3 research outputs found

    JSONoid: Monoid-based Enrichment for Configurable and Scalable Data-Driven Schema Discovery

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    Schema discovery is an important aspect to working with data in formats such as JSON. Unlike relational databases, JSON data sets often do not have associated structural information. Consumers of such datasets are often left to browse through data in an attempt to observe commonalities in structure across documents to construct suitable code for data processing. However, this process is time-consuming and error-prone. Existing distributed approaches to mining schemas present a significant usability advantage as they provide useful metadata for large data sources. However, depending on the data source, ad hoc queries for estimating other properties to help with crafting an efficient data pipeline can be expensive. We propose JSONoid, a distributed schema discovery process augmented with additional metadata in the form of monoid data structures that are easily maintainable in a distributed setting. JSONoid subsumes several existing approaches to distributed schema discovery with similar performance. Our approach also adds significant useful additional information about data values to discovered schemas with linear scalability

    Finding Data Compatibility Bugs with JSON Subschema Checking

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    JSON is a data format used pervasively in web APIs, cloud computing, NoSQL databases, and increasingly also machine learning. To ensure that JSON data is compatible with an application, one can define a JSON schema and use a validator to check data against the schema. However, because validation can happen only once concrete data occurs during an execution, it may detect data compatibility bugs too late or not at all. Examples include evolving the schema for a web API, which may unexpectedly break client applications, or accidentally running a machine learning pipeline on incorrect data. This paper presents a novel way of detecting a class of data compatibility bugs via JSON subschema checking. Subschema checks find bugs before concrete JSON data is available and across all possible data specified by a schema. For example, one can check if evolving a schema would break API clients or if two components of a machine learning pipeline have incompatible expectations about data. Deciding whether one JSON schema is a subschema of another is non-trivial because the JSON Schema specification language is rich. Our key insight to address this challenge is to first reduce the richness of schemas by canonicalizing and simplifying them, and to then reason about the subschema question on simpler schema fragments using type-specific checkers. We apply our subschema checker to thousands of real-world schemas from different domains. In all experiments, the approach is correct whenever it gives an answer (100% precision and correctness), which is the case for most schema pairs (93.5% recall), clearly outperforming the state-of-the-art tool. Moreover, the approach reveals 43 previously unknown bugs in popular software, most of which have already been fixed, showing that JSON subschema checking helps finding data compatibility bugs early

    Counting Types for Massive JSON Datasets

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    International audienceType systems express structural information about data, are human readable and hence crucial for understanding code, and are endowed with a formal deenition that makes them a fundamental tool when proving program properties. Internal data structures of a database store quantitative information about data, information that is essential for optimization purposes, but is not used for documentation or for correctness proofs. In this paper we propose a new idea: raising a part of the quantitative information from the system-level structures to the type level. Our proposal is motivated by the problem of schema inference for massive collections of JSON data, which are nowadays ooen collected from external sources and stored in NoSQL systems without an a-priori schema, which makes a-posteriori schema inference extremely useful. NoSQL systems are oriented towards the management of heterogeneous data, and in this context we claim that quantitative information is important in order to assess the relative weight of diierent variants. We propose a type system where the same collection can be described at diierent levels of abstraction. Diierent abstraction levels are useful for diierent purposes, hence we describe a parametric inference mechanism, where a single parameter speciies the chosen trade-oo between succinctness and precision for the inferred type. is algorithm is designed for massive JSON collection, and hence admits a simple and eecient map-reduce implementation