937 research outputs found

    Semantic Query Reformulation in Social PDMS

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    We consider social peer-to-peer data management systems (PDMS), where each peer maintains both semantic mappings between its schema and some acquaintances, and social links with peer friends. In this context, reformulating a query from a peer's schema into other peer's schemas is a hard problem, as it may generate as many rewritings as the set of mappings from that peer to the outside and transitively on, by eventually traversing the entire network. However, not all the obtained rewritings are relevant to a given query. In this paper, we address this problem by inspecting semantic mappings and social links to find only relevant rewritings. We propose a new notion of 'relevance' of a query with respect to a mapping, and, based on this notion, a new semantic query reformulation approach for social PDMS, which achieves great accuracy and flexibility. To find rapidly the most interesting mappings, we combine several techniques: (i) social links are expressed as FOAF (Friend of a Friend) links to characterize peer's friendship and compact mapping summaries are used to obtain mapping descriptions; (ii) local semantic views are special views that contain information about external mappings; and (iii) gossiping techniques improve the search of relevant mappings. Our experimental evaluation, based on a prototype on top of PeerSim and a simulated network demonstrate that our solution yields greater recall, compared to traditional query translation approaches proposed in the literature.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, query rewriting in PDM

    06431 Abstracts Collection -- Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks

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    From 22.10.06 to 27.10.06, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06431 ``Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Scalable XML Collaborative Editing with Undo short paper

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    Commutative Replicated Data-Type (CRDT) is a new class of algorithms that ensures scalable consistency of replicated data. It has been successfully applied to collaborative editing of texts without complex concurrency control. In this paper, we present a CRDT to edit XML data. Compared to existing approaches for XML collaborative editing, our approach is more scalable and handles all the XML editing aspects : elements, contents, attributes and undo. Indeed, undo is recognized as an important feature for collaborative editing that allows to overcome system complexity through error recovery or collaborative conflict resolution

    Processing Queries in a Large Peer-to-Peer System

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    Abstract. While current search engines seem to easily handle the size of the data available on the Internet, they cannot provide fresh results. The most up-to-date data always resides on the data sources. Efficiently interconnecting data providers, however, is not an easy problem. Peer-to-peer computing is the latest technology to address this problem. However, efficient query processing in peer-to-peer networks remains an open research area. In this paper, we present a performance study of a system that facilitates efficient searches of large numbers of independent data providers on the Internet. In our scenario, each data provider becomes an autonomous node in a large peer-to-peer system. Using small indices on each node, we can efficiently direct queries submitted on any node to the relevant sources. Experiments with a large peer-to-peer network demonstrate the feasibility of our approach.

    Mobile Databases: a Selection of Open Issues and Research Directions

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    International audienceThis paper reports on the main results of a specific action on mobile databases conducted by CNRS in France from October 2001 to December 2002. The objective of this action was to review the state of progress in mobile databases and identify major research directions for the French database community. Rather than provide a survey of all important issues in mobile databases, this paper gives an outline of the directions in which the action participants are now engaged, namely: copy synchronization in disconnected computing, mobile transactions, database embedded in ultra-light devices, data confidentiality, P2P dissemination models and middleware adaptability

    06472 Abstracts Collection - XQuery Implementation Paradigms

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    From 19.11.2006 to 22.11.2006, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06472 ``XQuery Implementation Paradigms'' was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    A Framework for Semantic Gossiping

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    Today the problem of semantic interoperability in information search on the Internet is solved mostly by means of centralization, both at a sys-tem and at a logical level. This approach has been successful to a certain extent. Peer-to-peer systems as a new brand of system architectures indicate that the principle of decentralization might offer new solutions to many problems that scale well to very large numbers of users. In this paper we outline how the peer-to-peer system architectures can be applied to tackle the problem of semantic interoperability in the large, driven in a bottom-up manner by the participat-ing peers. Such a system can readily be used to study semantic interoperability as a global scale phenomenon taking place in a social network of information sharing peers
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