7 research outputs found

    NCBI-BLAST programs optimization on XSEDE resources for sustainable aquaculture

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    The development of genomic resources of non-model organisms is now becoming commonplace as the cost of sequencing continues to decrease. The Genome Informatics Facility in collaboration with the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC), NOAA is creating these resources for sustainable aquaculture in Seriola lalandi. Gene prediction and annotation are common steps in the pipeline to generate genomic resources, which are computationally intense and time consuming. In our steps to create genomic resources for Seriola lalandi, we found BLAST to be one of our most rate limiting steps. Therefore, we took advantage of our XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Services (ECSS) to reduce the amount of time required to process our transcriptome data by 300 percent. In this paper, we describe an optimized method for the BLAST tool on the Stampede cluster, which works with any existing datasets or database, without any modification. At modest core counts, our results are similar to the MPI-enabled BLAST algorithm (mpiBLAST), but also allow the much needed and improved flexibility of output formats that the latest versions of BLAST provide. Reducing this time-consuming bottleneck in BLAST will be broadly applicable to the annotation of large sequencing datasets for any organism

    Table 1: Comparison of the features of DCBLAST with those of existing parallel bioinformatics software for the performance of BLAST/BLAST+ searches.

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    Bioinformatics is currently faced with very large-scale data sets that lead to computational jobs, especially sequence similarity searches, that can take absurdly long times to run. For example, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST and BLAST+) suite, which is by far the most widely used tool for rapid similarity searching among nucleic acid or amino acid sequences, is highly central processing unit (CPU) intensive. While the BLAST suite of programs perform searches very rapidly, they have the potential to be accelerated. In recent years, distributed computing environments have become more widely accessible and used due to the increasing availability of high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Therefore, simple solutions for data parallelization are needed to expedite BLAST and other sequence analysis tools. However, existing software for parallel sequence similarity searches often requires extensive computational experience and skill on the part of the user. In order to accelerate BLAST and other sequence analysis tools, Divide and Conquer BLAST (DCBLAST) was developed to perform NCBI BLAST searches within a cluster, grid, or HPC environment by using a query sequence distribution approach. Scaling from one (1) to 256 CPU cores resulted in significant improvements in processing speed. Thus, DCBLAST dramatically accelerates the execution of BLAST searches using a simple, accessible, robust, and parallel approach. DCBLAST works across multiple nodes automatically and it overcomes the speed limitation of single-node BLAST programs. DCBLAST can be used on any HPC system, can take advantage of hundreds of nodes, and has no output limitations. This freely available tool simplifies distributed computation pipelines to facilitate the rapid discovery of sequence similarities between very large data sets

    Divide and Conquer (DC) BLAST: fast and easy BLAST execution within HPC environments

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    Bioinformatics is currently faced with very large-scale data sets that lead to computational jobs, especially sequence similarity searches, that can take absurdly long times to run. For example, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST and BLAST+) suite, which is by far the most widely used tool for rapid similarity searching among nucleic acid or amino acid sequences, is highly central processing unit (CPU) intensive. While the BLAST suite of programs perform searches very rapidly, they have the potential to be accelerated. In recent years, distributed computing environments have become more widely accessible and used due to the increasing availability of high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Therefore, simple solutions for data parallelization are needed to expedite BLAST and other sequence analysis tools. However, existing software for parallel sequence similarity searches often requires extensive computational experience and skill on the part of the user. In order to accelerate BLAST and other sequence analysis tools, Divide and Conquer BLAST (DCBLAST) was developed to perform NCBI BLAST searches within a cluster, grid, or HPC environment by using a query sequence distribution approach. Scaling from one (1) to 256 CPU cores resulted in significant improvements in processing speed. Thus, DCBLAST dramatically accelerates the execution of BLAST searches using a simple, accessible, robust, and parallel approach. DCBLAST works across multiple nodes automatically and it overcomes the speed limitation of single-node BLAST programs. DCBLAST can be used on any HPC system, can take advantage of hundreds of nodes, and has no output limitations. This freely available tool simplifies distributed computation pipelines to facilitate the rapid discovery of sequence similarities between very large data sets.This work was supported by the Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Genomic Science Program [DE-SC0008834 to JCC]. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors would like to thank the Information Technology Department at the University of Nevada, Reno for the use of computing time on the High-Performance Computing Cluster (http://www.unr.edu/it/research-resources/the-grid) and Mary Ann Cushman and Pradeep Yerramsetty for providing helpful and clarifying comments on the manuscript

    Coordinating Computation and I/O in Massively Parallel Sequence Search

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    Interpretation of Mutations, Expression, Copy Number in Somatic Breast Cancer: Implications for Metastasis and Chemotherapy

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    Breast cancer (BC) patient management has been transformed over the last two decades due to the development and application of genome-wide technologies. The vast amounts of data generated by these assays, however, create new challenges for accurate and comprehensive analysis and interpretation. This thesis describes novel methods for fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), and next generation DNA- and RNA-sequencing, to improve upon current approaches used for these technologies. An ab initio algorithm was implemented to identify genomic intervals of single copy and highly divergent repetitive sequences that were applied to FISH and aCGH probe design. FISH probes with higher resolution than commercially available reagents were developed and validated on metaphase chromosomes. An aCGH microarray was developed that had improved reproducibility compared to the standard Agilent 44K array, which was achieved by placing oligonucleotide probes distant from conserved repetitive sequences. Splicing mutations are currently underrepresented in genome-wide sequencing analyses, and there are limited methods to validate genome-wide mutation predictions. This thesis describes Veridical, a program developed to statistically validate aberrant splicing caused by a predicted mutation. Splicing mutation analysis was performed on a large subset of BC patients previously analyzed by the Cancer Genome Atlas. This analysis revealed an elevated number of splicing mutations in genes involved in NCAM pathways in basal-like and HER2-enriched lymph node positive tumours. Genome-wide technologies were leveraged further to develop chemosensitivity models that predict BC response to paclitaxel and gemcitabine. A type of machine learning, called support vector machines (SVM), was used to create predictive models from small sets of biologically-relevant genes to drug disposition or resistance. SVM models generated were able to predict sensitivity in two groups of independent patient data. High variability between individuals requires more accurate and higher resolution genomic data. However the data themselves are insufficient; also needed are more insightful analytical methods to fully exploit these data. This dissertation presents both improvements in data quality and accuracy as well as analytical procedures, with the aim of detecting and interpreting critical genomic abnormalities that are hallmarks of BC subtypes, metastasis and therapy response