756 research outputs found

    Microwave remote sensing of soil water content

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    Microwave remote sensing of soils to determine water content was considered. A layered water balance model was developed for determining soil water content in the upper zone (top 30 cm), while soil moisture at greater depths and near the surface during the diurnal cycle was studied using experimental measurements. Soil temperature was investigated by means of a simulation model. Based on both models, moisture and temperature profiles of a hypothetical soil were generated and used to compute microwave soil parameters for a clear summer day. The results suggest that, (1) soil moisture in the upper zone can be predicted on a daily basis for 1 cm depth increments, (2) soil temperature presents no problem if surface temperature can be measured with infrared radiometers, and (3) the microwave response of a bare soil is determined primarily by the moisture at and near the surface. An algorithm is proposed for monitoring large areas which combines the water balance and microwave methods

    Determination of Liquefaction Potential Using Dielectric Concept

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    In this paper existing insitu test methods to determine possible liquefaction potential of a site are discussed briefly with their advantages and limitations. Then, resistivity method is presented and showed how both resistivity and dielectric constant can be coped to determine insitu properties of soils such as cementation factor and porosity without disturbing the soil structure by means of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR). A procedure is also presented to obtain both resistivity and dielectric constant of granular soils in the field. It is concluded that the proposed method and procedure is superior to the existing methods

    Muiti-Sensor Historical Climatology of Satellite-Derived Global Land Surface Moisture

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    A historical climatology of continuous satellite derived global land surface soil moisture is being developed. The data set consists of surface soil moisture retrievals from observations of both historical and currently active satellite microwave sensors, including Nimbus-7 SMMR, DMSP SSM/I, TRMM TMI, and AQUA AMSR-E. The data sets span the period from November 1978 through the end of 2006. The soil moisture retrievals are made with the Land Parameter Retrieval Model, a physically-based model which was developed jointly by researchers from the above institutions. These data are significant in that they are the longest continuous data record of observational surface soil moisture at a global scale. Furthermore, while previous reports have intimated that higher frequency sensors such as on SSM/I are unable to provide meaningful information on soil moisture, our results indicate that these sensors do provide highly useful soil moisture data over significant parts of the globe, and especially in critical areas located within the Earth's many arid and semi-arid regions

    Quantitative Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture in Agricultural Landscapes using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging at Different Frequencies and Polarizations

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    Soil moisture and its distribution in space and time plays an important role in the surface energy balance at the soil-atmosphere interface. It is a key variable influencing the partitioning of solar energy into latent and sensible heat flux as well as the partitioning of precipitation into runoff and percolation. Due to their large spatial variability, estimation of spatial patterns of soil moisture from field measurements is difficult and not feasible for large scale analyses. In the past decades, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing has proven its potential to quantitatively estimate near surface soil moisture at high spatial resolutions. Since the knowledge of the basic SAR concepts is important to understand the impact of different natural terrain features on the quantitative estimation of soil moisture and other surface parameters, the fundamental principles of synthetic aperture radar imaging are discussed. Also the two spaceborne SAR missions whose data was used in this study, the ENVISAT of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the ALOS of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), are introduced. Subsequently, the two essential surface properties in the field of radar remote sensing, surface soil moisture and surface roughness are defined, and the established methods of their measurement are described. The in situ data used in this study, as well as the research area, the River Rur catchment, with the individual test sites where the data was collected between 2007 and 2010, are specified. On this basis, the important scattering theories in radar polarimetry are discussed and their application is demonstrated using novel polarimetric ALOS/PALSAR data. A critical review of different classical approaches to invert soil moisture from SAR imaging is provided. Five prevalent models have been chosen with the aim to provide an overview of the evolution of ideas and techniques in the field of soil moisture estimation from active microwave data. As the core of this work, a new semi-empirical model for the inversion of surface soil moisture from dual polarimetric L-band SAR data is introduced. This novel approach utilizes advanced polarimetric decomposition techniques to correct for the disturbing effects from surface roughness and vegetation on the soil moisture retrieval without the use of a priori knowledge. The land use specific algorithms for bare soil, grassland, sugar beet, and winter wheat allow quantitative estimations with accuracies in the order of 4 Vol.-%. Application of remotely sensed soil moisture patterns is demonstrated on the basis of mesoscale SAR data by investigating the variability of soil moisture patterns at different spatial scales ranging from field scale to catchment scale. The results show that the variability of surface soil moisture decreases with increasing wetness states at all scales. Finally, the conclusions from this dissertational research are summarized and future perspectives on how to extend the proposed model by means of improved ground based measurements and upcoming advances in sensor technology are discussed. The results obtained in this thesis lead to the conclusion that state-of-the-art spaceborne dual polarimetric L-band SAR systems are not only suitable to accurately retrieve surface soil moisture contents of bare as well as of vegetated agricultural fields and grassland, but for the first time also allow investigating within-field spatial heterogeneities from space

    SMMR simulator radiative transfer calibration model. 1: Derivation

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Model-Based Evaluation of Signal-to-Clutter Ratio for Landmine Detection Using Ground-Penetrating Radar

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    A regression model is developed in order to estimate in real time the signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR) for landmine detection using ground-penetrating radar. Artificial neural networks are employed in order to express SCR with respect to the soil's properties, the depth of the target, and the central frequency of the pulse. The SCR is synthetically evaluated for a wide range of diverse and controlled scenarios using the finite-difference time-domain method. Fractals are used to describe the geometry of the soil's heterogeneities as well as the roughness of the surface. The dispersive dielectric properties of the soil are expressed with respect to traditionally used soil parameters, namely, sand fraction, clay fraction, water fraction, bulk density, and particle density. Through this approach, a coherent and uniformly distributed training set is created. The overall performance of the resulting nonlinear function is evaluated using scenarios which are not included in the training process. The calculated and the predicted SCR are in good agreement, indicating the validity and the generalization capabilities of the suggested framework

    A Realistic FDTD Numerical Modeling Framework of Ground Penetrating Radar for Landmine Detection

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    A three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm is used in order to simulate ground penetrating radar (GPR) for landmine detection. Two bowtie GPR transducers are chosen for the simulations and two widely employed antipersonnel (AP) landmines, namely PMA-1 and PMN are used. The validity of the modeled antennas and landmines is tested through a comparison between numerical and laboratory measurements. The modeled AP landmines are buried in a realistically simulated soil. The geometrical characteristics of soil's inhomogeneity are modeled using fractal correlated noise, which gives rise to Gaussian semivariograms often encountered in the field. Fractals are also employed in order to simulate the roughness of the soil's surface. A frequency-dependent complex electrical permittivity model is used for the dielectric properties of the soil, which relates both the velocity and the attenuation of the electromagnetic waves with the soil's bulk density, sand particles density, clay fraction, sand fraction, and volumetric water fraction. Debye functions are employed to simulate this complex electrical permittivity. Background features like vegetation and water puddles are also included in the models and it is shown that they can affect the performance of GPR at frequencies used for landmine detection (0.5-3 GHz). It is envisaged that this modeling framework would be useful as a testbed for developing novel GPR signal processing and interpretations procedures and some preliminary results from using it in such a way are presented

    A Study of Effective Soil Compaction Control of Granular Soils

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    Although it is known that impact compaction tests are not appropriate for granular soils, these tests continue to be widely used. Excessive settlements frequently occur in granular soils where specified field compaction is based on Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698; AASHTO T 99) maximum dry unit weights. A laboratory test program evaluated alternative test methods for granular soil compaction control and showed that a Vibrating Hammer method (similar to British Standard BS 1377:1975, Test 14) has great promise for laboratory compaction of these soils. A One-Point Vibrating Hammer test on an oven-dry soil sample is able to provide the maximum dry unit weight and water content range for effective field compaction of most granular soils. The maximum dry unit weight obtained is comparable to that from other current methods such as the Vibrating Table test (ASTM D 4253) and the Modified Proctor test (ASTM D 1557), and is greater than that from the Standard Proctor test (ASTM D 698). The method is applicable to a broader range of soils than current vibratory table compaction tests (up to 35 percent non-plastic fines and up to 15 percent plastic fines). The equipment is relatively inexpensive and is portable enough to be taken into the field. The test is easier and quicker to perform than the other methods mentioned above and provides reproducible and consistent results. Large sized granular soils/aggregates create potential problems for compaction control methods due to the presence of oversize particles. Oversize particles defined here are those retained on a 3/4-inch (19-mm) sieve. INDOT Specification 202.34 (b) 2 requiring correction of densities from laboratory compaction tests on soils with oversized particles is not being used in practice. It is not being followed primarily because guidance is not provided. As a result, the values of maximum dry unit weight from standard compaction tests will be significantly lower than those corrected for oversized particles. This finding may be the biggest reason why granular fills with oversized particles are under- performing. The proposed Vibrating Hammer Method of Compaction specifically addresses the influence of oversize particles. Based on the results from this research, a draft ASTM Standard for the Vibrating Hammer Method of Compaction has been written, is well into the balloting process, and should become an ASTM Standard Method of Test in late 2007 or early 2008. It is included in Appendix A. This report also introduces a simple calibration procedure to verify that the vibrating hammer is supplying sufficient energy to the soil. The Vibrating Hammer Method of Compaction is an alternative method for specifying maximum dry unit weights for granular soils. The method also establishes a water content range for field compaction. This research expands the applicable range of granular soils to those containing oversize particles. An experimental program, along with review of previous compaction research, was carried out to determine the effect of oversize particles on compaction performance. Testing was performed in two sizes of compaction molds, 6- inch and 11-inch, in determining this effect. An oversize correction method was considered for water content and dry density when performing a test in a 6-inch mold with scalping, i.e. removal of oversize particles. Results of an INDOT pilot implementation project used to determine the viability of using the Vibrating Hammer for field compaction are reported. Results indicate that the Vibrating Hammer method is sufficient for use with oversize particles and that maximum dry unit weights may occur at or near saturation

    Advanced Sensors and Applications Study (ASAS)

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    The present EOD requirements for sensors in the space shuttle era are reported with emphasis on those applications which were deemed important enough to warrant separate sections. The application areas developed are: (1) agriculture; (2) atmospheric corrections; (3) cartography; (4) coastal studies; (5) forestry; (6) geology; (7) hydrology; (8) land use; (9) oceanography; and (10) soil moisture. For each application area. The following aspects were covered: (1) specific goals and techniques, (2) individual sensor requirements including types, bands, resolution, etc.; (3) definition of mission requirements, type orbits, coverages, etc.; and (4) discussion of anticipated problem areas and solutions. The remote sensors required for these application areas include; (1) camera systems; (2) multispectral scanners; (3) microwave scatterometers; (4) synthetic aperture radars; (5) microwave radiometers; and (6) vidicons. The emphasis in the remote sensor area was on the evaluation of present technology implications about future systems