation from GEDI LIDAR waveforms with deep ensembles

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    NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) is a key climate mission whose goal is to advance our understanding of the role of forests in the global carbon cycle. While GEDI is the first space-based LIDAR explicitly optimized to measure vertical forest structure predictive of aboveground biomass, the accurate interpretation of this vast amount of waveform data across the broad range of observational and environmental conditions is challenging. Here, we present a novel supervised machine learning approach to interpret GEDI waveforms and regress canopy top height globally. We propose a probabilistic deep learning approach based on an ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to avoid the explicit modelling of unknown effects, such as atmospheric noise. The model learns to extract robust features that generalize to unseen geographical regions and, in addition, yields reliable estimates of predictive uncertainty. Ultimately, the global canopy top height estimates produced by our model have an expected RMSE of 2.7 m with low bias

    Trees Outside Forests are an Underestimated Resource in a Country with Low Forest Cover

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    Trees outside forests (TOF) are an underrepresented resource in forest poor nations. As a result of their frequent omission from national forest resource assessments and a lack of readily available very-high-resolution remotely sensed imagery, TOF status and characterization has until now, been unknown. Here, we assess the capacity of openly available 10 m ESA Sentinel constellation satellite imagery for mapping TOF extent at the national level in Bangladesh. In addition, we estimate canopy height for TOF using a TanDEM-X DEM. We map 2,233,578 ha of TOF in Bangladesh with a mean canopy height of 7.3 m. We map 31 and 53% more TOF than existing estimates of TOF and forest, respectively. We find TOF in Bangladesh is nationally fragmented as a consequence of agricultural activity, yet is capable of maintaining connectedness between remaining stands. Now, TOF accounting is feasible at the national scale using readily available datasets, enabling the mainstream inclusion of TOF in national forest resource assessments for other countries.</p

    Deep neural networks with transfer learning for forest variable estimation using sentinel-2 imagery in boreal forest

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    Estimation of forest structural variables is essential to provide relevant insights for public and private stakeholders in forestry and environmental sectors. Airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) enables accurate forest inventory, but it is expensive for large area analyses. Continuously increasing volume of open Earth Observation (EO) imagery from high-resolution (|BIAS%| = 0.8%). We found 3×3 pixels to be the optimal size for the sampling window, and two to three hidden layer DNNs to produce the best results with relatively small improvement to single hidden layer networks. Including CHM features with S2 data and additional features led to reduced relative RMSE (RMSE% = 28.6–30.7%) but increased the absolute value of relative bias (|BIAS%| = 0.9–4.0%). Transfer learning was found to be beneficial mainly with training data sets containing less than 250 field plots. The performance differences of DNN and random forest models were marginal. Our results contribute to improved structural variable estimation performance in boreal forests with the proposed image sampling and input feature concept