2,434 research outputs found

    Performance and Detection of M-ary Frequency Shift Keying in Triple Layer Wireless Sensor Network

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    This paper proposes an innovative triple layer Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system, which monitors M-ary events like temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. with the help of geographically distributed sensors. The sensors convey signals to the fusion centre using M-ary Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK)modulation scheme over independent Rayleigh fading channels. At the fusion centre, detection takes place with the help of Selection Combining (SC) diversity scheme, which assures a simple and economical receiver circuitry. With the aid of various simulations, the performance and efficacy of the system has been analyzed by varying modulation levels, number of local sensors and probability of correct detection by the sensors. The study endeavors to prove that triple layer WSN system is an economical and dependable system capable of correct detection of M-ary events by integrating frequency diversity together with antenna diversity.Comment: 13 pages; International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.4, No.4, July 201

    Non-Coherent Cooperative Communications Dispensing with Channel Estimation Relying on Erasure Insertion Aided Reed-Solomon Coded SFH M-ary FSK Subjected to Partial-Band Interference and Rayleigh Fading

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    The rationale of our design is that although much of the literature of cooperative systems assumes perfect coherent detection, the assumption of having any channel estimates at the relays imposes an unreasonable burden on the relay station. Hence, non-coherently detected Reed-Solomon (ReS) coded Slow Frequency Hopping (SFH) assisted M -ary Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) is proposed for cooperative wireless networks, subjected to both partial-band interference and Rayleigh fading. Erasure insertion (EI) assisted ReS decoding based on the joint maximum output-ratio threshold test (MO-RTT) is investigated in order to evaluate the attainable system performance. Compared to the conventional error-correction-only decoder, the EI scheme may achieve an Eb/N0 gain of approximately 3dB at the Codeword Error Probability, Pw , of 10-4 , when employing the ReS (31, 20) code combined with 32-FSK modulation. Additionally, we evaluated the system’s performance, when either equal gain combining (EGC) or selection combining (SC) techniques are employed at the destination’s receiver. The results demonstrated that in the presence of one and two assisting relays, the EGC scheme achieves gains of 1.5 dB and 1.0 dB at the Pw of 10-6 , respectively, compared to the SC arrangement. Furthermore, we demonstrated that for the same coding rate and packet size, the ReS (31, 20) code using EI decoding is capable of outperforming convolutional coding, when 32-FSK modulation is considered, whilst LDPC coding had an edge over the above two schemes

    Relay Switching Aided Turbo Coded Hybrid-ARQ for Correlated Fading Channel

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    Hybrid-Automatic-Repeat-reQuest (HARQ) has become an indispensable technique in reliable communications systems. However, its performance is inevitably affected by the channel’s fading correlation. In this paper, we proposed a novel relay-switching aided HARQ scheme in order to mitigate the detrimental effects of correlated fading without unduly increasing the system’s complexity and delay. Our results show that the proposed relay-switching regime operates efficiently in correlated channels, hence significantly reduces the error floor of turbo-coded HARQ. Additionally, a HARQ scheme using Segment Selective Repeat (SSR) is incorporated in the relay-switching scheme for achieving further improvements. Quantitatively, the proposed relay-switching aided turbo-coded HARQ scheme using SSR may achieve an approximately 2 dB gain, compared to the conventional amplify-and-forward aided turbo coded HARQ arrangement using Chase Combining. Index Terms - Relay switching, correlated fading channel, Hybrid-ARQ, turbo codes, chase combining, incremental redundancy, selective segment repeat

    Analysis of cyclic delay diversity on DVB-H systems over spatially correlated channel

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    The objective of this work is to research and analyze the performance of Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD) with two transmit antenna on DVB-H systems operating in spatially correlated channel. It is shown in this paper that CDD can achieve desirable transmit diversity gain over uncorrelated channel with or without receiver diversity. However, in reality, the respective signal paths between spatially separated antennas and the mobile receiver is likely to be correlated because of insufficient antenna separation at the transmitter and the lack of scattering effect of the channel. Under this spatially correlated channel, it is apparent that CDD cannot achieve the same diversity gain as obtained under the uncorrelated channel. In this paper, a new upper bound on the pairwise error probability (PEP) of the CDD with spatial correlation of two transmit antennas is derived. The upper bound is used to study the CDD theoretical error performance and diversity gain losses over a generalized spatially correlated Rayleigh channel. This theoretical analysis is validated by the simulation of DVB-H systems with two transmit antennas and the CDD scheme. Both the theoretical and simulated results give the valuable insight that the CDD ability to perform well with a certain amount of channel correlation

    Turbo-Coded Adaptive Modulation Versus Space-Time Trellis Codes for Transmission over Dispersive Channels

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    Decision feedback equalizer (DFE)-aided turbocoded wideband adaptive quadrature amplitude modulation (AQAM) is proposed, which is capable of combating the temporal channel quality variation of fading channels. A procedure is suggested for determining the AQAM switching thresholds and the specific turbo-coding rates capable of maintaining the target bit-error rate while aiming for achieving a highly effective bits per symbol throughput. As a design alternative, we also employ multiple-input/multiple-output DFE-aided space–time trellis codes, which benefit from transmit diversity and hence reduce the temporal channel quality fluctuations. The performance of both systems is characterized and compared when communicating over the COST 207 typical urban wideband fading channel. It was found that the turbo-coded AQAM scheme outperforms the two-transmitter space–time trellis coded system employing two receivers; although, its performance is inferior to the space–time trellis coded arrangement employing three receivers. Index Terms—Coded adaptive modulation, dispersive channels, space–time trellis codes

    Near-Instantaneously Adaptive HSDPA-Style OFDM Versus MC-CDMA Transceivers for WIFI, WIMAX, and Next-Generation Cellular Systems

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    Burts-by-burst (BbB) adaptive high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) style multicarrier systems are reviewed, identifying their most critical design aspects. These systems exhibit numerous attractive features, rendering them eminently eligible for employment in next-generation wireless systems. It is argued that BbB-adaptive or symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modems counteract the near instantaneous channel quality variations and hence attain an increased throughput or robustness in comparison to their fixed-mode counterparts. Although they act quite differently, various diversity techniques, such as Rake receivers and space-time block coding (STBC) are also capable of mitigating the channel quality variations in their effort to reduce the bit error ratio (BER), provided that the individual antenna elements experience independent fading. By contrast, in the presence of correlated fading imposed by shadowing or time-variant multiuser interference, the benefits of space-time coding erode and it is unrealistic to expect that a fixed-mode space-time coded system remains capable of maintaining a near-constant BER

    Indoor off-body wireless communication: static beamforming versus space-time coding

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    The performance of beamforming versus space-time coding using a body-worn textile antenna array is experimentally evaluated for an indoor environment, where a walking rescue worker transmits data in the 2.45 GHz ISM band, relying on a vertical textile four-antenna array integrated into his garment. The two transmission scenarios considered are static beamforming at low-elevation angles and space-time code based transmit diversity. Signals are received by a base station equipped with a horizontal array of four dipole antennas providing spatial receive diversity through maximum-ratio combining. Signal-to-noise ratios, bit error rate characteristics, and signal correlation properties are assessed for both off-body transmission scenarios. Without receiver diversity, the performance of space-time coding is generally better. In case of fourth-order receiver diversity, beamforming is superior in line-of-sight conditions. For non-line-of-sight propagation, the space-time codes perform better as soon as bit error rates are low enough for a reliable data link