83,801 research outputs found

    High fidelity one-qubit operations under random telegraph noise

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    We address the problem of implementing high fidelity one-qubit operations subject to time dependent noise in the qubit energy splitting. We show with explicit numerical results that high fidelity bit flips and one-qubit NOT gates may be generated by imposing bounded control fields. For noise correlation times shorter than the time for a pi-pulse, the time optimal pi-pulse yields the highest fidelity. For very long correlation times, fidelity loss is approximately due to systematic error, which is efficiently tackled by compensation for off-resonance with a pulse sequence (CORPSE). For intermediate ranges of the noise correlation time we find that short CORPSE, which is less accurate than CORPSE in correcting systematic errors, yields higher fidelities. Numerical optimization of the pulse sequences using gradient ascent pulse engineering results in noticeable improvement of the fidelities for the bit flip and marginal improvement for the NOT gate.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Modernist Corpse: Posthumanism and the Posthumous by Erin E. Edwards

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    Review of Erin E. Edwards\u27 The Modernist Corpse: Posthumanism and the Posthumous

    Animalism and the Corpse Problem

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    The apparent fact that each of us coincides with a thinking animal looks like a strong argument for our being animals (animalism). Some critics, however, claim that this sort of reasoning actually undermines animalism. According to them, the apparent fact that each human animal coincides with a thinking body that is not an animal is an equally strong argument for our not being animals. I argue that the critics' case fails for reasons that do not affect the case for animalism

    Analysis Vegetation of Shade Corpse Flower (Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicholson) in Padang Tiji Sub-district of Pidie District

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    Corpse flower (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) is one of the seasonal herbaceous plants including familia Araceae that can grow well in the shade. The shade of vegetation can be used as the corpse flower habitat preferences in the region, making it easier to know the population of the largest corpse flower under the shade of vegetation. This study aims to determine the type of vegetation that the shelter and to find out how the diversity index of vegetation corpse flower shade in the Padang Tiji sub-district of Pidie district. The Research was done by finding the whereabouts of the corpse flower in Padang Tiji to key persons at the altitude of 200, 400 and 600, so it can be done later retrieval corpse flower shade vegetation data using squares method. At each elevation laid five plots area of each plot was 10 m x 10 m. Based on the analysis of vegetation that houses the corpse flower, found as many as 20 species from 11 familia. Corpse flower is found in the shade of a tree Sterculia alata and Areca catechu, so that both species have the highest among other species on the third altitude. Additionally, Leea aequata and Eupatorium odoratum are also shade of vegetation that were dominant at the three altitudes for the habitus of shrubs / bushes. Thus, the corpse flower shade preferences can be known from the type of vegetation shading. Vegetation diversity index auspices of the corpse flower has a lower category either on habitus trees or shrubs / bushes

    Playing in the water: an exquisite corpse and found river and underwater poems

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    This article shares and reflects on Underwater Haiku Exquisite Corpse – a playful approach to writing and enquiry about rivers and their underwater environments. The Underwater Haiku Exquisite Corpse was an adaptation of the Surrealist exquisite corpse concept – a collaborative game in which each participant wrote or drew in response to a prompt and kept their contribution concealed until the end, when the full corpse was revealed to all contributors. We consider how our approach to exquisite corpse fostered playful co-creation and community and contributed to better understanding people’s experiences with and intuitive responses to river environments. This article blends academic writing and found poems (existing words or phrases reframed into a poem) from Underwater Haiku Exquisite Corpse, in response to calls for more creative and entangled ways to write about the world. We applied this technique, using lines of text by different Underwater Haiku Exquisite Corpse contributors and reordering lines into poems that illustrated how contributors intertwined notions of humans, rivers, and what lies below the surface. We hope that by sharing our experiences with the Underwater Haiku Exquisite Corpse, we encourage more playful approaches to geopoetics, to foster conversations across disciplines, as well as within and outside the academy

    The Corpse Prayer: The practices of prayer performed

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    Muslims do not know our obligations as the most perfect creatures, namely prayer, or sometimes know about obligations but do not understand what is done. In other terms, prayer is a kind or form of worship which is realized by carrying out certain actions accompanied by certain sayings with certain conditions as well. The term salat is not much different from the meaning used by the language above, because it contains prayers, both in the form of supplications, mercy, forgiveness and so forth. One of the most frequently practiced fiqh studies in the midst of society is the study of corpse prayer, we view from the aspect of the theory of corpse prayer is one of the problems of worship that is very easy to imagine and even we underestimate the problem. However, if we look at it from the aspect of practice there are still many mistakes made in the community in the matter of the management of a corpse. For this reason, this paper raises a theme relating to the solemn corpse with the aim of seeing how to properly corpse the corpse. Then in this article also discusses how the meaning of the corpse prayer itself, terms and conditions including the kaifiat in the corpse prayer.   &nbsp

    Ungkapan Kepercayaan Rakyat Dalam Upacara Penyelengaraan Jenazah Di Kenagarian Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok

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    This research was done to describe of form, meaning, and function of the expression the human\u27s trust in ceremony of corpse management in Nagari Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok. Data of this research were form, meaning and functions of the expression the human\u27s trust in Minangkabau especially in Kanagarian Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok. The data was collected trough interview and then, recorded the result of interview with some informant in Kenagarian Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok. In this research, it was found three results. The first, in Kanagarian Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok have 41 expressions of human\u27s trust in ceremony of corpse management. The second, in Kanagarian Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok have 41 expressions with implicit meaning that was got from orally and explicit meaning that was got from comprehended of the meaning in written. The third, the function of expressions human\u27s trust in ceremony of corpse management in Nagari Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok. The expression of human\u27s trust in ceremony of corpse management in Nagari Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok was divided into four parts. First, when the corpse at home has 23 expressions. Second, when the corpse bathed have 6 expressions. Third, when the corpse prayed have 1 expression. Fourth, when in the grave have 11 expressions

    Seeing death : portraiture in contemporary postmortem photography

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    This thesis focuses on the aesthetics of the photographic representation of the actual dead body in Elizabeth Heyert's The Travelers (2004), Pieter Hugo's The Bereaved (2005) and Walter Schels and Beate Lakotta's Life Before Death: Portraits of the Dying (2004). The use of portraiture in each of these artist's series is crucial as it suggests an interest in the 'subjectness' of the corpse. Katarzyna Majak's (2011) theory of socialization as an attempt to lessen the scandal of the corpse through representation is central throughout this thesis. Majak argues that for the viewer the corpse is a scandal, because it discomfortingly presents the transformation of a body from subject to object. For Majak, socialization is essentially the taming of the dead body, achieved by re-presenting the corpse as an individual. Socialization emphasizes the subject-ness of the deceased individual, rather than the object-ness of the corpse, of pure unadulterated matter. The use of portraiture in each of the above series socializes the corpse by presenting the individual identity of the deceased as a subject, in varying degrees. Death is approached through the recognizable conventions of portraiture itself, thereby to some extent taming or domesticating the corpse. This thesis expands on Majak's valuable theory by establishing a continuum of socialization from subject-ness to object-ness. Importantly, this continuum reveals varying degrees of socialization within the three series. Socialization is used here as an analytical tool with which to explore the photographs, drawing out similarities and differences. I argue that through various aesthetic techniques, these three series encourage the viewer to look at these different images of the corpse with varying degrees of comfort

    Fyriotalesterna Corpse

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