26 research outputs found

    What and how about customer-driven product development

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    Evaluasi Pemilihan Rekan Toll Manufacturing Dalam Pengembangan Produk Obat Generik Injeksi Meropenem Di Sebuah Perusahaan Farmasi Di Jakarta

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    . A pharmaceutical company at Jakarta developed a generic meropenem sterile dosage form by toll manufacturing business cooperation with another pharmaceutical company. During the process of partner selection, there was a time delay. The target plan was 4 months but in reality it took 12 months. This research evaluates factors which cause the time delay. One of the causes was the unavailability of pre-selection model. This research test a qualitative pre-selection model using variables of management, availability oftransport choices, value added services, rate profile and quality services, service characteristics and performance measurements. The six variables described into 36 dimensions and indicators. The model tested to 10 pharmaceutical companies with sterile production facility needed for production of meropenem sterile dosage form. Research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis with searching data method through observational study. The data source is secondary data. Based on the research result, timedelay was caused by several factors related to product, procedure, quality and fee. The tested pre-selection model can be used as an alternative solution to avoid future time delay in toll manufacturing partner selection

    New Product Development Processes in The Australian FMCG Industry.

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    This paper presents a study of new product development (NPD) processes in two large Australian organisations (National Foods and Lion Nathan) involved in the production of fast moving consumer goods. The research utilises the Australian Business Excellence Framework as a research lens for exploring NPD processes with a focus on the role of sales and operations management. A case study approach used data collected from employees in the two organisations who were involved the NPD process. The results showed a number of significant differences between the two organisations in the conduct and the effectiveness of their NPD processes. Although both organisations employed a formal Stage-Gate process, Lion Nathan did this more successfully than National Foods, perhaps because of Lion Nathan’s greater experience with using stage-gate methodology. This study highlights the importance of the role of sales and operation planning, especially in relation to collaborative demand forecasting. The importance of the leadership role was also evident particularly in relation to ensuring measurement, review, and improvement of NPD processes

    Case study analysis of sustainable supply chain redesign linking with new product development

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    This research seeks to investigate the new product development (NPD) approaches and the supply chain redesign strategies as part of the sustainable development. A systematic approach of literature review will be undertaken in order for effective gathering a set of structured data to act as a basis for the further discussions. The case of Boeing Dreamliner provides with a qualitative research method in order for critical analysis of the main concepts of the research. According to the inclusive Dreamliner’s development programme and the risks and threats associated with supply chain redesign, this paper defines a comprehensive framework in order to minimise the potential failures and delays within the future aircraft development approaches. The paper studies the supply chain redesign of NPD programme within the aircraft industry; therefore, there is a need for other types of industries to be investigated due to their different features and necessities. The systematic review of Dreamliner case provides an opportunity for creating a well-defined framework addressing supply chain sustainability and NPD project management challenges. All the supply chain entities especially within aircraft industries would benefit from the paper results in order to receive the best advantages from NPD practices and global supply chain methods

    Customer-driven Product Development:A Demand Chain Management perspective

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    Warehousing Location Decision in Northern Europe: Transportation Mode Perspective

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    Manufacturing employment has continuously declined in developed economies for more than decade time, but service sector in turn has significantly grown. Services also include warehousing, which connects customers and globally concentrated manufacturing units together. In this manuscript we examine location criteria for warehouses in Northern European companies (Finland and Sweden) as well as location of their warehouse network in larger Europe. Our research shows based on multiyear survey that primarily warehouses are established to have: (1) low distribution costs, (2) road transportation connection, and (3) assembly/manufacturing units are near-by. Currently in different contexts is being emphasized intermodal transports, railway connectivity, future potential of location as well as low labour cost are considered to have secondary up to quinary importance. In country level differences we show based on completed surveys that Finnish companies are more active in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC), while Swedish companies have been extremely cautious with this regard

    The Impact of Information System Implementation to the Integrated System for Increasing the Performance of Manufacturing Companies

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    The demand for meat and eggs in Indonesia is highly increasing to fulfill the nutrition need. The farm industry strives to perform the product innovation and process innovation to meet the increasing demand. The producers of meat and eggs are required to implements the information technology to allow the operations of the company run well. The companys information system also makes the company to perform a product and process innovation in the pursuit of improved supply chain performance. This study investigates the relationship between the implementation of a management information system, product innovation, process innovation, and supply chain performance. Data collection is conducted by distributing questionnaires to, and by having direct interviews with the respondents from the department of the information system of 41 companies in Surabaya, Indonesia. The data analysis uses smart PLS software version 3.0. The study found that the implementation of a management information system directly affects the process innovation by a positive coefficient of 0.174. The implementation of a management information system also directly influences product innovation by a significant coefficient of 0.649. The implementation of a management information system does not directly affect the supply chain performance as the t-value less than 1.96. The process innovation accelerates product innovation by a significant coefficient of 0.686. Process innovation also provides a direct impact on supply chain performance by a coefficient of 0.177. Product innovation directly gives an impact on the improvement of the supply chain performance by the coefficient of 0.665. In total, the implementation of management information systems affects supply chain performance through the process innovation and product innovation by the coefficient of 0.526. This study contributes to the current research on the supply chain management and paves the way for managers to improve the supply chain performance by implementing the management information system, product innovation, and process innovatio

    Impact Covid-19 Pandemic On Local Rice Supply Chain Flow Patterns In Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Abstract: The fact that the pandemic condition due to Covid-19 that broke out in early 2020 has caught the attention of various elements of society. The visible impact is not only on public health, but also influences the distribution and availability of various food supplies, especially local rice in the study area. The purpose of this study was to examine the flow patterns of the local rice supply chain during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data analysis using supply chain analysis of Supply Chain management (SCM). The results of the analysis show that at the farmer / producer level it does not significantly affect farming activities, only 29.77 percent of farmers stated that there was an influence on farming activities. The impact of Covid-19 mainly affects the level of intermediary institutions in the rice distribution process. Long product (material) flow patterns by business actors need to be shortened by a short distribution route. Another effect is the inaccuracy of product arrival time due to delays in the inspection process for products brought to the research location. The impact of Covid-19 is mainly felt by distributors / wholesalers who flow products to other areas, mainly due to the increase in additional costs related to Covid-19 requirements. The solution to integrate all SCM elements through an information system can facilitate the flow pattern of local rice in Kapuas District, by intensifying the management of information related to production at the producer level, as well as controlling rice supplies at the level of intermediary institutions. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, local rice, supply chain, materials, informations, financia