140 research outputs found

    Error Correcting Codes for Cooperative Broadcasting

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    This talk considers the design and implementation of error correcting codes for cooperative broadcasting in wireless networks. Focus is on the case of two cooperating sources transmitting two classes of information to a single receiver. This case was first introduced in the seminal work of Bergmans and Cover and referred to as over the air mixing . Two levels of protection are provided using two low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes combined using Plotkin\u27s |u|u+v|-construction. Expressions are derived for the bit metrics used in iterative decoding for two-level codes combined with BPSK, QPSK and 4-PAM modulations. Several examples of codes and their performance over AWGN and flat Rayleigh fading channels are presented. The talk concludes with final remarks and directions for future research in this area

    Performance Analysis of Reuse Distance in Cooperative Broadcasting

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    3G Wideband CDMA : packet-based optimisation for high data-rate downlink transmission

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    A third generation (3G) of mobile communication systems, based on Wideband CDMA, are intended to offer high-speed packet-based services. Network operators wish to maximise the throughput in the downlink of3G systems, which requires efficient allocation ofresources. This thesis considers the problem ofmaximising throughput in an interference dominated channel. Cooperative broadcasting is a theoretical technique to mitigate this problem. Its implementation in practical systems requires efficient resource allocati.on to maximise the thr(oughput whilst meeting system and user-imposed constramts. A resource allocation approach is presented for implementing cooperative broadcasting. Users are paired and a teclmique for allocating resources between the pair is developed. Then, a method for pairing the users is considered. Simulation results are presented, which show a throughput improvement over existing resource allocation approaches. The problem ofcontrolling the distribution ofrandomly arriving data to meet the resource allocation specifications is examined. A single-threshold buffer is proposed, which requires fewer calculations than an existing double-threshold buffer. Simulation results are presented which show a throughput improvement may be realised, greater than that which would achievable using other rate control schemes. Cooperative broadcasting may lead to transmissions to some users being allocated low power. When full channel infonnation is available at the transmitter, a water filling solution may be used to maximise capacity. However, when combined with buffer management, erasure may result. This erasure may be overcome using an erasure protection code. Such a code is examined. When combined with Turbo coding, ajoint detector may be used for providing error and erasure protection. Analysis ofthis detector shows a lower limit on the error rate, dependent on the probability of erasure. Simulation results show that using this approach the error rate is significantly improved. This code can then be used to increase capacity, whilst achieving low error rates.Imperial Users onl

    Maximising Average Energy Efficiency for Two-User AWGN Broadcast Channel

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    Energy consumption has become an increasingly important aspect of wireless communications, from both an economical and environmental point of view. New enhancements are being placed on mobile networks to reduce the power consumption of both mobile terminals and base stations. This paper studies the achievable rate region of AWGN broadcast channels under Time-division, Frequency-division and Superposition coding, and locates the optimal energyefficient rate-pair according to a comparison metric based on the average energy efficiency of the system. In addition to the transmit power, circuit power and signalling power are also incorporated in the energy efficiency function, with simulation results verifying that the Superposition coding scheme achieves the highest energy efficiency in an ideal, but non-realistic scenario, where the signalling power is zero. With moderate signalling power, the Frequency-division scheme is the most energy-efficient, with Superposition coding and Time-division becoming second and third best. Conversely, when the signalling power is high, both Timedivision and Frequency-division schemes outperform Superposition coding. On the other hand, the Superposition coding scheme also incorporates rate-fairness into the system, which allows both users to transmit whilst maximising the energy efficiency

    Generic Approach for Hierarchical Modulation Performance Analysis: Application to DVB-SH

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    Broadcasting systems have to deal with channel diversity in order to offer the best rate to the users. Hierarchical modulation is a practical solution to provide several rates in function of the channel quality. Unfortunately the performance evaluation of such modulations requires time consuming simulations. We propose in this paper a novel approach based on the channel capacity to avoid these simulations. The method allows to study the performance in terms of spectrum efficiency of hierarchical and also classical modulations combined with error correcting codes. Our method will be applied to the DVB-SH standard which considers hierarchical modulation as an optional feature.Comment: To appear in WTS 2011 proceeding

    Superposition Coding Aided Bi-directional Relay Transmission Employing Iteratively Decoded Self-Concatenated Convolutional Codes

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    In this paper, we consider coding schemes designed for two nodes communicating with each other with the aid of a relay node, which receives information from the two nodes in the first time slot. At the relay node we combine a powerful Superposition Coding (SPC) scheme with Iteratively Decoded Self-Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SECCC-ID), which exchange mutual information between each other. It is assumed that decoding errors may be encountered at the relay node. The relay node then broadcasts this information in the second time slot after re-encoding it, again, using a SECCC encoder. At the destination, an amalgamated SPC-SECCC block then detects and decodes the signal either with or without the aid of a priori information. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is capable of reliably operating at a low BER for transmission over both AWGN and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We compare the proposed scheme’s performance to a direct transmission link between the two sources having the same throughput. Additionally, the SPC-SECCC system achieves a low BER even for realistic error-infested relaying