154 research outputs found

    An improved discrete cosine transformation block based scheme for copy-move image forgery detection

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    Copy-moved forgery is a common method to manipulate images. Several attempts of image forgery have been discovered and involves a region been duplicated and copied and pasted on another region of the same image in other to achieve selfish gain. Generally, there are two classification of copy-move forgery detection technique such as the block-based and key point-based. The block-based division is mostly used and divides image into blocks during the stage of image pre-processing before features are extracted, whereas key-point based technique skips the division of image into blocks and directly extracts different local feature from the image. In this paper, we review various block based and key point approach which has been proposed by various researchers. There is a problem of achieving a balance between improving the detection accuracy and having minimal computational complexity. The proposed technique is based on an improved DCT based copy-move image forgery detection (IDB-CFD), which involves using an octagonal block to reduce the number of features for matching, thereby improving detection accuracy while having minimal complexity. The analysis of this work as compared to previous proposed works which is based on a robust detection algorithm for copy-move image forgery (RDA-CF) and involves using circle block to reduce the number of features, results show that previous work represents about 79% of the quantized DCT coefficients on each image block and this proposed work represents about 85% of quantized DCT coefficients, therefore, recovery of about 6% more features using the IDB-CFD technique was observed as the improvement over the previously proposed RDA-CF

    Detection of Geometric Transformations in Copy-Move Forgery of Digital Images

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    Digital Forensics is a branch of forensic science which is related to cyber crime. It basically involves the detection, recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices. Digital images and videos plays most important role in digital forensics. They are the prime evidences of any crime scene. So the fidelity of the image is important. Digital images can be easily manipulated and edited with the help of image processing tools. Copy-move Forgery is the most primitive form of cyber attack on digital images. In Copy-move forgery a part of image (region) itself is copied and pasted into another part of the same image. The intension behind this type of attack is to “add” or “disappear” some objects from the image. Hence to break the fidelity of the image and fool the viewer. Copy-move attack is more prevalent in images having uniform texture or patterns, for e.g. sand, grass, water etc. In this thesis exact block matching is used as a detection technique. This technique is based on block matching, for these the whole image is divided into number of block and then the matching process is applied. Sometimes the copied region is processed before pasted i.e. some geometric transformations is applied on the pasted region. The transformations like scaling, rotation etc. It is not possible for human eyes to detect such kind of forgeries. Whenever forgery is done in this manner the common techniques like block matching, exhaustive search, auto-correlation and robust match etc. are not able to detect the forgery having geometric transformations. So that for identification of forged region we need some technique which are based on local features and also invariant to transformations. In this thesis SIFT is used for forgery detection. SIFT stands for Scale Invariant Feature Transform, this gives local feature points which are invariant to scales. The key points helps to find the duplicated region with different matching algorithm

    Detecting Image Brush Editing Using the Discarded Coefficients and Intentions

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    This paper describes a quick and simple method to detect brush editing in JPEG images. The novelty of the proposed method is based on detecting the discarded coefficients during the quantization of the image. Another novelty of this paper is the development of a subjective metric named intentions. The method directly analyzes the allegedly tampered image and generates a forgery mask indicating forgery evidence for each image block. The experiments show that our method works especially well in detecting brush strokes, and it works reasonably well with added captions and image splicing. However, the method is less effective detecting copy-moved and blurred regions. This means that our method can effectively contribute to implementing a complete imagetampering detection tool. The editing operations for which our method is less effective can be complemented with methods more adequate to detect them

    Image splicing detection scheme using adaptive threshold mean ternary pattern descriptor

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    The rapid growth of image editing applications has an impact on image forgery cases. Image forgery is a big challenge in authentic image identification. Images can be readily altered using post-processing effects, such as blurring shallow depth, JPEG compression, homogenous regions, and noise to forge the image. Besides, the process can be applied in the spliced image to produce a composite image. Thus, there is a need to develop a scheme of image forgery detection for image splicing. In this research, suitable features of the descriptors for the detection of spliced forgery are defined. These features will reduce the impact of blurring shallow depth, homogenous area, and noise attacks to improve the accuracy. Therefore, a technique to detect forgery at the image level of the image splicing was designed and developed. At this level, the technique involves four important steps. Firstly, convert colour image to three colour channels followed by partition of image into overlapping block and each block is partitioned into non-overlapping cells. Next, Adaptive Thresholding Mean Ternary Pattern Descriptor (ATMTP) is applied on each cell to produce six ATMTP codes and finally, the tested image is classified. In the next part of the scheme, detected forgery object in the spliced image involves five major steps. Initially, similarity among every neighbouring district is computed and the two most comparable areas are assembled together to the point that the entire picture turns into a single area. Secondly, merge similar regions according to specific state, which satisfies the condition of fewer than four pixels between similar regions that lead to obtaining the desired regions to represent objects that exist in the spliced image. Thirdly, select random blocks from the edge of the binary image based on the binary mask. Fourthly, for each block, the Gabor Filter feature is extracted to assess the edges extracted of the segmented image. Finally, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify the images. Evaluation of the scheme was experimented using three sets of standard datasets, namely, the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) version TIDE 1.0 and 2.0, and Columbia University. The results showed that, the ATMTP achieved higher accuracy of 98.95%, 99.03% and 99.17% respectively for each set of datasets. Therefore, the findings of this research has proven the significant contribution of the scheme in improving image forgery detection. It is recommended that the scheme be further improved in the future by considering geometrical perspective

    Texture based Image Splicing Forgery Recognition using a Passive Approach

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    With the growing usage of the internet in daily life along with the usage of dominant picture editing software tools in creating forged pictures effortlessly, make us lose trust in the authenticity of the images. For more than a decade, extensive research is going on in the Image forensic area that aims at restoring trustworthiness in images by bringing various tampering detection techniques. In the proposed method, identification of image splicing technique is introduced which depends on the picture texture analysis which characterizes the picture areas by the content of the texture. In this method, an image is characterized by the regions of their texture content. The experimental outcomes describe that the proposed method is effective to identify spliced picture forgery with an accuracy of 79.5%

    A Survey of Partition-Based Techniques for Copy-Move Forgery Detection

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    A copy-move forged image results from a specific type of image tampering procedure carried out by copying a part of an image and pasting it on one or more parts of the same image generally to maliciously hide unwanted objects/regions or clone an object. Therefore, detecting such forgeries mainly consists in devising ways of exposing identical or relatively similar areas in images. This survey attempts to cover existing partition-based copy-move forgery detection techniques

    Review on local binary patterns variants as texture descriptors for copy-move forgery detection

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    Past decades had seen the concerned by researchers in authenticating the originality of an image as the result of advancement in computer technology. Many methods have been developed to detect image forgeries such as copy-move, splicing, resampling and et cetera. The most common type of image forgery is copy-move where the copied region is pasted on the same image. The existence of high similarity in colour and textures of both copied and pasted images caused the detection of the tampered region to be very difficult. Additionally, the existence of post-processing methods makes it more challenging. In this paper, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) variants as texture descriptors for copy-move forgery detection have been reviewed. These methods are discussed in terms of introduction and methodology in copy-move forgery detection. These methods are also compared in the discussion section. Finally, their strengths and weaknesses are summarised, and some future research directions were pointed out

    Rotation Invariant on Harris Interest Points for Exposing Image Region Duplication Forgery

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    Nowadays, image forgery has become common because only an editing package software and a digital camera are required to counterfeit an image. Various fraud detection systems have been developed in accordance with the requirements of numerous applications and to address different types of image forgery. However, image fraud detection is a complicated process given that is necessary to identify the image processing tools used to counterfeit an image. Here, we describe recent developments in image fraud detection. Conventional techniques for detecting duplication forgeries have difficulty in detecting postprocessing falsification, such as grading and joint photographic expert group compression. This study proposes an algorithm that detects image falsification on the basis of Hessian features