20 research outputs found

    Smart charging for electric vehicles to minimize charging cost

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    This paper assumes a smart grid framework where the driving patterns for electric vehicles are known, time variations in electricity prices are communicated to householders, and data on voltage variation throughout the distribution system is available. Based on this information an aggregator with access to this data can be employed to minimize EV owner charging costs whilst maintaining acceptable distribution system voltages. In this study EV charging is assumed to take place only in the home. A single-phase LV distribution network is investigated where the local EV penetration level is assumed to be 100%. EV use patterns have been extracted from the UK Time of Use Survey data with 10-minute resolution and the domestic base load is generated from an existing public domain model. Apart from the so-called real time price signal, which is derived from the electricity system wholesale price, the cost of battery degradation is also considered in the optimal scheduling of EV charging. A simple and effective heuristic method is proposed to minimize the EV charging cost whilst satisfying the requirement of state of charge for the EV battery. A simulation in OpenDSS over a period of 24 hours has been implemented, taking care of the network constraints for voltage level at the customer connection points. The optimization results are compared with those obtained using dynamic optimal power flow

    Scheduling of EV Battery Swapping, I: Centralized Solution

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    We formulate an optimal scheduling problem for battery swapping that assigns to each electric vehicle (EV) a best battery station to swap its depleted battery based on its current location and state of charge. The schedule aims to minimize a weighted sum of EVs’ travel distance and electricity generation cost over both station assignments and power flow variables, subject to EV range constraints, grid operational constraints, and ac power flow equations. To deal with the nonconvexity of power flow equations and the binary nature of station assignments, we propose a solution based on second-order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation of optimal power flow and generalized Benders decomposition. When the SOCP relaxation is exact, this approach computes a global optimum. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm through simulations. The algorithm requires global information and is suitable for cases where the distribution grid, battery stations, and EVs are managed centrally by the same operator. In Part II of this paper, we develop distributed solutions for cases where they are operated by different organizations that do not share private information

    Reallocating charging loads of electric vehicles in distribution networks

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    In this paper, the charging loads of electric vehicles were controlled to avoid their impact on distribution networks. A centralized control algorithm was developed using unbalanced optimal power flow calculations with a time resolution of one minute. The charging loads were optimally reallocated using a central controller based on non-linear programming. Electric vehicles were recharged using the proposed control algorithm considering the network constraints of voltage magnitudes, voltage unbalances, and limitations of the network components (transformers and cables). Simulation results showed that network components at the medium voltage level can tolerate high uptakes of uncontrolled recharged electric vehicles. However, at the low voltage level, network components exceeded their limits with these high uptakes of uncontrolled charging loads. Using the proposed centralized control algorithm, these high uptakes of electric vehicles were accommodated in the network under study without the need of upgrading the network components

    Online optimal variable charge-rate coordination of plug-in electric vehicles to maximize customer satisfaction and improve grid performance

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. Participation of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is expected to grow in emerging smart grids. A strategy to overcome potential grid overloading caused by large penetrations of PEVs is to optimize their battery charge-rates to fully explore grid capacity and maximize the customer satisfaction for all PEV owners. This paper proposes an online dynamically optimized algorithm for optimal variable charge-rate scheduling of PEVs based on coordinated aggregated particle swarm optimization (CAPSO). The online algorithm is updated at regular intervals of Δt = 5 min to maximize the customers’ satisfactions for all PEV owners based on their requested plug-out times, requested battery state of charges (SOCReq) and willingness to pay the higher charging energy prices. The algorithm also ensures that the distribution transformer is not overloaded while grid losses and node voltage deviations are minimized. Simulation results for uncoordinated PEV charging as well as CAPSO with fixed charge-rate coordination (FCC) and variable charge-rate coordination (VCC) strategies are compared for a 449-node network with different levels of PEV penetrations. The key contributions are optimal VCC of PEVs considering battery modeling, chargers’ efficiencies and customer satisfaction based on requested plug-out times, driving pattern, desired final SOCs and their interest to pay for energy at a higher rate

    Scheduling of EV Battery Swapping, I: Centralized Solution

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    We formulate an optimal scheduling problem for battery swapping that assigns to each electric vehicle (EV) a best battery station to swap its depleted battery based on its current location and state of charge. The schedule aims to minimize a weighted sum of EVs’ travel distance and electricity generation cost over both station assignments and power flow variables, subject to EV range constraints, grid operational constraints, and ac power flow equations. To deal with the nonconvexity of power flow equations and the binary nature of station assignments, we propose a solution based on second-order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation of optimal power flow and generalized Benders decomposition. When the SOCP relaxation is exact, this approach computes a global optimum. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm through simulations. The algorithm requires global information and is suitable for cases where the distribution grid, battery stations, and EVs are managed centrally by the same operator. In Part II of this paper, we develop distributed solutions for cases where they are operated by different organizations that do not share private information

    Feedback-control & queueing theory-based resource management for streaming applications

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    Recent advances in sensor technologies and instrumentation have led to an extraordinary growth of data sources and streaming applications. A wide variety of devices, from smart phones to dedicated sensors, have the capability of collecting and streaming large amounts of data at unprecedented rates. A number of distinct streaming data models have been proposed. Typical applications for this include smart cites & built environments for instance, where sensor-based infrastructures continue to increase in scale and variety. Understanding how such streaming content can be processed within some time threshold remains a non-trivial and important research topic. We investigate how a cloud-based computational infrastructure can autonomically respond to such streaming content, offering Quality of Service guarantees. We propose an autonomic controller (based on feedback control and queueing theory) to elastically provision virtual machines to meet performance targets associated with a particular data stream. Evaluation is carried out using a federated Cloud-based infrastructure (implemented using CometCloud) – where the allocation of new resources can be based on: (i) differences between sites, i.e. types of resources supported (e.g. GPU vs. CPU only), (ii) cost of execution; (iii) failure rate and likely resilience, etc. In particular, we demonstrate how Little’s Law –a widely used result in queuing theory– can be adapted to support dynamic control in the context of such resource provisioning

    Smart Grid as a Service: A Discussion on Design Issues

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    Smart grid allows the integration of distributed renewable energy resources into the conventional electricity distribution power grid such that the goals of reduction in power cost and in environment pollution can be met through an intelligent and efficient matching between power generators and power loads. Currently, this rapidly developing infrastructure is not as “smart” as it should be because of the lack of a flexible, scalable, and adaptive structure. As a solution, this work proposes smart grid as a service (SGaaS), which not only allows a smart grid to be composed out of basic services, but also allows power users to choose between different services based on their own requirements. The two important issues of service-level agreements and composition of services are also addressed in this work. Finally, we give the details of how SGaaS can be implemented using a FIPA-compliant JADE multiagent system

    What Is Energy Internet? Concepts, Technologies, and Future Directions

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