103 research outputs found

    Mathematical optimization and game theoretic techniques for multicell beamforming

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    The main challenge in mobile wireless communications is the incompatibility between limited wireless resources and increasing demand on wireless services. The employment of frequency reuse technique has effectively increased the capacity of the network and improved the efficiency of frequency utilization. However, with the emergence of smart phones and even more data hungry applications such as interactive multimedia, higher data rate is demanded by mobile users. On the other hand, the interference induced by spectrum sharing arrangement has severely degraded the quality of service for users and restricted further reduction of cell size and enhancement of frequency reuse factor. Beamforming technique has great potential to improve the network performance. With the employment of multiple antennas, a base station is capable of directionally transmitting signals to desired users through narrow beams rather than omnidirectional waves. This will result users suffer less interference from the signals transmitted to other co-channel users. In addition, with the combination of beamforming technique and appropriate power control schemes, the resources of the wireless networks can be used more efficiently. In this thesis, mathematical optimization and game theoretic techniques have been exploited for beamforming designs within the context of multicell wireless networks. Both the coordinated beamforming and the coalitional game theoretic based beamforming techniques have been proposed. Initially, coordinated multicell beamforming algorithms for mixed design criteria have been developed, in which some users are allowed to achieve target signal-to-interference- plus-noise ratios (SINRs) while the SINRs of rest of the users in all cells will be balanced to a maximum achievable SINR. An SINR balancing based coordinated multicell beamforming algorithm has then been proposed which is capable of balancing users in different cells to different SINR levels. Finally, a coalitional game based multicell beamforming has been considered, in which the proposed coalition formation algorithm can reach to stable coalition structures. The performances of all the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated using MATLAB based simulations

    Coordinated multicell beamforming with local and global data rate constraints

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    © 2016 IEEE.We propose optimization techniques for coordinated multi-cell beamforming in the presence of local users and a global user. The local users are served by only the corresponding basestation (BS) while the global user is served by multiple basestations. The global user, with the aid of multiple antennas, is able to decode multiple data streams transmitted by various transmitters through singular value decomposition of the channels at the receiver and using left dominant singular vectors as the receiver beamforming. The coordinating basestations employ semidefinite programing based transmitter beamforming and agree to perform optimum data rate split for the global user in order to minimise the transmission power

    Optimization techniques for reliable data communication in multi-antenna wireless systems

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    This thesis looks at new methods of achieving reliable data communication in wireless communication systems using different antenna transmission optimization methods. In particular, the problems of exploitation of MIMO communication channel diversity, secure downlink beamforming techniques, adaptive beamforming techniques, resource allocation methods, simultaneous power and information transfer and energy harvesting within the context of multi-antenna wireless systems are addressed

    Distributed optimisation techniques for wireless networks

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    Alongside the ever increasing traffic demand, the fifth generation (5G) cellular network architecture is being proposed to provide better quality of service, increased data rate, decreased latency, and increased capacity. Without any doubt, the 5G cellular network will comprise of ultra-dense networks and multiple input multiple output technologies. This will make the current centralised solutions impractical due to increased complexity. Moreover, the amount of coordination information that needs to be transported over the backhaul links will be increased. Distributed or decentralised solutions are promising to provide better alternatives. This thesis proposes new distributed algorithms for wireless networks which aim to reduce the amount of system overheads in the backhaul links and the system complexity. The analysis of conflicts amongst transmitters, and resource allocation are conducted via the use of game theory, convex optimisation, and auction theory. Firstly, game-theoretic model is used to analyse a mixed quality of service (QoS) strategic non-cooperative game (SNG), for a two-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel. The players are considered to have different objectives. Following this, the mixed QoS SNG is extended to a multicell multiuser network in terms of signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) requirement. In the multicell multiuser setting, each transmitter is assumed to be serving real time users (RTUs) and non-real time users (NRTUs), simultaneously. A novel mixed QoS SNG algorithm is proposed, with its operating point identified as the Nash equilibrium-mixed QoS (NE-mixed QoS). Nash, Kalai-Smorodinsky, and Egalitarian bargain solutions are then proposed to improve the performance of the NE-mixed QoS. The performance of the bargain solutions are observed to be comparable to the centralised solutions. Secondly, user offloading and user association problems are addressed for small cells using auction theory. The main base station wishes to offload some of its users to privately owned small cell access points. A novel bid-wait-auction (BWA) algorithm, which allows single-item bidding at each auction round, is designed to decompose the combinatorial mathematical nature of the problem. An analysis on the existence and uniqueness of the dominant strategy equilibrium is conducted. The BWA is then used to form the forward BWA (FBWA) and the backward BWA (BBWA). It is observed that the BBWA allows more users to be admitted as compared to the FBWA. Finally, simultaneous multiple-round ascending auction (SMRA), altered SMRA (ASMRA), sequential combinatorial auction with item bidding (SCAIB), and repetitive combinatorial auction with item bidding (RCAIB) algorithms are proposed to perform user offloading and user association for small cells. These algorithms are able to allow bundle bidding. It is then proven that, truthful bidding is individually rational and leads to Walrasian equilibrium. The performance of the proposed auction based algorithms is evaluated. It is observed that the proposed algorithms match the performance of the centralised solutions when the guest users have low target rates. The SCAIB algorithm is shown to be the most preferred as it provides high admission rate and competitive revenue to the bidders

    Coordinated multicell beamforming with local and global data rate constraints

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    © 2016 IEEE.We propose optimization techniques for coordinated multi-cell beamforming in the presence of local users and a global user. The local users are served by only the corresponding basestation (BS) while the global user is served by multiple basestations. The global user, with the aid of multiple antennas, is able to decode multiple data streams transmitted by various transmitters through singular value decomposition of the channels at the receiver and using left dominant singular vectors as the receiver beamforming. The coordinating basestations employ semidefinite programing based transmitter beamforming and agree to perform optimum data rate split for the global user in order to minimise the transmission power

    Mathematical optimization and signal processing techniques for cooperative wireless networks

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    The rapid growth of mobile users and emergence of high data rate multimedia and interactive services have resulted in a shortage of the radio spectrum. Novel solutions are therefore required for future generations of wireless networks to enhance capacity and coverage. This thesis aims at addressing this issue through the design and analysis of signal processing algorithms. In particular various resource allocation and spatial diversity techniques have been proposed within the context of wireless peer-to-peer relays and coordinated base station (BS) processing. In order to enhance coverage while providing improvement in capacity, peer-to-peer relays that share the same frequency band have been considered and various techniques for designing relay coefficients and allocating powers optimally are proposed. Both one-way and two-way amplify and forward (AF) relays have been investigated. In order to maintain fairness, a signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) balancing criterion has been adopted. In order to improve the spectrum utilization further, the relays within the context of cognitive radio network are also considered. In this case, a cognitive peer-to-peer relay network is required to achieve SINR balancing while maintaining the interference leakage to primary receiver below a certain threshold. As the spatial diversity techniques in the form of multiple-input-multipleoutput (MIMO) systems have the potential to enhance capacity significantly, the above work has been extended to peer-to-peer MIMO relay networks. Transceiver and relay beamforming design based on minimum mean-square error (MSE) criterion has been proposed. Establishing uplink downlink MSE duality, an alternating algorithm has been developed. A scenario where multiple users are served by both the BS and a MIMO relay is considered and a joint beamforming technique for the BS and the MIMO relay is proposed. With the motivation of optimising the transmission power at both the BS and the relay, an interference precoding design is presented that takes into account the knowledge of the interference caused by the relay to the users served by the BS. Recognizing joint beamformer design for multiple BSs has the ability to reduce interference in the network significantly, cooperative multi-cell beamforming design is proposed. The aim is to design multi-cell beamformers to maximize the minimum SINR of users subject to individual BS power constraints. In contrast to all works available in the literature that aimed at balancing SINR of all users in all cells to the same level, the SINRs of users in each cell is balanced and maximized at different values. This new technique takes advantage of the fact that BSs may have different available transmission powers and/or channel conditions for their users

    Content delivery over multi-antenna wireless networks

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    The past few decades have witnessed unprecedented advances in information technology, which have significantly shaped the way we acquire and process information in our daily lives. Wireless communications has become the main means of access to data through mobile devices, resulting in a continuous exponential growth in wireless data traffic, mainly driven by the demand for high quality content. Various technologies have been proposed by researchers to tackle this growth in 5G and beyond, including the use of increasing number of antenna elements, integrated point-to-multipoint delivery and caching, which constitute the core of this thesis. In particular, we study non-orthogonal content delivery in multiuser multiple-input-single-output (MISO) systems. First, a joint beamforming strategy for simultaneous delivery of broadcast and unicast services is investigated, based on layered division multiplexing (LDM) as a means of superposition coding. The system performance in terms of minimum required power under prescribed quality-of-service (QoS) requirements is examined in comparison with time division multiplexing (TDM). It is demonstrated through simulations that the non-orthogonal delivery strategy based on LDM significantly outperforms the orthogonal strategy based on TDM in terms of system throughput and reliability. To facilitate efficient implementation of the LDM-based beamforming design, we further propose a dual decomposition-based distributed approach. Next, we study an efficient multicast beamforming design in cache-aided multiuser MISO systems, exploiting proactive content placement and coded delivery. It is observed that the complexity of this problem grows exponentially with the number of subfiles delivered to each user in each time slot, which itself grows exponentially with the number of users in the system. Therefore, we propose a low-complexity alternative through time-sharing that limits the number of subfiles that can be received by a user in each time slot. Moreover, a joint design of content delivery and multicast beamforming is proposed to further enhance the system performance, under the constraint on maximum number of subfiles each user can decode in each time slot. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Chapter 5, followed by an outlook for future works.Open Acces

    Sample Approximation-Based Deflation Approaches for Chance SINR Constrained Joint Power and Admission Control

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    Consider the joint power and admission control (JPAC) problem for a multi-user single-input single-output (SISO) interference channel. Most existing works on JPAC assume the perfect instantaneous channel state information (CSI). In this paper, we consider the JPAC problem with the imperfect CSI, that is, we assume that only the channel distribution information (CDI) is available. We formulate the JPAC problem into a chance (probabilistic) constrained program, where each link's SINR outage probability is enforced to be less than or equal to a specified tolerance. To circumvent the computational difficulty of the chance SINR constraints, we propose to use the sample (scenario) approximation scheme to convert them into finitely many simple linear constraints. Furthermore, we reformulate the sample approximation of the chance SINR constrained JPAC problem as a composite group sparse minimization problem and then approximate it by a second-order cone program (SOCP). The solution of the SOCP approximation can be used to check the simultaneous supportability of all links in the network and to guide an iterative link removal procedure (the deflation approach). We exploit the special structure of the SOCP approximation and custom-design an efficient algorithm for solving it. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed sample approximation-based deflation approaches by simulations.Comment: The paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication
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