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    The recent auctions literature has devoted much attention to mechanisms that allow package bidding: all-or-nothing bids for sets of items. Introducing package bids can improve efficiency by reducing the bidders "exposure" risk of winning undesirable combinations of items. However, package bids can also create a free-rider problem for relatively small bidders since they need to compete jointly against their larger opponents, potentially reducing efficiency. The inherent asymmetry among different package bids significantly complicates an equilibrium analysis of the costs and benefits of allowing package bids in auctions. The first chapter makes progress in solving for Bayesian-Nash equilibria of the first-price package auction. We develop a new computational method which is based on a complementarity formulation of the system of equilibrium inequalities. Additionally, we establish existence of equilibrium for special cases. Our analysis shows that introducing package bidding can significantly improve efficiency when the exposure risk faced by bidders is large, but it can reduce efficiency otherwise. We also compare the first-price package auction with other leading package alternatives. Surprisingly, in the environment considered, the first-price package auction performs reasonably well, with respect to both revenue and efficiency, despite the presence of a strong free-rider problem. The second chapter studies the core-selecting auctions that were proposed recently as alternatives to the famous Vickrey-Clarke Groves (VCG) mechanism for environments with complementarities. The existing literature on core-selecting auctions is limited to only a complete-information analysis. We consider a simple incomplete-information model which allows us to do a full equilibrium analysis, including closed-form solutions for some distributions, for four different core-selecting auction formats suggested in the literature. Our model also admits correlations among bidders values. We second that the revenues and efficiency from core-selecting auctions improve as correlations among bidders values increase, while the revenues from the Vickrey auction worsen. Thus, there may be good reasons for policymakers to utilize a core-selecting auction rather than a VCG mechanism in realistic environments

    Core-competitive Auctions

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    One of the major drawbacks of the celebrated VCG auction is its low (or zero) revenue even when the agents have high value for the goods and a {\em competitive} outcome could have generated a significant revenue. A competitive outcome is one for which it is impossible for the seller and a subset of buyers to `block' the auction by defecting and negotiating an outcome with higher payoffs for themselves. This corresponds to the well-known concept of {\em core} in cooperative game theory. In particular, VCG revenue is known to be not competitive when the goods being sold have complementarities. A bottleneck here is an impossibility result showing that there is no auction that simultaneously achieves competitive prices (a core outcome) and incentive-compatibility. In this paper we try to overcome the above impossibility result by asking the following natural question: is it possible to design an incentive-compatible auction whose revenue is comparable (even if less) to a competitive outcome? Towards this, we define a notion of {\em core-competitive} auctions. We say that an incentive-compatible auction is α\alpha-core-competitive if its revenue is at least 1/α1/\alpha fraction of the minimum revenue of a core-outcome. We study the Text-and-Image setting. In this setting, there is an ad slot which can be filled with either a single image ad or kk text ads. We design an O(lnlnk)O(\ln \ln k) core-competitive randomized auction and an O(ln(k))O(\sqrt{\ln(k)}) competitive deterministic auction for the Text-and-Image setting. We also show that both factors are tight

    Expressiveness and Robustness of First-Price Position Auctions

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    Since economic mechanisms are often applied to very different instances of the same problem, it is desirable to identify mechanisms that work well in a wide range of circumstances. We pursue this goal for a position auction setting and specifically seek mechanisms that guarantee good outcomes under both complete and incomplete information. A variant of the generalized first-price mechanism with multi-dimensional bids turns out to be the only standard mechanism able to achieve this goal, even when types are one-dimensional. The fact that expressiveness beyond the type space is both necessary and sufficient for this kind of robustness provides an interesting counterpoint to previous work on position auctions that has highlighted the benefits of simplicity. From a technical perspective our results are interesting because they establish equilibrium existence for a multi-dimensional bid space, where standard techniques break down. The structure of the equilibrium bids moreover provides an intuitive explanation for why first-price payments may be able to support equilibria in a wider range of circumstances than second-price payments

    Quadratic Core-Selecting Payment Rules for Combinatorial Auctions

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    We report on the use of a quadratic programming technique in recent and upcoming spectrum auctions in Europe. Specifically, we compute a unique point in the core that minimizes the sum of squared deviations from a reference point, for example, from the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves payments. Analyzing the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, we demonstrate that the resulting payments can be decomposed into a series of economically meaningful and equitable penalties. Furthermore, we discuss the benefits of this combinatorial auction, explore the use of alternative reserve pricing approaches in this context, and indicate the results of several hundred computational runs using CATS data.Auctions, spectrum auctions, market design, package auction, clock auction, combinatorial auction

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Tradable Landuse Rights for Biodiversity Conservation: An Application to Canada's Boreal Mixedwood Forest

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    Ecological reserve networks are an important strategy for conserving biodiversity. One approach to selecting reserves is to use optimization algorithms that maximize an ecological objective function subject to a total reserve area constraint. Under this approach, economic factors such as potential land values and tenure arrangements are often ignored. Tradable landuse rights are proposed as an alternative economic mechanism for selecting reserves. Under this approach economic considerations determine the spatial distribution of development and reserves are allocated to sites with the lowest development value, minimizing the cost of the reserve network. The configuration of the reserve network as well as the biodiversity outcome is determined as a residual. However cost savings can be used to increase the total amount of area in reserve and improve biodiversity outcomes. The appropriateness of this approach for regional planning is discussed in light of key uncertainties associated with biodiversity protection. A comparison of biodiversity outcomes and costs under ecological versus economic approaches is undertaken for the Boreal Forest Natural Region of Alberta, Canada. We find a significant increase in total area protected and an increase in species representation under the TLR approach.Biodiversity conservation, Reserve design, Tradable landuse rights

    A note on the Exclusion Principle

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    According to the so-called Exclusion Principle (introduced by Baye et alii, 1993), it might be profitable for the seller to reduce the number of fully-informed potential bidders in an all-pay auction. We show that it does not apply if the seller regards the bidders’ private valuations as belonging to the class of identical and independent distributions with a monotonic hazard rate.all-pay auctions; Exclusion Principle; monotonic hazard rate; economic theory of lobbying

    Spectrum Auction Design

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    Spectrum auctions are used by governments to assign and price licenses for wireless communications. The standard approach is the simultaneous ascending auction, in which many related lots are auctioned simultaneously in a sequence of rounds. I analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the approach with examples from US spectrum auctions. I then present a variation, the package clock auction, adopted by the UK, which addresses many of the problems of the simultaneous ascending auction while building on its strengths. The package clock auction is a simple dynamic auction in which bidders bid on packages of lots. Most importantly, the auction allows alternative technologies that require the spectrum to be organized in different ways to compete in a technology-neutral auction. In addition, the pricing rule and information policy are carefully tailored to mitigate gaming behavior. An activity rule based on revealed preference promotes price discovery throughout the clock stage of the auction. Truthful bidding is encouraged, which simplifies bidding and improves efficiency. Experimental tests and early auctions confirm the advantages of the approach.Auctions, spectrum auctions, market design, package auction, clock auction, combinatorial auction