4,169 research outputs found

    Counting curves over finite fields

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    This is a survey on recent results on counting of curves over finite fields. It reviews various results on the maximum number of points on a curve of genus g over a finite field of cardinality q, but the main emphasis is on results on the Euler characteristic of the cohomology of local systems on moduli spaces of curves of low genus and its implications for modular forms.Comment: 25 pages, to appear in Finite Fields and their Application

    On the cyclicity of the rational points group of abelian varieties over finite fields

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    We propose a simple criterion to know if an abelian variety AA defined over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q is cyclic, i.e., it has a cyclic group of rational points; this criterion is based on the endomorphism ring EndFq(A)_{\mathbb{F}_q}(A). We also provide a criterion to know if an isogeny class is cyclic, i.e., all its varieties are cyclic; this criterion is based on the characteristic polynomial of the isogeny class. We find some asymptotic lower bounds on the fraction of cyclic Fq\mathbb{F}_q-isogeny classes among certain families of them, when qq tends to infinity. Some of these bounds require an additional hypothesis. In the case of surfaces, we prove that this hypothesis is achieved and, over all Fq\mathbb{F}_q-isogeny classes with endomorphism algebra being a field and where qq is an even power of a prime, we prove that the one with maximal number of rational points is cyclic and ordinary.Comment: 13 pages, this is a preliminary version, comments are welcom

    Hypergeometric Functions over Finite Fields and their relations to Algebraic Curves

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    In this work we present an explicit relation between the number of points on a family of algebraic curves over \F_{q} and sums of values of certain hypergeometric functions over \F_{q}. Moreover, we show that these hypergeometric functions can be explicitly related to the roots of the zeta function of the curve over \F_{q} in some particular cases. A general conjecture relating these last two is presented and advances toward its proof are shown in the last section.Comment: 24 page

    Counting points on curves over families in polynomial time

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    This note concerns the theoretical algorithmic problem of counting rational points on curves over finite fields. It explicates how the algorithmic scheme introduced by Schoof and generalized by the author yields an algorithm whose running time is uniformly polynomial time for curves in families.Comment: 7 page

    Maps between curves and arithmetic obstructions

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    Let X and Y be curves over a finite field. In this article we explore methods to determine whether there is a rational map from Y to X by considering L-functions of certain covers of X and Y and propose a specific family of covers to address the special case of determining when X and Y are isomorphic. We also discuss an application to factoring polynomials over finite fields.Comment: 8 page

    Counting abelian varieties over finite fields via Frobenius densities

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    Let [X,λ][X,\lambda] be a principally polarized abelian variety over a finite field with commutative endomorphism ring; further suppose that either XX is ordinary or the field is prime. Motivated by an equidistribution heuristic, we introduce a factor νv([X,λ])\nu_v([X,\lambda]) for each place vv of Q\mathbb Q, and show that the product of these factors essentially computes the size of the isogeny class of [X,λ][X,\lambda]. The derivation of this mass formula depends on a formula of Kottwitz and on analysis of measures on the group of symplectic similitudes, and in particular does not rely on a calculation of class numbers.Comment: Main text by Achter, Altug and Gordon; appendix by Li and Ru