18 research outputs found

    Spartan Daily, September 25, 1962

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    Volume 50, Issue 5https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/4326/thumbnail.jp

    Analysis of interactions between inflammatory and vasoregulatory pathways in chronic heart failure: application of logical analysis of data, a novel data-mining tool = Analysis of interactions between inflammatory and vasoregulatory pathways in chronic heart failure: application of logical analysis of data, a novel data-mining tool

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    Pályázatunk keretein belül a következő feladatokat valósítottuk meg: 1, Klinikai vizsgálatokat tervezetünk és kiviteleztünk szívelégtelenségben, tüdőgyulladás eredetű szepszisben, preeclampsiában és colorectalis carcinomában szenvedő betegek bevonásával. Vizsgálataink során többféle biomarker, genetikai polimorfizmus és alap klinikai adat mérésére és rögzítésére került sor. Méréseink eredményeiről szakkcikkekben és doktori disszertációkban számoltink be, valamint egy szabadalom bejelentésére is sor kerül. A klinikai vizsgálatok során felépített adatbázisok képezték további elemzéseink és vizsgálataink alapját. 2, Az ELTE Operációkutatási Tanszék munkatársai által fejlesztett logikai adatanalízis algoritmus továbbfejlesztésére és valós adatokon történő kipróbálására került sor a szívelégtelenség adatbázis elemzésével. A futtatások eredményeit elemezve kiválasztottuk a legkedvezőbb predikciós jellemzőket mutató változó kombinációkat. Jellemző módon azt találtuk, hogy a leghatékonyabb prediktív kombinációk tartalmazzák az ismert klinikai prediktorokat (gyulladás, veseelégtelenség), azonban nem, vagy elvétve tartalamzzák az ezekkel kapcsolatos genetikai változékonyságot jelző polimorfizmusadatokat. 3, In vitro validálsái modellkísérleteket végeztünk az adatanalízissel megállapított prediktor kombinációk valós biológiai hatásainak elemzésére. Megállapítottuk, hogy önállóan, vagy kombinációban alkalmazva a kiváklasztott biomarkerek nem mutatnak kapcsolatot az endothel diszfunkció paramétereivel. | The following tasks were implemented within the framework of this project: 1, Clinical studies enrolling patients with chronic heart failure, pneumonia-associated sepsis, preeclampsia and colorectal cancer were planned and carried out. Several biomarkers, genetic markers and clinical data were measured or registered. Results of the project were published in multiple original artoicles in international peer-reviewed journals and formed the basis of PhD thesis and patent submission. In-depth statistical and mathematical analysis of study databases were also also done. 2, In collaboration with researchers at the ELTE Department of Operation research, amendement and testing of the logical analysis of data algorithm was done with real data. Analysing the results of the different runs variable patterns with good discriminating and predicting power were selected. Typically, the best marker combinations contained the well known clinical predictors in CHF, including markers of renal failure, infalmmation and vasoregulation. However, markers of genetic variability of these biomarkrs occured unlikely in the best patterns. 3, In validation experiments using endothelial cell cultures we aimed to show biological effects of the selected biomarker combinations. It was determined that the selected clinical biomarkers neither alone, nor in combination were able to induce endothelial disfunction

    Pictografías de la Península de San Pedro (Nahuel Huapí)

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    Towards a Global Philosophy of Religion

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    Diario oficial del Ministerio de la Guerra: 04/06/1903

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    February 6, 1992

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    Mecanismo para realização de ensaios de inserção de agulhas flexíveis para fins de caracterização de seu comportamento em diferentes tipos de tecido

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.O texto apresenta um estudo sobre o uso de agulhas em cirurgias minimamente invasivas, os diferentes tipos de agulha e as vantagens de um mecanismo robótico para sua inserção. Também mostra as diferentes técnicas e mecanismos usados para guiar agulhas flexíveis bem como modelagens de força e deflexão da interação tecido-agulha. Em seguida, foi demonstrada a confecção de um dispositivo manual de inserção de agulhas que permite fazer medições de força e velocidade a fim de determinar como diferentes fatores influenciam o movimento da agulha. Foram feitos ensaios em gelatina balística e fígado suíno com agulhas de dois diâmetros e diferentes ângulos de bisel. Os resultados obtidos são apresentados e analisados. Conclui-se que para um mesmo tecido e mesmo ângulo de bisel a curvatura da agulha ainda varia muito e é necessário o estudo de melhores formas de controlar essa curvatura.This text presents a study about the use of needles in minimally invasive surgery procedures, the different types of needles and the benefits of the use of robotic systems for insertion applications. Also, it shows the different techniques and mechanisms used to steer flexible needles as well as force and deflection modeling of needle-tissue interaction. Furthermore, a manual needle insertion device, allowing force and speed measurements, built to determine how different factors contribute to the needle deflection is described. Experiments in ballistic gel and in swine liver using needles of two different diameters and different bevel tip angles were conducted. The results are presented and analyzed. It is concluded that for the same tissue and bevel tip angles the needle curve varies a great deal and further study is necessary on better ways to control the curve

    Portland Daily Press: December 17, 1895

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    Portland Daily Press: February 10, 1896

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