91 research outputs found

    1927-05-05, Letter from Frank Keller to Fellow Workers

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    The conflict between Scottish poets in the 1930s

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    The conflict between Scottish poets in the 1930s

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    Masculine Trans-formations in Jackie Kay's Trumpet

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    Jackie Kay's novel Trumpet shows that transphobic beliefs may negatively affect not only trans-people but also cis-people. Trumpet explores the sex/gender transformations that all people experience and suggests that persecutions of trans-people may work to distract cis-people from their own ultimate inability to fully embody gender ideals. Résumé Le roman Trumpet par Jackie Kay montre que les croyances trans — phobiques peuvent affecter de façon négative non seulement les personnes trans mais aussi les personnes cis. Trumpet explore les transformations de sexes/genres dont toutes les personnes font l’expérience et suggère que les persécutions des personnes trans pourraient s’avérer à distraire les personnes cis de leur propre ultime inhabilité d’accepter entièrement les idéals des hommes et des femmes

    Translating Hygge : a Danish design myth and its Anglophone appropriation

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    Hygge, the lifestyling trend that offers a path to ‘authentic’ Danish contentment, is one of the more curious instances of cultural translation in recent years, both semantically and in terms of how an everyday Danish concept has been transformed by London publishing houses into a marketable commodity. Despite the widespread international popular success of the phenomenon, hygge has received little academic attention. What is particularly lacking is an analysis of the cultural transferral of the concept, of the rather different set of meanings constructed by the remodelling of hygge by English-speaking commentators. This paper proposes that design history can offer a helpful framework for this kind of understanding. By approaching the case of hygge as a ‘mythology’ in the Barthian sense, we will argue that the concept builds upon the legacy of the mythologies imprinted on Anglophone societies by the branding of Scandinavian Design since the 1950s. Highlighting the links between such myths and the manufactured British version of hygge, we will posit that the meaning of hygge – the way it operates as a sign in British culture today – is dependent upon longstanding structures of understanding.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Perinatal Consequences in Pregnant Women Suffering from Metabolic Syndrome

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate perinatal outcomes in pregnant women suffering from metabolic syndrome Material and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of Maternity House No. 7" (Odesa) in 2014-2021. 57 women with metabolic syndrome were examined. Anthropometric parameters, basic metabolism, leptin content and lipid profile, frequency of complications of pregnancy and childbirth were evaluated. Statistical processing was carried out by methods of dispersion and correlation analysis using Statistica 13.0 software (TIBCO, USA). Research results. The average age of the examined women was 27.4±1.1 years. Of them, 16 (28.1%) pregnant women were primiparous, and 41 (71.9%) pregnant women gave birth again. BMI in all women was above 25 kg/m2 (on average 29.2±0.6 kg/m2) with a fat content of 47.3±2.4%. During pregnancy, leptin level was on average 39.3±1.6 ng/ml, LDL content was 1.8±0.1 mmol/l. The presence of metabolic syndrome significantly increased the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications. The possible relationship between the identified disorders and qualitative changes in the intestinal microbiome is discussed. Conclusions: In women with manifested metabolic syndrome, the course of pregnancy was complicated by preeclampsia in 24.6% of cases, placental dysfunction in 29.8% of cases. The threat of premature birth occurred in 40.4%, gestational diabetes – in 31.6% of women. With metabolic syndrome, the frequency of operative delivery increases to 35.1%. The main indications for a cesarean section were a clinically narrow pelvis, a severe form of preeclampsia, and weakness of labor that cannot be corrected with medication. During childbirth, women in labor with metabolic syndrome often experience such complications as weakness of labor (19.3%), premature discharge of amniotic fluid (24.6%). The main complication of the postpartum period was subinvolution of the uterus (15.8%). Most of the children born had signs of macrosomia, which closely depended on leptin concentration (r=-0.31). The proven existence of a strong correlation between the level of leptin production and LDL (rs=0.76).Метою дослідження було оцінити перинатальні результати у вагітних жінок, які страждають на метаболічний синдром.Матеріал і методи. Дослідження проводилось на базі Пологового будинку №7» (м. Одеса) у 2014-2021 рр. Обстежено 57 жінок з метаболічним синдромом. Оцінювали нтропометричні показники, основний обмін, вміст лептину та ліпідний спектр, частоту ускладнень вагітності та пологів. Статистичну обробку проводили методами дисперсійного та кореляційного аналізу з використанням програмного забезпечення Statistica 13.0 (TIBCO, США).Результати досліджень.Середній вік обстежених жінок становив 27,4±1,1 року. З них 16 (28,1%) вагітних були першонароджуючими, а 41 (71,9%) вагітна мали повторні вагітності. ІМТ у всіх жінок був вище 25 кг/м2 (в середньому 29,2±0,6 кг/м2) при вмісті жиру 47,3±2,4%. Під час вагітності рівень лептину становив у середньому 39,3±1,6 нг/мл, вміст ЛПНЩ – 1,8±0,1 ммоль/л. Наявність метаболічного синдрому значно підвищувала частоту акушерських та перинатальних ускладнень. Обговорюється можливий зв’язок між виявленими порушеннями та якісними змінами кишкового мікробіому.Висновки:1. У жінок із вираженим метаболічним синдромом перебіг вагітності ускладнювався прееклампсією у 24,6% випадків, плацентарною дисфункцією у 29,8% випадків. Загроза передчасних пологів мала місце у 40,4%, гестаційний діабет – у 31,6% жінок.2. При метаболічному синдромі частота оперативного розродження зростає до 35,1%. Основними показаннями до кесаревого розтину були клінічно вузький таз, важка форма прееклампсії, слабкість пологової діяльності, що не піддається медикаментозній корекції.3. Під час пологів у породіль з метаболічним синдромом часто виникають такі ускладнення, як слабкість пологової діяльності (19,3%), передчасне відходження навколоплідних вод (24,6%). Основним ускладненням післяпологового періоду була субінволюція матки (15,8%).4. Більшість народжених дітей мали ознаки макросомії, які тісно залежали від концентрації лептину (r=-0,31)5. Доведено існування сильної кореляції між рівнем продукції лептину та ЛПНЩ (rs=0,76)

    Determination of the Order of a Markov Chain for Daily Rainfall Data of North East India: "Application AIC criterion"

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    The paper aims at demonstrating the application of the Akaike information criterion to determine the order of two state Markov chain for studying the pattern of occurrence of wet and dry days during the rainy season (April to September) in North-East India. For each station, each day is classified as dry day if the amount of rainfall is less than 3 mm and wet day if the amount of rainfall is greater than or equal to 3 mm. We apply Markov chain of order up to three to the sequences of wet and dry days observed at seven distantly located stations in North East region of India. The Markov chain model of appropriate order for analyzing wet and dry days is determined. This is done using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) by checking the minimum of AIC estimate. Markov chain of order one is found to be superior to the majority of the stations in comparison to the other order Markov chains. More precisely, first order Markov chain model is an adequate model for the stations North Bank, Tocklai, Silcoorie, Mohanbari and Guwahati. Further, it is observed that second order and third order Markov chains are competing with first order in the stations Cherrapunji and Imphal, respectively. A fore-knowledge of rainfall pattern is of immense help not only to farmers, but also to the authorities concerned with planning of irrigation schemes. The outcomes are useful for taking decisions well in advance for transplanting of rice as well as for other input management and farm activities during different stages of the crop growing season

    Molecular Analysis of Methanogen Richness in Landfill and Marshland Targeting 16S rDNA Sequences

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    Methanogens, a key contributor in global carbon cycling, methane emission, and alternative energy production, generate methane gas via anaerobic digestion of organic matter. The methane emission potential depends upon methanogenic diversity and activity. Since they are anaerobes and difficult to isolate and culture, their diversity present in the landfill sites of Delhi and marshlands of Southern Assam, India, was analyzed using molecular techniques like 16S rDNA sequencing, DGGE, and qPCR. The sequencing results indicated the presence of methanogens belonging to the seventh order and also the order Methanomicrobiales in the Ghazipur and Bhalsawa landfill sites of Delhi. Sequences, related to the phyla Crenarchaeota (thermophilic) and Thaumarchaeota (mesophilic), were detected from marshland sites of Southern Assam, India. Jaccard analysis of DGGE gel using Gel2K showed three main clusters depending on the number and similarity of band patterns. The copy number analysis of hydrogenotrophic methanogens using qPCR indicates higher abundance in landfill sites of Delhi as compared to the marshlands of Southern Assam. The knowledge about “methanogenic archaea composition” and “abundance” in the contrasting ecosystems like “landfill” and “marshland” may reorient our understanding of the Archaea inhabitants. This study could shed light on the relationship between methane-dynamics and the global warming process

    Cultural safety: Cultural considerations

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    Over the course of your nursing professional education, you will study the developmental tasks and the principles of health promotion across the life span. You will learn to conduct numerous assessments, such as a complete health history, a psycho-social history, a mental health assessment, a nutritional assessment, a pain assessment, a suicide risk assessment and a physical examination of a patient. However, depending on your reactions to the person there may be wide variations in the information you gather in these assessments and in the findings of the physical examination. In the 1980s there was a change in western nurse education that recognised the interaction between culture and health and since then many nursing degrees include cultural considerations in their Bachelor Programs. It is now imperative that you, as a health care provider, come to understand how culture influences health care

    Does a Hypertrophying Muscle Fibre Reprogramme its Metabolism Similar to a Cancer Cell?

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    In 1924, Otto Warburg asked “How does the metabolism of a growing tissue differ from that of a non-growing tissue?” Currently, we know that proliferating healthy and cancer cells reprogramme their metabolism. This typically includes increased glucose uptake, glycolytic flux and lactate synthesis. A key function of this reprogramming is to channel glycolytic intermediates and other metabolites into anabolic reactions such as nucleotide-RNA/DNA synthesis, amino acid-protein synthesis and the synthesis of, for example, acetyl and methyl groups for epigenetic modification. In this review, we discuss evidence that a hypertrophying muscle similarly takes up more glucose and reprogrammes its metabolism to channel energy metabolites into anabolic pathways. We specifically discuss the functions of the cancer-associated enzymes phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase muscle 2 in skeletal muscle. In addition, we ask whether increased glucose uptake by a hypertrophying muscle explains why muscularity is often negatively associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity