81 research outputs found

    Robust Coordinated Design of PSS and TCSC using PSO Technique for Power System Stability Enhancement

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    Power system stability improvement by coordinated design of a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) and a Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) controller is addressed in this paper. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique is employed for optimization of the parameterconstrained nonlinear optimization problem implemented in a simulation environment. The proposed controllers are tested on a weakly connected power system. The non-linear simulation results are presented for wide range of loading conditions with various fault disturbances and fault clearing sequences as well as for various small disturbances. The eigenvalue analysis and simulation results show the effectiveness and robustness of proposed controllers to improve the stability performance of power system by efficient damping of low frequency oscillations under various disturbances

    Design of Hybrid Intelligent Power System Stabilizer for a Multi-Machine System

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    In this project a coordinated design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer (FPSS) and TCSC based power oscillation damping (POD) controller to improve power system small-signal stability need to be designed. Two controllers are used for optimizing the system for a better result. Conventional power system stabilizer is replaced by a Fuzzy PSS and the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm tries to minimize an eigenvalue-based multi-objective function by optimizing the parameters of the POD controller. Time domain simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK performed on a two area four machine (2A4M) power system reveals that superior enhancement in damping of oscillations is achieved by employing coordinated control of FPSS-POD controller in comparison with conventional PSS-POD controller

    A novel approach for coordinated design of TCSC controller and PSS for improving dynamic stability in power systems

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    The purpose of this article is to present a novel strategy for the coordinated design of the Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) controller and the Power System Stabilizer (PSS). A time domain objective function that is based on an optimization problem has been defined. This objective function takes into account not only the influence that disturbances have on the mechanical power, but also, and this is more accurately the case, the impact that disturbances have on the reference voltage. When the objective function is minimized, potential disturbances are quickly mitigated, and the deviation of the speed of the generator's rotor is limited; as a result, the system's stability is ultimately improved. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm are both components of a composite strategy that is utilized in the process of determining the optimal controller parameters. (SFLA). An independent controller design as well as a collaborative controller design utilizing PSS and TCSC are developed, which enables a direct evaluation of the functions performed by each. The presentation of the eigenvalue analysis and the findings of the nonlinear simulation can help to provide a better understanding of the efficacy of the outcomes. The findings indicate that the coordinated design is able to successfully damp low-frequency oscillations that are caused by a variety of disturbances, such as changes in the mechanical power input and the setting of the reference voltage, and significantly enhance system stability in power systems that are connected weekly

    Adaptive Rat Swarm Optimization for Optimum Tuning of SVC and PSS in a Power System

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    This paper presents a new approach for the coordinated design of a power system stabilizer- (PSS-) and static VAR compensator- (SVC-) based stabilizer. For this purpose, the design problem is considered as an optimization problem, while the decision variables are the controllers' parameters. This paper proposes an effective optimization algorithm based on a rat swarm optimizer, namely, adaptive rat swarm optimization (ARSO), for solving complex optimization problems as well as coordinated design of controllers. In the proposed ARSO, instead of a random initial population, the algorithm starts the search process with fitter solutions using the concept of the opposite number. In addition, in each iteration of the optimization, the new algorithm replaces the worst solution with its opposite or a random part of the best solution to avoid getting trapped in local optima and increase the global search ability of the algorithm. The performance of the new ARSO is investigated using a set of benchmark test functions, and the results are compared with those of the standard RSO and some other methods from the literature. In addition, a case study from the literature is considered to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed ARSO for coordinated design of controllers in a power system. PSSs and additional SVC controllers are being considered to demonstrate the feasibility of the new technique. The numerical investigations show that the new approach may provide better optimal damping and outperform previous methods

    Enhancement of Power System Dynamic Performance by Coordinated Design of PSS and FACTS Damping Controllers

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    Due to environmental and economical constraints, it is difficult to build new power lines and to reinforce the existing ones. The continued growth in demand for electric power must therefore to a great extent be met by increased loading of available lines. A consequence of this is reduction of power system damping, leading to a risk of poorly damped power oscillations between generators. To suppress these oscillations and maintain power system dynamic performance, one of the conventional, economical and effective solutions is to install a power system stabilizer (PSS). However, in some cases PSS may not provide sufficient damping for the inter-area oscillations in a multi-machine power system. In this context, other possible solutions are needed to be exposed. With the evolution of power electronics, flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) controllers turn out to be possible solution to alleviate such critical situations by controlling the power flow over the AC transmission line and improving power oscillations damping. However, coordination of conventional PSS with FACTS controllers in aiding of power system oscillations damping is still an open problem. Therefore, it is essential to study the coordinated design of PSS with FACTS controllers in a multi-machine power system. This thesis gives an overview of the modelling and operation of power system with conventional PSS. It gives the introduction to emerging FACTS controllers with emphasis on the TCSC, SVC and STATCOM controllers. The basic modelling and operating principles of the controllers are explained in this thesis, along with the power oscillations damping (POD) stabilizers. The coordination design of PSS and FACTS damping controllers over a wide range of operating conditions is formulated as an optimization problem. The objective function of this optimization problem is framed using system eigen values and it is solved using AAPSO and IWO algorithms. The optimal control parameters of coordinated controllers are obtained at the end of these optimization algorithms. A comprehensive approach to the hybrid coordinated design of PSS with series and shunt FACTS damping controllers is proposed to enhance the overall system dynamic performance. The robustness and effectiveness of proposed hybrid coordinated designs are demonstrated through the eigen value analysis and time-domain simulations. The proposed hybrid designs provide robust dynamic performance under wide range in load condition and providing significant improvement in damping power system oscillations under severe disturbance. The developed hybrid coordinated designs are tested in different multimachine power systems using AAPSO and IWO algorithms. The IWO based hybrid designs and AAPSO based hybrid designs are more effective than other control designs. In addition to this, the proposed designs are implemented and validated in real-time using Opal-RT hardware simulator. The real-time simulations of different test power systems with different proposed designs are carried out for a severe fault disturbance. Finally, the proposed controller simulation results are validated with real-time results

    Study and Analysis of Power System Stability Based on FACT Controller System

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    Energy framework soundness is identified with standards rotational movement and the swing condition administering electromechanical unique conduct. In the exceptional instance of two limited machines, the basis of equivalent territory security can be utilized to ascertain the basic clearing point in the force framework, It is important to look after synchronization, in any case the degree of administration for customers won't be accomplished. This term steadiness signifies "looking after synchronization." This paper is an audit of three kinds of consistent state. The main sort of adjustment, consistent state steadiness clarifies the most extreme consistent state quality and force point chart. The transient solidness clarifies the wavering condition and the idleness steady while dynamic soundness manages the transient security time frame. There are a few different ways to improve framework soundness a portion of the techniques are clarified. Versatile AC Transmission Frameworks (FACTS) Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) regulators have been utilized frequently to comprehend the different issues of a non-variable force structure. Versatile AC Transmission Frames or FACTS are devices that permit versatile and dynamic control of intensity outlines. Improving casing respectability has been explored with FACTS regulators. This examination focuses to the upsides of utilizing FACTS apparatuses with the explanation behind improving electric force tire activity. There has been discussion of an execution check for different FACTS regulators

    A survey on fopid controllers for lfo damping in power systems using synchronous generators, facts devices and inverter-based power plants

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    In recent decades, various types of control techniques have been proposed for use in power systems. Among them, the use of a proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller is widely recognized as an effective technique. The generalized type of this controller is the fractional-order PID (FOPID) controller. This type of controller provides a wider range of stability area due to the fractional orders of integrals and derivatives. These types of controllers have been significantly considered as a new approach in power engineering that can enhance the operation and stability of power systems. This paper represents a comprehensive overview of the FOPID controller and its applications in modern power systems for enhancing low-frequency oscillation (LFO) damping. In addition, the performance of this type of controller has been evaluated in a benchmark test system. It can be a driver for the development of FOPID controller applications in modern power systems. Investigation of different pieces of research shows that FOPID controllers, as robust controllers, can play an efficient role in modern power systems