61 research outputs found

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks


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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), an emerging technology, would allow vehicles to form a self-organized network without the aid of a permanent infrastructure. As a prerequisite to communication in VANETs, an efficient route between communicating nodes in the network must be established, and the routing protocol must adapt to the rapidly changing topology of vehicles in motion. This is one of the goals of VANET routing protocols. In this thesis, we present an efficient routing protocol for VANETs, called the Reliable Inter-VEhicular Routing (RIVER) protocol. RIVER utilizes an undirected graph that represents the surrounding street layout where the vertices of the graph are points at which streets curve or intersect, and the graph edges represent the street segments between those vertices. Unlike existing protocols, RIVER performs real-time, active traffic monitoring and uses this data and other data gathered through passive mechanisms to assign a reliability rating to each street edge. The protocol then uses these reliability ratings to select the most reliable route. Control messages are used to identify a node’s neighbors, determine the reliability of street edges, and to share street edge reliability information with other nodes

    Connectivity and Data Transmission over Wireless Mobile Systems

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    We live in a world where wireless connectivity is pervasive and becomes ubiquitous. Numerous devices with varying capabilities and multiple interfaces are surrounding us. Most home users use Wi-Fi routers, whereas a large portion of human inhabited land is covered by cellular networks. As the number of these devices, and the services they provide, increase, our needs in bandwidth and interoperability are also augmented. Although deploying additional infrastructure and future protocols may alleviate these problems, efficient use of the available resources is important. We are interested in the problem of identifying the properties of a system able to operate using multiple interfaces, take advantage of user locations, identify the users that should be involved in the routing, and setup a mechanism for information dissemination. The challenges we need to overcome arise from network complexity and heterogeneousness, as well as the fact that they have no single owner or manager. In this thesis I focus on two cases, namely that of utilizing "in-situ" WiFi Access Points to enhance the connections of mobile users, and that of establishing "Virtual Access Points" in locations where there is no fixed roadside equipment available. Both environments have attracted interest for numerous related works. In the first case the main effort is to take advantage of the available bandwidth, while in the second to provide delay tolerant connectivity, possibly in the face of disasters. Our main contribution is to utilize a database to store user locations in the system, and to provide ways to use that information to improve system effectiveness. This feature allows our system to remain effective in specific scenarios and tests, where other approaches fail

    FRIEND: A Cyber-Physical System for Traffic Flow Related Information Aggregation and Dissemination

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    The major contribution of this thesis is to lay the theoretical foundations of FRIEND — A cyber-physical system for traffic Flow-Related Information aggrEgatioN and Dissemination. By integrating resources and capabilities at the nexus between the cyber and physical worlds, FRIEND will contribute to aggregating traffic flow data collected by the huge fleet of vehicles on our roads into a comprehensive, near real-time synopsis of traffic flow conditions. We anticipate providing drivers with a meaningful, color-coded, at-a-glance view of flow conditions ahead, alerting them to congested traffic. FRIEND can be used to provide accurate information about traffic flow and can be used to propagate this information. The workhorse of FRIEND is the ubiquitous lane delimiters (a.k.a. cat\u27s eyes) on our roadways that, at the moment, are used simply as dumb reflectors. Our main vision is that by endowing cat\u27s eyes with a modest power source, detection and communication capabilities they will play an important role in collecting, aggregating and disseminating traffic flow conditions to the driving public. We envision the cat\u27s eyes system to be supplemented by road-side units (RSU) deployed at regular intervals (e.g. every kilometer or so). The RSUs placed on opposite sides of the roadway constitute a logical unit and are connected by optical fiber under the median. Unlike inductive loop detectors, adjacent RSUs along the roadway are not connected with each other, thus avoiding the huge cost of optical fiber. Each RSU contains a GPS device (for time synchronization), an active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag for communication with passing cars, a radio transceiver for RSU to RSU communication and a laptop-class computing device. The physical components of FRIEND collect traffic flow-related data from passing vehicles. The collected data is used by FRIEND\u27s inference engine to build beliefs about the state of the traffic, to detect traffic trends, and to disseminate relevant traffic flow-related information along the roadway. The second contribution of this thesis is the development of an incident classification and detection algorithm that can be used to classify different types of traffic incident Then, it can notify the necessary target of the incident. We also compare our incident detection technique with other VANET techniques. Our third contribution is a novel strategy for information dissemination on highways. First, we aim to prevent secondary accidents. Second, we notify drivers far away from the accident of an expected delay that gives them the option to continue or exit before reaching the incident location. A new mechanism tracks the source of the incident while notifying drivers away from the accident. The more time the incident stays, the further the information needs to be propagated. Furthermore, the denser the traffic, the faster it will backup. In high density highways, an incident may form a backup of vehicles faster than low density highways. In order to satisfy this point, we need to propagate information as a function of density and time

    Performance evaluation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks over high speed environment using NCTUns

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    Català: Cada any aproximadament un milió dues-centes mil persones moren en accidents de trànsit. D'aquesta dada es desprèn que els accidents de trànsit són la quarta causa de mortalitat al món. Degut a això, un gran nombre de governs i els majors fabricants de vehicles del món estan invertint temps i diners en recerca i desenvolupament per millorar la seguretat a les carreteres. Amb aquest objectiu, apareix el concepte de VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. Una VANET està basada en vehicles i estacions base intel·ligents que comparteixen informació a través de comunicacions inalàmbriques. Aquest intercanvi de dades podria tenir un gran impacte en la seguretat viària i la qualitat en la conducció però a més a més seria una nova font d' entreteniment mòbil. La millora en seguretat implicaria una reducció en el nombre d'accidents i les comunicacions inalàmbriques usades en mobilitat permetrien una optimització del transport. L'evolució de les VANETs en els últims anys i les seves aplicacions útils a les carreteres són les principals raons per dur a terme aquest projecte. El gran suport a aquest tipus de xarxes inalàmbriques sembla indicar que les VANETs són les xarxes del futur en entorns mòbils. En relació al projecte, el primer problema observat és que el protocol que s'usa específicament en VANETs (802.11p) només està disponible en pocs simuladors de xarxa i està en fase de desenvolupament. Per tant, la majoria de les funcions no estan implementades i això fa que el protocol no sigui madur. En conseqüència, es va triar un protocol àmpliament usat com és 802.11b per fer les proves en el simulador NCTUns. L?objectiu del projecte és avaluar el funcionament de VANETs usant el protocol 802.11b i el protocol d?encaminament AODV en un escenari d?autopista. Ajustant diferents paràmetres com el nombre de cotxes, la seva velocitat i el seu rang de cobertura és possible obtenir variacions en les mesures de pèrdues, throughput i retard extrem-a-extrem en la xarxa. El resultat final és que les mesures permeten saber quines són les comunicacions que es produeixen a la xarxa per cadascuna de les configuracions i la seva incidència en les condicions de conducció.Castellano: Cada año cerca de un millón doscientas mil personas fallecen en accidentes de tráfico. De este dato se desprende que los accidentes de tráfico son la cuarta causa de mortalidad en el mundo. Debido a esto, un gran número de gobiernos y los mayores fabricantes de vehículos del mundo están invirtiendo tiempo y dinero en investigación y desarrollo para mejorar la seguridad en las carreteras. Con este objetivo, aparece el concepto de VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. Una VANET se basa en vehículos y estaciones base inteligentes que comparten información por medio de comunicaciones inalámbricas. Este intercambio de datos podría tener un gran impacto en la seguridad vial y en la calidad de la conducción pero además sería una nueva fuente de entretenimiento móvil. La mejora en la seguridad implicaría una reducción en el número de accidentes y las comunicaciones inalámbricas utilizadas en movilidad permitirían optimizar el transporte. La evolución de las VANETs en los últimos años y sus aplicaciones útiles en las carreteras son las principales razones para llevar a cabo este proyecto. El gran apoyo a este tipo de redes inalámbricas parece indicar que las VANETs son las redes del futuro en entornos móviles. En relación al proyecto, el primer problema observado es que el protocolo específicamente utilizado en VANETs (802.11p) sólo está disponible en pocos simuladores de red y se encuentra en fase de desarrollo. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de funciones no están implementadas y esto hace que el protocolo no sea maduro. En consecuencia, se escogió un protocolo ampliamente utilizado como es 802.11b para realizar las pruebas en el simulador NCTUns. El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar el funcionamiento de VANETs utilizando el protocolo 802.11b y el protocolo de encaminamiento AODV en un escenario de autopista. Ajustando diferentes parámetros como el número de coches, su velocidad y su rango de cobertura es posible obtener variaciones en las medidas de pérdidas, throughput y retardo extremo-a-extremo en la red. El resultado final es que las medidas permiten saber cuáles son las comunicaciones que se producen en la red para cada una de las configuraciones y su incidencia en las condiciones de conducción.English: Every year about 1.2 million people die because of traffic accidents [1]. This means that traffic accidents are the fourth cause of mortality in the world. Therefore, several governments and the most important car manufacturers are investing time and money on research and development in order to improve road safety. At this respect, appears the concept of VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. A VANET is based on smart cars and base-stations that share information via wireless communications. This interchange of data may have a great impact on safety and driving quality but also could be another source of mobile entertainment. This improvement on safety would imply reducing the number of accidents. In addition, the use of wireless communications in mobility would lead to an optimization of transport. The evolution of VANETs in the last years and their useful applications on the road has been the main reason to develop this project. The great support of many people to this type of wireless networks suggests that VANETs are the networks of the future in mobile environments. Regarding the project, the first problem encountered is that the network protocol specially designed for VANETs, IEEE 802.11p, is only available in a few of the network simulators and is on phase of development. This fact means that most of the functions are not implemented so it cannot be considered as a mature protocol. As a consequence, a widely used protocol as IEEE 802.11b was chosen and all the tests were performed on NCTUns simulator. So the purpose of this project is to evaluate the performance of VANETs by using 802.11b protocol and AODV routing protocol in a highway scenario. By adjusting different parameters like number of cars, their speed and their range of coverage, variations on measures of loss ratio, throughput and end-to- end delay were detected on the network. Finally, the measures help to know about network communications for each of the cases and their incidence on driving conditions

    Routing protocol for V2X communications for Urban VANETs

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) have been attracting tremendous attention in both academia and industry due to emerging applications that pave the way towards safer enjoyable journeys and inclusive digital partnerships. Undoubtedly, these ITS applications will demand robust routing protocols that not only focus on Inter-Vehicle Communications but also on providing fast, reliable, and secure access to the infrastructure. This thesis aims mainly to introduce the challenges of data packets routing through urban environment using the help of infrastructure. Broadcasting transmission is an essential operational technique that serves a broad range of applications which demand different restrictive QoS provisioning levels. Although broadcast communication has been investigated widely in highway vehicular networks, it is undoubtedly still a challenge in the urban environment due to the obstacles, such as high buildings. In this thesis, the Road-Topology based Broadcast Protocol (RTBP) is proposed, a distance and contention-based forwarding scheme suitable for both urban and highway vehicular environments. RTBP aims at assigning the highest forwarding priority to a vehicle, called a mobile repeater, having the greatest capability to send the packet in multiple directions. In this way, RTBP effectively reduces the number of competing vehicles and minimises the number of hops required to retransmit the broadcast packets around the intersections to cover the targeted area. By investigating the RTBP under realistic urban scenarios against well-known broadcast protocols, eMDR and TAF, that are dedicated to retransmitting the packets around intersections, the results showed the superiority of the RTBP in delivering the most critical warning information for 90% of vehicles with significantly lower delay of 58% and 70% compared to eMDR and TAF. The validation of this performance was clear when the increase in the number of vehicles. Secondly, a Fast and Reliable Hybrid routing (FRHR) protocol is introduced for efficient infrastructure access which is capable of handling efficient vehicle to vehicle communications. Interface to infrastructure is provided by carefully placed RoadSide Units (RSUs) which broadcast beacons in a multi-hop fashion in constrained areas. This enables vehicles proactively to maintain fresh minimum-delay routes to other RSUs while reactively discovering routes to nearby vehicles. The proposed protocol utilizes RSUs connected to the wired backbone network to relay packets toward remote vehicles. A vehicle selects an RSU to register with according to the expected mean delay instead of the device’s remoteness. The FRHR performance is evaluated against established infrastructure routing protocols, Trafroute, IGSR and RBVT-R that are dedicated to for urban environment, the results showed an improvement of 20% to 33% in terms of packet delivery ratio and lower latency particularly in sparse networks due to its rapid response to changes in network connectivity. Thirdly, focusing on increasing FRHR’s capability to provide more stable and durable routes to support the QoS requirements of expected wide-range ITS applications on the urban environment, a new route selection mechanism is introduced, aiming at selecting highly connected crossroads. The new protocol is called, Stable Infrastructure Routing Protocol (SIRP). Intensive simulation results showed that SIRP offers low end-to-end delay and high delivery ratio with varying traffic density, while resolving the problem of frequent link failures

    Performance of management solutions and cooperation approaches for vehicular delay-tolerant networks

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    A wide range of daily-life applications supported by vehicular networks attracted the interest, not only from the research community, but also from governments and the automotive industry. For example, they can be used to enable services that assist drivers on the roads (e.g., road safety, traffic monitoring), to spread commercial and entertainment contents (e.g., publicity), or to enable communications on remote or rural regions where it is not possible to have a common network infrastructure. Nonetheless, the unique properties of vehicular networks raise several challenges that greatly impact the deployment of these networks. Most of the challenges faced by vehicular networks arise from the highly dynamic network topology, which leads to short and sporadic contact opportunities, disruption, variable node density, and intermittent connectivity. This situation makes data dissemination an interesting research topic within the vehicular networking area, which is addressed by this study. The work described along this thesis is motivated by the need to propose new solutions to deal with data dissemination problems in vehicular networking focusing on vehicular delay-tolerant networks (VDTNs). To guarantee the success of data dissemination in vehicular networks scenarios it is important to ensure that network nodes cooperate with each other. However, it is not possible to ensure a fully cooperative scenario. This situation makes vehicular networks suitable to the presence of selfish and misbehavior nodes, which may result in a significant decrease of the overall network performance. Thus, cooperative nodes may suffer from the overwhelming load of services from other nodes, which comprises their performance. Trying to solve some of these problems, this thesis presents several proposals and studies on the impact of cooperation, monitoring, and management strategies on the network performance of the VDTN architecture. The main goal of these proposals is to enhance the network performance. In particular, cooperation and management approaches are exploited to improve and optimize the use of network resources. It is demonstrated the performance gains attainable in a VDTN through both types of approaches, not only in terms of bundle delivery probability, but also in terms of wasted resources. The results and achievements observed on this research work are intended to contribute to the advance of the state-of-the-art on methods and strategies for overcome the challenges that arise from the unique characteristics and conceptual design of vehicular networks.O vasto número de aplicações e cenários suportados pelas redes veiculares faz com que estas atraiam o interesse não só da comunidade científica, mas também dos governos e da indústria automóvel. A título de exemplo, estas podem ser usadas para a implementação de serviços e aplicações que podem ajudar os condutores dos veículos a tomar decisões nas estradas, para a disseminação de conteúdos publicitários, ou ainda, para permitir que existam comunicações em zonas rurais ou remotas onde não é possível ter uma infraestrutura de rede convencional. Contudo, as propriedades únicas das redes veiculares fazem com que seja necessário ultrapassar um conjunto de desafios que têm grande impacto na sua aplicabilidade. A maioria dos desafios que as redes veiculares enfrentam advêm da grande mobilidade dos veículos e da topologia de rede que está em constante mutação. Esta situação faz com que este tipo de rede seja suscetível de disrupção, que as oportunidades de contacto sejam escassas e de curta duração, e que a ligação seja intermitente. Fruto destas adversidades, a disseminação dos dados torna-se um tópico de investigação bastante promissor na área das redes veiculares e por esta mesma razão é abordada neste trabalho de investigação. O trabalho descrito nesta tese é motivado pela necessidade de propor novas abordagens para lidar com os problemas inerentes à disseminação dos dados em ambientes veiculares. Para garantir o sucesso da disseminação dos dados em ambientes veiculares é importante que este tipo de redes garanta a cooperação entre os nós da rede. Contudo, neste tipo de ambientes não é possível garantir um cenário totalmente cooperativo. Este cenário faz com que as redes veiculares sejam suscetíveis à presença de nós não cooperativos que comprometem seriamente o desempenho global da rede. Por outro lado, os nós cooperativos podem ver o seu desempenho comprometido por causa da sobrecarga de serviços que poderão suportar. Para tentar resolver alguns destes problemas, esta tese apresenta várias propostas e estudos sobre o impacto de estratégias de cooperação, monitorização e gestão de rede no desempenho das redes veiculares com ligações intermitentes (Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks - VDTNs). O objetivo das propostas apresentadas nesta tese é melhorar o desempenho global da rede. Em particular, as estratégias de cooperação e gestão de rede são exploradas para melhorar e optimizar o uso dos recursos da rede. Ficou demonstrado que o uso deste tipo de estratégias e metodologias contribui para um aumento significativo do desempenho da rede, não só em termos de agregados de pacotes (“bundles”) entregues, mas também na diminuição do volume de recursos desperdiçados. Os resultados observados neste trabalho procuram contribuir para o avanço do estado da arte em métodos e estratégias que visam ultrapassar alguns dos desafios que advêm das propriedades e desenho conceptual das redes veiculares

    VANET-enabled eco-friendly road characteristics-aware routing for vehicular traffic

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    There is growing awareness of the dangers of climate change caused by greenhouse gases. In the coming decades this could result in numerous disasters such as heat-waves, flooding and crop failures. A major contributor to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions is the transport sector, particularly private vehicles. Traffic congestion involving private vehicles also causes a lot of wasted time and stress to commuters. At the same time new wireless technologies such as Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are being developed which could allow vehicles to communicate with each other. These could enable a number of innovative schemes to reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. 1) EcoTrec is a VANET-based system which allows vehicles to exchange messages regarding traffic congestion and road conditions, such as roughness and gradient. Each vehicle uses the messages it has received to build a model of nearby roads and the traffic on them. The EcoTrec Algorithm then recommends the most fuel efficient route for the vehicles to follow. 2) Time-Ants is a swarm based algorithm that considers not only the amount of cars in the spatial domain but also the amoumt in the time domain. This allows the system to build a model of the traffic congestion throughout the day. As traffic patterns are broadly similar for weekdays this gives us a good idea of what traffic will be like allowing us to route the vehicles more efficiently using the Time-Ants Algorithm. 3) Electric Vehicle enhanced Dedicated Bus Lanes (E-DBL) proposes allowing electric vehicles onto the bus lanes. Such an approach could allow a reduction in traffic congestion on the regular lanes without greatly impeding the buses. It would also encourage uptake of electric vehicles. 4) A comprehensive survey of issues associated with communication centred traffic management systems was carried out