1,548 research outputs found

    Construction and Application of Learner Corpus for Chinese Language E-Learning Systems

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3354号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2011/2/23 ; 早大学位記番号:新567

    The Compass, Issue 7

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    Phonological Processing of Japanese Kanji Characters

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the lexical access of Japanese kanji characters, particularly the access of on-readings and kun-readings, which are different pronunciations that kanji may realize in different contexts. A modified Stroop experiment was used, using drawings instead of colors, in which subjects were to call out what they saw in the drawings while ignoring written distractors. The following three conditions were used: 1. A Kunyomi condition, which offered a distractor that is graphically and phonologically identical to the character that represents the object in the drawing, 2. An Onyomi condition, which offered a distractor that is graphically identical but phonologically incongruent, and 3.An Incongruent condition, in which the distractor was both graphically and phonologically incongruent. Subjects were 30 native Japanese speakers attending Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, who had completed at least secondary education in Japan. All subjects should be considered proficient readers of kanji. The following hypotheses were posed: 1. There would not be a significant difference between the Onyomi condition and the Incongruent condition, suggesting a weak role for visual processing in kanji recognition. 2. The Kunyomi condition would be significantly faster than both the Onyomi condition and the Incongruent condition, suggesting a strong role for phonological processing in kanji recognition. These hypotheses were not realized. The Onyomi condition did not demonstrate a significant difference from either the Incongruent condition or the Kun yo mi condition. In fact, though both differences were non-significant, the Onyomi data were more similar to the Kunyomi data than the Incongruent data, contrary to the hypothesis. The fact that the Kunyomi condition was significantly faster than the Incongruent condition suggests that there is a strong role for phonological processing in kanji recognition. Unfortunately, the data suggest nothing statistically concerning visual processing. However, the direction of the data leads one to conjecture that visual processing may also play a role in kanji recognition, though less powerful

    Questions Generated by Japanese Students of English

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    A Bridge for Change: Four Award-Winning Canadian Novels and Their Engagement with National Discourses (1981-2015)

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    Since the Multiculturalism Act of 1971, Canadian literature has resounded with the voices of racially and ethnically marginalized Canadians striving to contribute their own stories and experiences in a country that prides itself on its inclusivity. It is problematic then, when novels that are a part of the Canadian canon or contribute to Canadian cultural capital in some way, offer a narrative that allows integration only to white males. In Michael Ondaatje’s In the Skin of a Lion and Vincent Lam’s Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures, the narratives suggest that whiteness leads to success. Visible minorities in Lam’s novel are forced to assimilate to find success. Ondaatje deals with immigration but explores only the issues white immigrants face. He writes an immigrant success story, troubling in its premise that the only way an immigrant can successfully integrate is through their own merit. In Obasan, Joy Kogawa critiques this “truth” as she explores the ways in which visible minorities are constantly othered. Kogawa writes of the reality of the Japanese internment during World War II in Canada, and so, she depicts the injustices the Canadian government inflicted on its own citizens. André Alexis’s Fifteen Dogs is an apologue where he clearly deals with universal issues such as the perils of human consciousness, but the novel is also about race, even though Alexis never addresses this directly. Alexis is subtle in his critique of whiteness, and so, Alexis and Kogawa both critique the reality faced by non-whites in Canada. All four novels contribute to Canadian cultural capital and thus help form Canadian identity. The issues these novels either criticize or unproblematically present all point to the still-thorny dilemma of Canadian identity; is this identity based primarily on an individual’s whiteness

    SAE and ISO standards for warnings and other driver interface elements: a summary

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    This document summarizes 8 SAE documents (4 information reports, 3 recommended practices, and 1 standard), 8 ISO documents (5 standards, 2 technical specifications, and 1 technical report), and 3 NCAP documents. Standards and Recommended Practices describe what must (“shall”) and should be. Information Reports generally provide useful information and guidance without requirements or recommendations. The SAE documents include J2395 (message priority), J2396 (definitions and measures for visual behavior), J2399 (ACC characteristics and user interface), J2400 (FCW operating characteristics and user interface), J2802 (blind spot system operating characteristics and user interface), J2808 (Road/LDW system user interface), J2830 (icon comprehension test), J2831 (recommendations for alphanumeric text messages). The ISO documents include PDTR 12204 (integration of safety warning signals to avoid conflicts), 15005 (dialog management principles and compliance procedures), CD 15006 (specification for auditory information), 15008 (specification and tests for visual information), 16951 (procedure to determine message priority), 17287 (procedure to assess suitability for use while driving), DTS 15007 (measurement of driver visual behavior).Hyundai-Kia America Technical Centerhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134039/1/103248.pdf-1Description of 103248.pdf : Final repor

    Narrative as an antidote to a devastating colonial legacy

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    I dette prosjektet bruker jeg ider fra litteraturteoretiker LeAnne Howe i kombinasjon med teorier fra Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart og Lemyra M. DeBruyn, to kliniske psykologer, for å utforske hvordan fortellinger kan fungere som en motkur mot kolonisering, og den destruktive arven fra kolonisering, for urbefolkningen i USA. Jeg argumenterer for at fortellinger kan være med på å skape og gjenopprette identiteter hos den amerikanske urbefolkningen, identiteter som historisk sett har vært sterkt undertrykte av det dominante samfunnet. Jeg argumenterer videre for at en slik identitetsskaping er en prosess som kan øke velværen blant den Amerikanske urbefolkningen. I tillegg argumenterer jeg for at fortellinger kan bidra til å skape sørgeprosesser som fungerer som medisin mot et fenomen som Brave Heart and DeBruyn kaller «historical unresolved grief», noe som igjen bidrar til å skape velvære (56). Ettersom både «historical unresolved grief» og undertrykte identiteter er et produkt av den pågående koloniseringen av Amerika anser jeg prosesser som kan bidra til å motvirke disse fenomenene som prosesser av avkolonisering og «re-indigenisation» (Harrison 168). Jeg tar for meg Leslie Marmon Silko sin 1977 bok Ceremony, og Linda Hogan sin 1994 bok Solar Storms, og utforsker i detalj hvordan disse bøkene skaper velvære gjennom å fasilitere for overnevnte prosesser.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveMAHF-ENGMPENGLMAHF-LÆFRZMPHFFAKENG35

    Reality & Effect: A Cultural History of Visual Effects

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to chart how the development of visual effects has changed popular cinema¡¯s vision of the real, producing the powerful reality effect. My investigation of the history of visual effects studies not only the industrial and economic context of visual effects, but also the aesthetic characteristics of the reality effect. In terms of methodology, this study employs a theoretical discourse which compares the parallels between visual effects and the discourse of modernity/postmodernity, utilizing close textual analysis to understand the symptomatic meanings of key texts. The transition in the techniques and meanings of creating visual effects reflects the cultural transformation from modernism to postmodernism. Visual effects have developed by adapting to the structural transformation of production systems and with the advance of technology. The studio system strongly controlled the classical Hollywood cinema by means of the modern economic production system of Fordism. Breakdown of Hollywood classicism as a production system gave rise to the creation of digital effects with the rise of the concept of the blockbuster and with the development of computer technologies. I argue that the characteristic feature of time-space compression, occurring in the process of the transition from Fordism to flexible accumulation, clearly reflects that of compression of multi-layered time and space, generated in the development process from analog visual effects, such as trick, rear and front projection, to the digital effects, such as rotoscoping and CGI animation. While the aesthetics of analog visual effects, without computing, can be compared to a Fordist production system, digital effects, which hugely rely on CGI manipulation, are examples of flexible accumulation. As a case study of the local resistance or alternative of Hollywood today, I examine the effects-oriented Korean nationalist blockbuster. The Korean nationalist blockbuster films have sought large-scale filmmaking and presentation of spectacular scenes, including heavy dependence on the use of special effects, which is frequently considered a Hollywood style. This paradoxical combination of peculiar Korean subjects and Hollywood style can be viewed as a form of cultural jujitsu, taking advantage of the force of the dominant culture in order to resist and subvert it