4,324 research outputs found

    Reducing Electricity Demand Charge for Data Centers with Partial Execution

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    Data centers consume a large amount of energy and incur substantial electricity cost. In this paper, we study the familiar problem of reducing data center energy cost with two new perspectives. First, we find, through an empirical study of contracts from electric utilities powering Google data centers, that demand charge per kW for the maximum power used is a major component of the total cost. Second, many services such as Web search tolerate partial execution of the requests because the response quality is a concave function of processing time. Data from Microsoft Bing search engine confirms this observation. We propose a simple idea of using partial execution to reduce the peak power demand and energy cost of data centers. We systematically study the problem of scheduling partial execution with stringent SLAs on response quality. For a single data center, we derive an optimal algorithm to solve the workload scheduling problem. In the case of multiple geo-distributed data centers, the demand of each data center is controlled by the request routing algorithm, which makes the problem much more involved. We decouple the two aspects, and develop a distributed optimization algorithm to solve the large-scale request routing problem. Trace-driven simulations show that partial execution reduces cost by 3%10.5%3\%--10.5\% for one data center, and by 15.5%15.5\% for geo-distributed data centers together with request routing.Comment: 12 page

    Probabilistic Performance Testing of Web Applications

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    IT süsteemid muutuvad oma elutsükli vältel järjest keerulisemaks. Veebirakendusi kasutatakse eriti laialt erinevatel eesmärkidel, sest võrgupõhine juurdepääs informatsioonile on väga mugav. Kuid võrgupõhise juurdepääsu juures tekivad mõned probleemid, mida tuleks silmas pidada. Kasutajad eeldavad prognoositavat jõudlust (nt nõuetekohane reaktsiooniaeg), seega teenusepakkujad peavad teadma, kuidas nende süsteem töötab erinevate koormuste all. Selles teesis loome tõhususe analüütilise mudeli ja töötame välja programmi, mis selle lahendab. Antud programm lubab analüüsida veebirakenduste jõudlust ja vastata järgmistele küsimustele: 1)missugune on keskmine süsteemi reaktsiooniaeg? 2)missugune on süsteemi kasutamine üldiselt? Parameetrid programmi jaoks nagu keskmine teenindusaeg, uute taotluste keskmine saabumisaeg, keskmine mõtlemisaeg, on saadud testsüsteemi reaalse koormuse logidest. Jõudluse mudel on välja töötatud Queuing Networksi abil, mis lubab analüüsida süsteemi matemaatiliste valemite abil.Web systems are used widely for reaching different purposes, as remote access to information is very convenient. However, the remote access brings many aspects which should be handled. Users expect predictable performance levels (e.g., acceptable response time), therefore, service providers should know how their system performs under different loading conditions. In this thesis I design an analytical performance model and develop a tool which can solve that model. The tool allows analyzing the performance of web applications and answer the following questions: 1)What is the average response time of the system? 2)What is the utilization of the system as a whole? The input parameters, such as the average service time of transactions, average arrival rate of requests, and the average think time, are estimated from a real workload (of a system under test). The performance model is developed by means of Queuing Networks, a framework which enables the analysis of a system in terms of mathematical formula

    RED-BL: Evaluating dynamic workload relocation for data center networks

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    In this paper, we present RED-BL (Relocate Energy Demand to Better Locations), a framework to minimize the electricity cost for operating data center networks over consecutive intervals of fixed duration. Within each interval, RED-BL provides a mapping of workload to a set of geographically distributed data centers. To this end, RED-BL uses the geographical and temporal variations in electricity prices as exhibited by electrical energy markets. In addition, we incorporate the transition costs associated with a change in workload mapping from one interval to the next, over a planning window comprising multiple such intervals. This results in a sequence of workload mappings that is optimal over the entire planning window, even though the workload mapping in a given interval may not be locally optimal. Our evaluation of RED-BL uses electricity prices from the US markets and workload traces from live Internet applications with millions of users. We find that RED-BL can reduce the electric bill by as much as 45% compared to the case when the workload is uniformly distributed. When compared to existing workload relocation solutions, for a wide range of data center deployment sizes, RED-BL achieves electricity cost savings that are 8.28% higher, on average. This seemingly modest reduction can save millions of dollars for the operators. The cost of this saving is an inexpensive computation at the start of each planning window. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    RHAS: robust hybrid auto-scaling for web applications in cloud computing

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    Heavy-traffic revenue maximization in parallel multiclass queues

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    Motivated by revenue maximization in server farms with admission control, we investigate the optimal scheduling in parallel processor-sharing queues. Incoming customers are distinguished in multiple classes and we define revenue as a weighted sum of class throughputs. Under these assumptions, we describe a heavy-traffic limit for the revenue maximization problem and study the asymptotic properties of the optimization model as the number of clients increases. Our main result is a simple heuristic that is able to provide tight guarantees on the optimality gap of its solutions. In the general case with M queues and R classes, we prove that our heuristic is (1+1M-1)-competitive in heavy-traffic. Experimental results indicate that the proposed heuristic is remarkably accurate, despite its negligible computational costs, both in random instances and using service rates of a web application measured on multiple cloud deployments