14,312 research outputs found

    The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

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    We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent uses a powerful feature space representation in the form of an echo state network, the output of which is made available to a direct, recurrent reinforcement learning agent. The agent learns to trade the XBTUSD (Bitcoin versus US Dollars) perpetual swap derivatives contract on BitMEX on an intraday basis. By learning from the multiple sources of impact on the quadratic risk-adjusted utility that it seeks to maximise, the agent avoids excessive over-trading, captures a funding profit, and can predict the market’s direction. Overall, our crypto agent realises a total return of 350%, net of transaction costs, over roughly five years, 71% of which is down to funding profit. The annualised information ratio that it achieves is 1.46

    Adaptive value-at-risk policy optimization: a deep reinforcement learning approach for minimizing the capital charge

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    In 1995, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision emitted an amendment to the first Basel Accord, allowing financial institutions to develop internal risk models, based on the value-at-risk (VaR), as opposed to using the regulator’s predefined model. From that point onwards, the scientific community has focused its efforts on improving the accuracy of the VaR models to reduce the capital requirements stipulated by the regulatory framework. In contrast, some authors proposed that the key towards disclosure optimization would not lie in improving the existing models, but in manipulating the estimated value. The most recent progress in this field employed dynamic programming (DP), based on Markov decision processes (MDPs), to create a daily report policy. However, the use of dynamic programming carries heavy costs for the solution; not only does the algorithm require an explicit transition probability matrix, the high computational storage requirements and inability to operate in continuous MDPs demand simplifying the problem. The purpose of this work is to introduce deep reinforcement learning as an alternative to solving problems characterized by a complex or continuous MDP. To this end, the author benchmarks the DP generated policy with one generated via proximal policy optimization. In conclusion, and despite the small number of employed learning iterations, the algorithm showcased a strong convergence with the optimal policy, allowing for the methodology to be used on the unrestricted problem, without incurring in simplifications such as action and state discretization.Em 1995 foi emitida uma adenda ao Acordo de Basileia vigente, o Basileia I, que permitiu que as instituições financeiras optassem por desenvolver modelos internos de medição de risco, tendo por base o value-at-risk (VaR), ao invés de recorrer ao modelo estipulado pelo regulador. Desde então, a comunidade científica focou os seus esforços na melhoria da precisão dos modelos de VaR procurando assim reduzir os requisitos de capital definidos na regulamentação. No entanto, alguns autores propuseram que a chave para a optimização do reporte não estaria na melhoria dos modelos existentes, mas na manipulação do valor estimado. O progresso mais recente recorreu ao uso de programação dinâmica (DP), baseada em processos de decisão de Markov (MDP) para atingir este fim, criando uma regra de reporte diária. No entanto, o uso de DP acarreta custos para a solução, uma vez que por um lado, o algoritmo requer uma matriz de probabilidades de transição definida, e por outro, os elevados requisitos de armazenamento computacional e incapacidade de lidar com processos de decisão de Markov (MDP) contínuos, exigem a simplificação do problema em questão. Este trabalho visa introduzir "deep reinforcement learning" como uma alternativa a problemas caracterizados por um MDP contínuo ou complexo. Para o efeito, é realizado um "benchmarking" com a "policy" criada por programação dinâmica, recorrendo ao algoritmo "proximal policy optimization". Em suma, e apesar do reduzido montante de iterações empregue, o algoritmo demonstrou fortes capacidades de convergência com a solução óptima, podendo ser empregue na estimativa do problema sem incorrer em simplificações