88 research outputs found

    Curves, Jacobians, and Cryptography

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    The main purpose of this paper is to give an overview over the theory of abelian varieties, with main focus on Jacobian varieties of curves reaching from well-known results till to latest developments and their usage in cryptography. In the first part we provide the necessary mathematical background on abelian varieties, their torsion points, Honda-Tate theory, Galois representations, with emphasis on Jacobian varieties and hyperelliptic Jacobians. In the second part we focus on applications of abelian varieties on cryptography and treating separately, elliptic curve cryptography, genus 2 and 3 cryptography, including Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, index calculus in Picard groups, isogenies of Jacobians via correspondences and applications to discrete logarithms. Several open problems and new directions are suggested.Comment: 66 page

    p-adic Difference-Difference Lotka-Volterra Equation and Ultra-Discrete Limit

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    In this article, we have studied the difference-difference Lotka-Volterra equations in p-adic number space and its p-adic valuation version. We pointed out that the structure of the space given by taking the ultra-discrete limit is the same as that of the pp-adic valuation space.Comment: AMS-Tex Use. Title change

    Counting Points on Genus 2 Curves with Real Multiplication

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    We present an accelerated Schoof-type point-counting algorithm for curves of genus 2 equipped with an efficiently computable real multiplication endomorphism. Our new algorithm reduces the complexity of genus 2 point counting over a finite field (\F_{q}) of large characteristic from (\widetilde{O}(\log^8 q)) to (\widetilde{O}(\log^5 q)). Using our algorithm we compute a 256-bit prime-order Jacobian, suitable for cryptographic applications, and also the order of a 1024-bit Jacobian

    Counting hyperelliptic curves that admit a Koblitz model

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    Let k be a finite field of odd characteristic. We find a closed formula for the number of k-isomorphism classes of pointed, and non-pointed, hyperelliptic curves of genus g over k, admitting a Koblitz model. These numbers are expressed as a polynomial in the cardinality q of k, with integer coefficients (for pointed curves) and rational coefficients (for non-pointed curves). The coefficients depend on g and the set of divisors of q-1 and q+1. These formulas show that the number of hyperelliptic curves of genus g suitable (in principle) of cryptographic applications is asymptotically (1-e^{-1})2q^{2g-1}, and not 2q^{2g-1} as it was believed. The curves of genus g=2 and g=3 are more resistant to the attacks to the DLP; for these values of g the number of curves is respectively (91/72)q^3+O(q^2) and (3641/2880)q^5+O(q^4)

    Counting points on genus-3 hyperelliptic curves with explicit real multiplication

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    We propose a Las Vegas probabilistic algorithm to compute the zeta function of a genus-3 hyperelliptic curve defined over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q, with explicit real multiplication by an order Z[η]\mathbb Z[\eta] in a totally real cubic field. Our main result states that this algorithm requires an expected number of O~((logq)6)\widetilde O((\log q)^6) bit-operations, where the constant in the O~()\widetilde O() depends on the ring Z[η]\mathbb Z[\eta] and on the degrees of polynomials representing the endomorphism η\eta. As a proof-of-concept, we compute the zeta function of a curve defined over a 64-bit prime field, with explicit real multiplication by Z[2cos(2π/7)]\mathbb Z[2\cos(2\pi/7)].Comment: Proceedings of the ANTS-XIII conference (Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium

    Computing isogenies between Abelian Varieties

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    47 pagesInternational audienceWe describe an efficient algorithm for the computation of isogenies between abelian varieties represented in the coordinate system provided by algebraic theta functions. We explain how to compute all the isogenies from an abelian variety whose kernel is isomorphic to a given abstract group. We also describe an analog of Vélu's formulas to compute an isogenis with prescribed kernels. All our algorithms rely in an essential manner on a generalization of the Riemann formulas. In order to improve the efficiency of our algorithms, we introduce a point compression algorithm that represents a point of level 44\ell of a gg dimensional abelian variety using only g(g+1)/24gg(g+1)/2\cdot 4^g coordinates. We also give formulas to compute the Weil and commutator pairing given input points in theta coordinates. All the algorithms presented in this paper work in general for any abelian variety defined over a field of odd characteristic

    Computational tools for quadratic Chabauty

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    http://math.bu.edu/people/jbala/2020BalakrishnanMuellerNotes.pdfhttp://math.bu.edu/people/jbala/2020BalakrishnanMuellerNotes.pdfFirst author draf