99 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Multirate Systems in Cognitive Radios

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    Theory and design of a class of cosine-modulated non-uniform filter banks

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    In this paper, the theory and design of a class of PR cosine-modulated nonuniform filter bank is proposed. It is based on a structure previously proposed by Cox, where the outputs of a uniform filter bank is combined or merged by means of the synthesis section of another filter bank with smaller channel number. Simplifications are imposed on this structure so that the design procedure can be considerably simplified. Due to the use of CMFB as the original and recombination filter banks, excellent filter quality and low design and implementation complexities can be achieved. Problems with these merging techniques such as spectrum inversion, equivalent filter representations and protrusion cancellation are also addressed. As the merging is performed after the decimation, the arithmetic complexity is lower than other conventional approaches. Design examples show that PR nonuniform filter banks with high stopband attenuation and low design and implementation complexities can be obtained by the proposed method.published_or_final_versio

    Cyclic LTI systems in digital signal processing

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    Cyclic signal processing refers to situations where all the time indices are interpreted modulo some integer L. In such cases, the frequency domain is defined as a uniform discrete grid (as in L-point DFT). This offers more freedom in theoretical as well as design aspects. While circular convolution has been the centerpiece of many algorithms in signal processing for decades, such freedom, especially from the viewpoint of linear system theory, has not been studied in the past. In this paper, we introduce the fundamentals of cyclic multirate systems and filter banks, presenting several important differences between the cyclic and noncyclic cases. Cyclic systems with allpass and paraunitary properties are studied. The paraunitary interpolation problem is introduced, and it is shown that the interpolation does not always succeed. State-space descriptions of cyclic LTI systems are introduced, and the notions of reachability and observability of state equations are revisited. It is shown that unlike in traditional linear systems, these two notions are not related to the system minimality in a simple way. Throughout the paper, a number of open problems are pointed out from the perspective of the signal processor as well as the system theorist

    Non-uniform filter banks based on a multi-prototype cosine modulation

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    Channelization for Multi-Standard Software-Defined Radio Base Stations

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    As the number of radio standards increase and spectrum resources come under more pressure, it becomes ever less efficient to reserve bands of spectrum for exclusive use by a single radio standard. Therefore, this work focuses on channelization structures compatible with spectrum sharing among multiple wireless standards and dynamic spectrum allocation in particular. A channelizer extracts independent communication channels from a wideband signal, and is one of the most computationally expensive components in a communications receiver. This work specifically focuses on non-uniform channelizers suitable for multi-standard Software-Defined Radio (SDR) base stations in general and public mobile radio base stations in particular. A comprehensive evaluation of non-uniform channelizers (existing and developed during the course of this work) shows that parallel and recombined variants of the Generalised Discrete Fourier Transform Modulated Filter Bank (GDFT-FB) represent the best trade-off between computational load and flexibility for dynamic spectrum allocation. Nevertheless, for base station applications (with many channels) very high filter orders may be required, making the channelizers difficult to physically implement. To mitigate this problem, multi-stage filtering techniques are applied to the GDFT-FB. It is shown that these multi-stage designs can significantly reduce the filter orders and number of operations required by the GDFT-FB. An alternative approach, applying frequency response masking techniques to the GDFT-FB prototype filter design, leads to even bigger reductions in the number of coefficients, but computational load is only reduced for oversampled configurations and then not as much as for the multi-stage designs. Both techniques render the implementation of GDFT-FB based non-uniform channelizers more practical. Finally, channelization solutions for some real-world spectrum sharing use cases are developed before some final physical implementation issues are considered

    Orthonormal and biorthonormal filter banks as convolvers, and convolutional coding gain

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    Convolution theorems for filter bank transformers are introduced. Both uniform and nonuniform decimation ratios are considered, and orthonormal as well as biorthonormal cases are addressed. All the theorems are such that the original convolution reduces to a sum of shorter, decoupled convolutions in the subbands. That is, there is no need to have cross convolution between subbands. For the orthonormal case, expressions for optimal bit allocation and the optimized coding gain are derived. The contribution to coding gain comes partly from the nonuniformity of the signal spectrum and partly from nonuniformity of the filter spectrum. With one of the convolved sequences taken to be the unit pulse function,,e coding gain expressions reduce to those for traditional subband and transform coding. The filter-bank convolver has about the same computational complexity as a traditional convolver, if the analysis bank has small complexity compared to the convolution itself

    Periodically nonuniform sampling of bandpass signals

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    It is known that a continuous time signal x(i) with Fourier transform X(ν) band-limited to |ν|<Θ/2 can be reconstructed from its samples x(T0n) with T0=2π/Θ. In the case that X(ν) consists of two bands and is band-limited to ν0<|ν|<ν0 +Θ/2, successful reconstruction of x(t) from x(T0n) requires an additional condition on the band positions. When the two bands are not located properly, Kohlenberg showed that we can use two sets of uniform samples, x(2T0n) and x(2T0n+d1), with average sampling period T0, to recover x(t). Because two sets of uniform samples are employed, this sampling scheme is called Periodically Nonuniform Sampling of second order [PNS(2)]. In this paper, we show that PNS(2) can be generalized and applied to a wider class. Also, Periodically Nonuniform Sampling of Lth-order [PNS(L)] will be developed and used to recover a broader class of band-limited signal. Further generalizations will be made to the two-dimensional case and discrete time case

    Computation of the para-pseudoinverse for oversampled filter banks: Forward and backward Greville formulas

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Frames and oversampled filter banks have been extensively studied over the past few years due to their increased design freedom and improved error resilience. In frame expansions, the least square signal reconstruction operator is called the dual frame, which can be obtained by choosing the synthesis filter bank as the para-pseudoinverse of the analysis bank. In this paper, we study the computation of the dual frame by exploiting the Greville formula, which was originally derived in 1960 to compute the pseudoinverse of a matrix when a new row is appended. Here, we first develop the backward Greville formula to handle the case of row deletion. Based on the forward Greville formula, we then study the computation of para-pseudoinverse for extended filter banks and Laplacian pyramids. Through the backward Greville formula, we investigate the frame-based error resilient transmission over erasure channels. The necessary and sufficient condition for an oversampled filter bank to be robust to one erasure channel is derived. A postfiltering structure is also presented to implement the para-pseudoinverse when the transform coefficients in one subband are completely lost