292 research outputs found

    iABACUS: A Wi-Fi-Based Automatic Bus Passenger Counting System

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    Since the early stages of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), one of the application scenarios that have been affected the most by this new paradigm is mobility. Smart Cities have greatly benefited from the awareness of some people’s habits to develop efficient mobility services. In particular, knowing how people use public transportation services and move throughout urban infrastructure is crucial in several areas, among which the most prominent are tourism and transportation. Indeed, especially for Public Transportation Companies (PTCs), long- and short-term planning of the transit network requires having a thorough knowledge of the flows of passengers in and out vehicles. Thanks to the ubiquitous presence of Internet connections, this knowledge can be easily enabled by sensors deployed on board of public transport vehicles. In this paper, a Wi-Fi-based Automatic Bus pAssenger CoUnting System, named iABACUS, is presented. The objective of iABACUS is to observe and analyze urban mobility by tracking passengers throughout their journey on public transportation vehicles, without the need for them to take any action. Test results proves that iABACUS efficiently detects the number of devices with an active Wi-Fi interface, with an accuracy of 100% in the static case and almost 94% in the dynamic case. In the latter case, there is a random error that only appears when two bus stops are very close to each other

    Automatic Passenger Counting on the Edge via Unsupervised Clustering

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    We present a device- and network-based solution for automatic passnger counting that operates on the edge in real time. The proposed solution consists of a low-cost WiFi scanner device equipped with custom algorithms for dealing with MAC address randomization. Our low-cost scanner is able to capture and analyze 802.11 probe requests emitted by passengers' devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. The device is configured with a Python data-processing pipeline that combines data coming from different types of sensors and processes them on the fly. For the analysis task, we have devised a lightweight version of the DBSCAN algorithm. Our software artifact is designed in a modular way in order to accommodate possible extensions of the pipeline, e.g., either additional filters or data sources. Furthermore, we exploit multi-threading and multi-processing for speeding up the entire computation. The proposed solution has been tested with different types of mobile devices, obtaining promising experimental results. In this paper, we present the key ingredients of our edge computing solution

    Origin–destination matrices from smartphone apps for bus networks

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    The knowledge of passenger flows between each origin–destination (OD) pair is a main requirement in public transport for service planning, design, operation, and monitoring, and is represented by OD matrices. Although they can be determined by traditional approaches (e.g., surveys, ride-check counts, and/or smartcard-based methods), the availability of new technologies and the proliferation of portable devices triggers an emerging interest in building OD matrices from the apps of bus operators. This research proposes the first framework for the estimation of OD matrices on transit networks by processing smartphone app call detail records (SACDRs). The framework is experimentally tested on a sample of 30 workdays of an Italian bus operator. The results are represented by easy-to-read control dashboards based on maps, which help quantify and visualise the OD matrices in the metropolitan area of Cagliari (Italy). The experimentation shows that the framework can properly estimate the number of trips for both origin and destination w.r.t. OD matrices built from household surveys: the mean absolute error is on average lower than five movements for 90% of the origins and 85% of the destinations

    Revisión sistemática de sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS) a través de internet de las cosas (IOT) para problemas de transporte terrestre de pasajeros

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl desarrollo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión sistemática de sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS) a través de internet de las cosas (IOT) para problemas de transporte terrestre de pasajeros, siguiendo la metodología de revisión sistemática de Barbara Kitchenham, definiendo palabras y frases para generar cadenas de busqueda e ir agregando criterios de inclusión y exclusión, en el proceso de búsqueda en bases de datos científicas, con el fin de realizar un análisis cuantitativo, mostrando una caracterización de términos referentes a la investigación.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. PLANIFICACION DE LA REVICION SISTEMATICA. 3. RESULTADOS CONCLUCIONES RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Advancements in Wi-Fi-Based Passenger Counting and Crowd Monitoring: Techniques and Applications

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    The widespread use of personal mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones, created new opportunities for collecting comprehensive data on individual movements within cities while preserving their anonymity. Extensive research focused on turning personal mobile devices into tools for measuring human presence. To protect privacy, the data collected must be anonymous or pseudo-anonymous, leading to the preference for management data. A common approach involves analysing probe requests, which are Wi-Fi protocol messages transmitted by mobile devices while searching for access points. These messages contain media access control (MAC) addresses, which used to be unique identifiers. To safeguard the privacy of smartphone users, the major manufacturers (Google, Apple, and Microsoft) have implemented algorithms that generate random MAC addresses, which change often and unpredictably. This thesis focuses on the problem of fingerprinting Wi-Fi devices based on analysing management messages to overcome previous methods that relied on the MAC address and became obsolete. Detecting messages from the same source allows counting the devices in an area, calculating their permanence, and approximating these metrics with the ones of the humans carrying them. An open dataset of probe requests with labelled data has been designed, built, and used to validate the experiments. The dataset is also provided with guidelines for collecting new data and extending it. Since the dataset contains records of individual devices, the first step of this study was simulating the presence of multiple devices by aggregating multiple records in sets. Many experiments have been conducted to enhance the accuracy of the clustering. The proposed techniques exploit features extracted from individual management messages and from groups of messages called bursts. Moreover, other experiments show what happens when one or more features are split into their components or when the logarithm of their value is used. Before running the algorithm, a feature selection was performed and exploited to improve the accuracy. The clustering methods considered are DBSCAN and OPTICS


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    The importance of data in transportation research has been widely recognized since it plays a crucial role in understanding and analyzing the movement of people, identifying inefficiencies in transportation systems, and developing strategies to improve mobility services. This use of data, known as mobility analysis, involves collecting and analyzing data on transport infrastructure and services, traffic flows, demand, and travel behavior. However, traditional data sources have limitations. The widespread use of mobile devices, such as smartphones, has enabled the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to improve data sources for mobility analysis. Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is a paradigm that uses data from smart devices to provide researchers with more detailed and real-time insights into mobility patterns and behaviors. However, this new data also poses challenges, such as the need to fuse it with other types of information to obtain mobility insights. In this thesis, the primary source of data that is being examined and leveraged is the popularity index of local businesses and points of interest from Google Popular Times (GPT) data. This data has significant potential for mobility analysis as it overcomes limitations of traditional mobility data, such as data availability and lack of reflection of demand for secondary activities. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate how crowdsourced data can contribute to reduce the limitations of traditional mobility datasets. This is achieved by developing new tools and methodologies to utilize crowdsourced data in mobility analysis. The thesis first examines the potential of GPT as a source to provide information on the attractiveness of secondary activities. A data-driven approach is used to identify features that impact the popularity of local businesses and classify their attractiveness based on these features. Secondly, the thesis evaluates the possible use of GPT as a source to estimate mobility patterns. A tool is created to use the crowdness of a station to estimate transit demand information and map the precise volume and temporal dynamics of entrances and exits at the station level. Thirdly, the thesis investigates the possibility of leveraging the popularity of activities around stations to estimate flows in and out of stations. A method is proposed to profile stations based on the dynamic information of activities in catchment areas. Through this data, machine learning techniques are used to estimate transit flows at the station level. Finally, this study concludes by exploring the possibility of exploiting crowdsourced data not only for extracting mobility insights under normal conditions but also to extract mobility trends during anomalous events. To this end, we focused on analyzing the recovery of mobility during the first outbreak of COVID-19 for different cities in Europe

    Modelling and optimisation of resource usage in an IoT enabled smart campus

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    University campuses are essentially a microcosm of a city. They comprise diverse facilities such as residences, sport centres, lecture theatres, parking spaces, and public transport stops. Universities are under constant pressure to improve efficiencies while offering a better experience to various stakeholders including students, staff, and visitors. Nonetheless, anecdotal evidence indicates that campus assets are not being utilized efficiently, often due to the lack of data collection and analysis, thereby limiting the ability to make informed decisions on the allocation and management of resources. Advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that can sense and communicate data from the physical world, coupled with data analytics and Artificial intelligence (AI) that can predict usage patterns, have opened up new opportunities for organizations to lower cost and improve user experience. This thesis explores this opportunity via theory and experimentation using UNSW Sydney as a living laboratory. The building blocks of this thesis consist of three pillars of execution, namely, IoT deployment, predictive modelling, and optimization. Together, these components create an end-to-end framework that provides informed decisions to estate manager in regards to the optimal allocation of campus resources. The main contributions of this thesis are three application domains, which lies on top of the execution pillars, defining campus resources as classrooms, car parks, and transit buses. Specifically, our contributions are: i) We evaluate several IoT occupancy sensing technologies and instrument 9 lecture halls of varying capacities with the most appropriate sensing solution. The collected data provides us with insights into attendance patterns, such as cancelled lectures and class tests, of over 250 courses. We then develop predictive models using machine learning algorithms and quantile regression technique to predict future attendance patterns. Finally, we propose an intelligent optimisation model that allows allocations of classes to rooms based on the dynamics of predicted attendance as opposed to static enrolment number. We show that the data-driven assignment of classroom resources can achieve a potential saving in room cost of over 10\% over the course of a semester, while incurring a very low risk of disrupting student experience due to classroom overflow; ii) We instrument a car park with IoT sensors for real-time monitoring of parking demand and comprehensively analyse the usage data spanning over 15 months. We then develop machine learning models to forecast future parking demand at multiple forecast horizons ranging from 1 day to 10 weeks, our models achieve a mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.58 cars per hour. Finally, we propose a novel optimal allocation framework that allows campus manager to re-dimension the car park to accommodate new paradigms of car use while minimizing the risk of rejecting users and maintaining a certain level of revenue from the parking infrastructure; iii) We develop sensing technology for measuring an outdoor orderly queue using ultrasonic sensor and LoRaWAN, and deploy the solution at an on campus bus stop. Our solution yields a reasonable accuracy with MAE of 10.7 people for detecting a queue length of up to 100 people. We then develop an optimisation model to reschedule bus dispatch times based on the actual dynamics of passenger demand. The result suggests that a potential wait time reduction of 42.93% can be achieved with demand-driven bus scheduling. Taken together, our contributions demonstrates that there are significant resource efficiency gains to be realised in a smart-campus that employs IoT sensing coupled with predictive modelling and dynamic optimisation algorithms

    Modelling and optimisation of resource usage in an IoT enabled smart campus

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    University campuses are essentially a microcosm of a city. They comprise diverse facilities such as residences, sport centres, lecture theatres, parking spaces, and public transport stops. Universities are under constant pressure to improve efficiencies while offering a better experience to various stakeholders including students, staff, and visitors. Nonetheless, anecdotal evidence indicates that campus assets are not being utilized efficiently, often due to the lack of data collection and analysis, thereby limiting the ability to make informed decisions on the allocation and management of resources. Advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that can sense and communicate data from the physical world, coupled with data analytics and Artificial intelligence (AI) that can predict usage patterns, have opened up new opportunities for organizations to lower cost and improve user experience. This thesis explores this opportunity via theory and experimentation using UNSW Sydney as a living laboratory. The building blocks of this thesis consist of three pillars of execution, namely, IoT deployment, predictive modelling, and optimization. Together, these components create an end-to-end framework that provides informed decisions to estate manager in regards to the optimal allocation of campus resources. The main contributions of this thesis are three application domains, which lies on top of the execution pillars, defining campus resources as classrooms, car parks, and transit buses. Specifically, our contributions are: i) We evaluate several IoT occupancy sensing technologies and instrument 9 lecture halls of varying capacities with the most appropriate sensing solution. The collected data provides us with insights into attendance patterns, such as cancelled lectures and class tests, of over 250 courses. We then develop predictive models using machine learning algorithms and quantile regression technique to predict future attendance patterns. Finally, we propose an intelligent optimisation model that allows allocations of classes to rooms based on the dynamics of predicted attendance as opposed to static enrolment number. We show that the data-driven assignment of classroom resources can achieve a potential saving in room cost of over 10\% over the course of a semester, while incurring a very low risk of disrupting student experience due to classroom overflow; ii) We instrument a car park with IoT sensors for real-time monitoring of parking demand and comprehensively analyse the usage data spanning over 15 months. We then develop machine learning models to forecast future parking demand at multiple forecast horizons ranging from 1 day to 10 weeks, our models achieve a mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.58 cars per hour. Finally, we propose a novel optimal allocation framework that allows campus manager to re-dimension the car park to accommodate new paradigms of car use while minimizing the risk of rejecting users and maintaining a certain level of revenue from the parking infrastructure; iii) We develop sensing technology for measuring an outdoor orderly queue using ultrasonic sensor and LoRaWAN, and deploy the solution at an on campus bus stop. Our solution yields a reasonable accuracy with MAE of 10.7 people for detecting a queue length of up to 100 people. We then develop an optimisation model to reschedule bus dispatch times based on the actual dynamics of passenger demand. The result suggests that a potential wait time reduction of 42.93% can be achieved with demand-driven bus scheduling. Taken together, our contributions demonstrates that there are significant resource efficiency gains to be realised in a smart-campus that employs IoT sensing coupled with predictive modelling and dynamic optimisation algorithms

    Privacy-Friendly Mobility Analytics using Aggregate Location Data

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    Location data can be extremely useful to study commuting patterns and disruptions, as well as to predict real-time traffic volumes. At the same time, however, the fine-grained collection of user locations raises serious privacy concerns, as this can reveal sensitive information about the users, such as, life style, political and religious inclinations, or even identities. In this paper, we study the feasibility of crowd-sourced mobility analytics over aggregate location information: users periodically report their location, using a privacy-preserving aggregation protocol, so that the server can only recover aggregates -- i.e., how many, but not which, users are in a region at a given time. We experiment with real-world mobility datasets obtained from the Transport For London authority and the San Francisco Cabs network, and present a novel methodology based on time series modeling that is geared to forecast traffic volumes in regions of interest and to detect mobility anomalies in them. In the presence of anomalies, we also make enhanced traffic volume predictions by feeding our model with additional information from correlated regions. Finally, we present and evaluate a mobile app prototype, called Mobility Data Donors (MDD), in terms of computation, communication, and energy overhead, demonstrating the real-world deployability of our techniques.Comment: Published at ACM SIGSPATIAL 201