8,546 research outputs found

    Counting Intersecting and Pairs of Cross-Intersecting Families

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    A family of subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots,n\} is called {\it intersecting} if any two of its sets intersect. A classical result in extremal combinatorics due to Erd\H{o}s, Ko, and Rado determines the maximum size of an intersecting family of kk-subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots, n\}. In this paper we study the following problem: how many intersecting families of kk-subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots, n\} are there? Improving a result of Balogh, Das, Delcourt, Liu, and Sharifzadeh, we determine this quantity asymptotically for n2k+2+2klogkn\ge 2k+2+2\sqrt{k\log k} and kk\to \infty. Moreover, under the same assumptions we also determine asymptotically the number of {\it non-trivial} intersecting families, that is, intersecting families for which the intersection of all sets is empty. We obtain analogous results for pairs of cross-intersecting families

    On the number of maximal intersecting k-uniform families and further applications of Tuza's set pair method

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    We study the function M(n,k)M(n,k) which denotes the number of maximal kk-uniform intersecting families F([n]k)F\subseteq \binom{[n]}{k}. Improving a bound of Balogh at al. on M(n,k)M(n,k), we determine the order of magnitude of logM(n,k)\log M(n,k) by proving that for any fixed kk, M(n,k)=nΘ((2kk))M(n,k) =n^{\Theta(\binom{2k}{k})} holds. Our proof is based on Tuza's set pair approach. The main idea is to bound the size of the largest possible point set of a cross-intersecting system. We also introduce and investigate some related functions and parameters.Comment: 11 page

    Some New Bounds For Cover-Free Families Through Biclique Cover

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    An (r,w;d)(r,w;d) cover-free family (CFF)(CFF) is a family of subsets of a finite set such that the intersection of any rr members of the family contains at least dd elements that are not in the union of any other ww members. The minimum number of elements for which there exists an (r,w;d)CFF(r,w;d)-CFF with tt blocks is denoted by N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). In this paper, we show that the value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) is equal to the dd-biclique covering number of the bipartite graph It(r,w)I_t(r,w) whose vertices are all ww- and rr-subsets of a tt-element set, where a ww-subset is adjacent to an rr-subset if their intersection is empty. Next, we introduce some new bounds for N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). For instance, we show that for rwr\geq w and r2r\geq 2 N((r,w;1),t)c(r+ww+1)+(r+w1w+1)+3(r+w4w2)logrlog(tw+1), N((r,w;1),t) \geq c{{r+w\choose w+1}+{r+w-1 \choose w+1}+ 3 {r+w-4 \choose w-2} \over \log r} \log (t-w+1), where cc is a constant satisfies the well-known bound N((r,1;1),t)cr2logrlogtN((r,1;1),t)\geq c\frac{r^2}{\log r}\log t. Also, we determine the exact value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) for some values of dd. Finally, we show that N((1,1;d),4d1)=4d1N((1,1;d),4d-1)=4d-1 whenever there exists a Hadamard matrix of order 4d

    Cross-intersecting families and primitivity of symmetric systems

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    Let XX be a finite set and p2X\mathfrak p\subseteq 2^X, the power set of XX, satisfying three conditions: (a) p\mathfrak p is an ideal in 2X2^X, that is, if ApA\in \mathfrak p and BAB\subset A, then BpB\in \mathfrak p; (b) For A2XA\in 2^X with A2|A|\geq 2, ApA\in \mathfrak p if {x,y}p\{x,y\}\in \mathfrak p for any x,yAx,y\in A with xyx\neq y; (c) {x}p\{x\}\in \mathfrak p for every xXx\in X. The pair (X,p)(X,\mathfrak p) is called a symmetric system if there is a group Γ\Gamma transitively acting on XX and preserving the ideal p\mathfrak p. A family {A1,A2,,Am}2X\{A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_m\}\subseteq 2^X is said to be a cross-p\mathfrak{p}-family of XX if {a,b}p\{a, b\}\in \mathfrak{p} for any aAia\in A_i and bAjb\in A_j with iji\neq j. We prove that if (X,p)(X,\mathfrak p) is a symmetric system and {A1,A2,,Am}2X\{A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_m\}\subseteq 2^X is a cross-p\mathfrak{p}-family of XX, then i=1mAi{Xif mXα(X,p),mα(X,p)if mXα(X,p),\sum_{i=1}^m|{A}_i|\leq\left\{ \begin{array}{cl} |X| & \hbox{if $m\leq \frac{|X|}{\alpha(X,\, \mathfrak p)}$,} \\ m\, \alpha(X,\, \mathfrak p) & \hbox{if $m\geq \frac{|X|}{\alpha{(X,\, \mathfrak p)}}$,} \end{array}\right. where α(X,p)=max{A:Ap}\alpha(X,\, \mathfrak p)=\max\{|A|:A\in\mathfrak p\}. This generalizes Hilton's theorem on cross-intersecting families of finite sets, and provides analogs for cross-tt-intersecting families of finite sets, finite vector spaces and permutations, etc. Moreover, the primitivity of symmetric systems is introduced to characterize the optimal families.Comment: 15 page

    On Mubayi's Conjecture and conditionally intersecting sets

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    Mubayi's Conjecture states that if F\mathcal{F} is a family of kk-sized subsets of [n]={1,,n}[n] = \{1,\ldots,n\} which, for kd2k \geq d \geq 2, satisfies A1AdA_1 \cap\cdots\cap A_d \neq \emptyset whenever A1Ad2k|A_1 \cup\cdots\cup A_d| \leq 2k for all distinct sets A1,,AdFA_1,\ldots,A_d \in\mathcal{F}, then F(n1k1)|\mathcal{F}|\leq \binom{n-1}{k-1}, with equality occurring only if F\mathcal{F} is the family of all kk-sized subsets containing some fixed element. This paper proves that Mubayi's Conjecture is true for all families that are invariant with respect to shifting; indeed, these families satisfy a stronger version of Mubayi's Conjecture. Relevant to the conjecture, we prove a fundamental bijective duality between (i,j)(i,j)-unstable families and (j,i)(j,i)-unstable families. Generalising previous intersecting conditions, we introduce the (d,s,t)(d,s,t)-conditionally intersecting condition for families of sets and prove general results thereon. We conjecture on the size and extremal structures of families F([n]k)\mathcal{F}\in\binom{[n]}{k} that are (d,2k)(d,2k)-conditionally intersecting but which are not intersecting, and prove results related to this conjecture. We prove fundamental theorems on two (d,s)(d,s)-conditionally intersecting families that generalise previous intersecting families, and we pose an extension of a previous conjecture by Frankl and F\"uredi on (3,2k1)(3,2k-1)-conditionally intersecting families. Finally, we generalise a classical result by Erd\H{o}s, Ko and Rado by proving tight upper bounds on the size of (2,s)(2,s)-conditionally intersecting families F2[n]\mathcal{F}\subseteq 2^{[n]} and by characterising the families that attain these bounds. We extend this theorem for certain parametres as well as for sufficiently large families with respect to (2,s)(2,s)-conditionally intersecting families F2[n]\mathcal{F}\subseteq 2^{[n]} whose members have at most a fixed number uu members