2,861 research outputs found

    Radar and RGB-depth sensors for fall detection: a review

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    This paper reviews recent works in the literature on the use of systems based on radar and RGB-Depth (RGB-D) sensors for fall detection, and discusses outstanding research challenges and trends related to this research field. Systems to detect reliably fall events and promptly alert carers and first responders have gained significant interest in the past few years in order to address the societal issue of an increasing number of elderly people living alone, with the associated risk of them falling and the consequences in terms of health treatments, reduced well-being, and costs. The interest in radar and RGB-D sensors is related to their capability to enable contactless and non-intrusive monitoring, which is an advantage for practical deployment and users’ acceptance and compliance, compared with other sensor technologies, such as video-cameras, or wearables. Furthermore, the possibility of combining and fusing information from The heterogeneous types of sensors is expected to improve the overall performance of practical fall detection systems. Researchers from different fields can benefit from multidisciplinary knowledge and awareness of the latest developments in radar and RGB-D sensors that this paper is discussing

    People tracking by cooperative fusion of RADAR and camera sensors

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    Accurate 3D tracking of objects from monocular camera poses challenges due to the loss of depth during projection. Although ranging by RADAR has proven effective in highway environments, people tracking remains beyond the capability of single sensor systems. In this paper, we propose a cooperative RADAR-camera fusion method for people tracking on the ground plane. Using average person height, joint detection likelihood is calculated by back-projecting detections from the camera onto the RADAR Range-Azimuth data. Peaks in the joint likelihood, representing candidate targets, are fed into a Particle Filter tracker. Depending on the association outcome, particles are updated using the associated detections (Tracking by Detection), or by sampling the raw likelihood itself (Tracking Before Detection). Utilizing the raw likelihood data has the advantage that lost targets are continuously tracked even if the camera or RADAR signal is below the detection threshold. We show that in single target, uncluttered environments, the proposed method entirely outperforms camera-only tracking. Experiments in a real-world urban environment also confirm that the cooperative fusion tracker produces significantly better estimates, even in difficult and ambiguous situations

    Laser space rendezvous and docking tradeoff

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    A spaceborne laser radar (LADAR) was configured to meet the requirements for rendezvous and docking with a cooperative object in synchronous orbit. The LADAR, configurated using existing pulsed CO2 laser technology and a 1980 system technology baseline, is well suited for the envisioned space tug missions. The performance of a family of candidate LADARS was analyzed. Tradeoff studies as a function of size, weight, and power consumption were carried out for maximum ranges of 50, 100, 200, and 300 nautical miles. The investigation supports the original contention that a rendezvous and docking LADAR can be constructed to offer a cost effective and reliable solution to the envisioned space missions. In fact, the CO2 ladar system offers distinct advantages over other candidate systems

    Application of advanced technology to space automation

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    Automated operations in space provide the key to optimized mission design and data acquisition at minimum cost for the future. The results of this study strongly accentuate this statement and should provide further incentive for immediate development of specific automtion technology as defined herein. Essential automation technology requirements were identified for future programs. The study was undertaken to address the future role of automation in the space program, the potential benefits to be derived, and the technology efforts that should be directed toward obtaining these benefits

    Automation and robotics technology for intelligent mining systems

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    The U.S. Bureau of Mines is approaching the problems of accidents and efficiency in the mining industry through the application of automation and robotics to mining systems. This technology can increase safety by removing workers from hazardous areas of the mines or from performing hazardous tasks. The short-term goal of the Automation and Robotics program is to develop technology that can be implemented in the form of an autonomous mining machine using current continuous mining machine equipment. In the longer term, the goal is to conduct research that will lead to new intelligent mining systems that capitalize on the capabilities of robotics. The Bureau of Mines Automation and Robotics program has been structured to produce the technology required for the short- and long-term goals. The short-term goal of application of automation and robotics to an existing mining machine, resulting in autonomous operation, is expected to be accomplished within five years. Key technology elements required for an autonomous continuous mining machine are well underway and include machine navigation systems, coal-rock interface detectors, machine condition monitoring, and intelligent computer systems. The Bureau of Mines program is described, including status of key technology elements for an autonomous continuous mining machine, the program schedule, and future work. Although the program is directed toward underground mining, much of the technology being developed may have applications for space systems or mining on the Moon or other planets

    Performance Limits and Geometric Properties of Array Localization

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    Location-aware networks are of great importance and interest in both civil and military applications. This paper determines the localization accuracy of an agent, which is equipped with an antenna array and localizes itself using wireless measurements with anchor nodes, in a far-field environment. In view of the Cram\'er-Rao bound, we first derive the localization information for static scenarios and demonstrate that such information is a weighed sum of Fisher information matrices from each anchor-antenna measurement pair. Each matrix can be further decomposed into two parts: a distance part with intensity proportional to the squared baseband effective bandwidth of the transmitted signal and a direction part with intensity associated with the normalized anchor-antenna visual angle. Moreover, in dynamic scenarios, we show that the Doppler shift contributes additional direction information, with intensity determined by the agent velocity and the root mean squared time duration of the transmitted signal. In addition, two measures are proposed to evaluate the localization performance of wireless networks with different anchor-agent and array-antenna geometries, and both formulae and simulations are provided for typical anchor deployments and antenna arrays.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Improvement of detection and tracking techniques in multistatic passive radar systems. (Mejora de técnicas de detección y seguimiento en sistemas radar pasivos multiestáticos)

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    Esta tesis doctoral es el resultado de una intensa actividad investigadora centrada en los sensores radar pasivos para la mejora de las capacidades de detección y seguimiento en escenarios complejos con blancos terrestres y pequeños drones. El trabajo de investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el grupo de investigación coordinado por la Dra. María Pilar Jarabo Amores, dentro del marco diferentes proyectos: IDEPAR (“Improved DEtection techniques for PAssive Radars”), MASTERSAT (“MultichAnnel paSsive radar receiver exploiting TERrestrial and SATellite Illuminators”) y KRIPTON (“A Knowledge based appRoach to passIve radar detection using wideband sPace adapTive prOcessiNg”) financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España; MAPIS (Multichannel passive ISAR imaging for military applications) y JAMPAR (“JAMmer-based PAssive Radar”), financiados por la Agencia Europea de Defensa (EDA) . El objetivo principal es la mejora de las técnicas de detección y seguimiento en radares pasivos con configuraciones biestáticas y multiestaticas. En el documento se desarrollan algoritmos para el aprovechamiento de señales procedentes de distintos iluminadores de oportunidad (transmisores DVB-T, satélites DVB-S y señales GPS). Las soluciones propuestas han sido integradas en el demostrador tecnológico IDEPAR, desarrollado y actualizado bajo los proyectos mencionados, y validadas en escenarios reales declarados de interés por potenciales usuarios finales (Direccion general de armamento y material, instituto nacional de tecnología aeroespacial y la armada española). Para el desarrollo y evaluación de cadenas de las cadenas de procesado, se plantean dos casos de estudio: blancos terrestres en escenarios semiurbanos edificios y pequeños blancos aéreos en escenarios rurales y costeros. Las principales contribuciones se pueden resumir en los siguientes puntos: • Diseño de técnicas de seguimiento 2D en el espacio de trabajo rango biestático-frecuencia Doppler: se desarrollan técnicas de seguimiento para los dos casos de estudio, localización de blancos terrestres y pequeños drones. Para es último se implementan técnicas capaces de seguir tanto el movimiento del dron como su firma Doppler, lo que permite implementar técnicas de clasificación de blancos. • Diseño de técnicas de seguimiento de blancos capaces de integrar información en el espacio 3D (rango, Doppler y acimut): se diseñan técnicas basadas en procesado en dos etapas, una primera con seguimiento en 2D para el filtrado de falsas alarmas y la segunda para el seguimiento en 3D y la conversión de coordenadas a un plano local cartesiano. Se comparan soluciones basadas en filtros de Kalman para sistemas tanto lineales como no lineales. • Diseño de cadenas de procesado para sistemas multiestáticos: la información estimada del blanco sobre múltiples geometrías biestáticas es utilizada para incremento de las capacidades de localización del blanco en el plano cartesiano local. Se presentan soluciones basadas en filtros de Kalman para sistemas no lineales explotando diferentes medidas biestáticas en el proceso de transformación de coordenadas, analizando las mejoras de precisión en la localización del blanco. • Diseño de etapas de procesado para radares pasivos basados en señales satelitales de las constelaciones GPS DVB-S. Se estudian las características de las señales satelitales identificando sus inconvenientes y proponiendo cadenas de procesado que permitan su utilización para la detección y seguimiento de blancos terrestres. • Estudio del uso de señales DVB-T multicanal con gaps de transmisión entre los diferentes canales en sistemas radares pasivos. Con ello se incrementa la resolución del sistema, y las capacidades de detección, seguimiento y localización. Se estudia el modelo de señal multicanal, sus efectos sobre el procesado coherente y se proponen cadenas de procesado para paliar los efectos adversos de este tipo de señales

    Passive MIMO Radar Detection

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    Passive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar is a sensor network comprised of multiple distributed receivers that detects and localizes targets using the emissions from multiple non-cooperative radio frequency transmitters. This dissertation advances the theory of centralized passive MIMO radar (PMR) detection by proposing two novel generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) detectors. The first addresses detection in PMR networks without direct-path signals. The second addresses detection in PMR networks with direct-path signals. The probability distributions of both test statistics are investigated using recent results from random matrix theory. Equivalence is established between PMR networks without direct-path signals and passive source localization (PSL) networks. Comparison of both detectors with a centralized GLRT for active MIMO radar (AMR) detection reveals that PMR may be interpreted as the link between AMR and PSL sensor networks. In particular, under high direct-path-to-noise ratio (DNR) conditions, PMR sensitivity and ambiguity approaches that of AMR. Under low-DNR conditions, PMR sensitivity and ambiguity approaches that of PSL. At intermediate DNRs, PMR sensitivity and ambiguity smoothly varies between that of AMR and PSL. In this way, PMR unifies PSL and AMR within a common theoretical framework. This result provides insight into the fundamental natures of active and passive distributed sensing

    Introduction to Drone Detection Radar with Emphasis on Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) technology

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    This paper discusses the challenges of detecting and categorizing small drones with radar automatic target recognition (ATR) technology. The authors suggest integrating ATR capabilities into drone detection radar systems to improve performance and manage emerging threats. The study focuses primarily on drones in Group 1 and 2. The paper highlights the need to consider kinetic features and signal signatures, such as micro-Doppler, in ATR techniques to efficiently recognize small drones. The authors also present a comprehensive drone detection radar system design that balances detection and tracking requirements, incorporating parameter adjustment based on scattering region theory. They offer an example of a performance improvement achieved using feedback and situational awareness mechanisms with the integrated ATR capabilities. Furthermore, the paper examines challenges related to one-way attack drones and explores the potential of cognitive radar as a solution. The integration of ATR capabilities transforms a 3D radar system into a 4D radar system, resulting in improved drone detection performance. These advancements are useful in military, civilian, and commercial applications, and ongoing research and development efforts are essential to keep radar systems effective and ready to detect, track, and respond to emerging threats.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, submitted to a journal and being under revie