331 research outputs found

    Spectrum sensing, spectrum monitoring, and security in cognitive radios

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    Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radios and is used to determine whether a primary user is present in the channel or not. In this dissertation, we formulate and solve the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) for spectrum sensing when both primary user transmitter and the secondary user receiver are equipped with multiple antennas. We do not assume any prior information about the channel statistics or the primary user’s signal structure. Two cases are considered when the secondary user is aware of the energy of the noise and when it is not. The final test statistics derived from GLRT are based on the eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix. In-band spectrum sensing in overlay cognitive radio networks requires that the secondary users (SU) periodically suspend their communication in order to determine whether the primary user (PU) has started to utilize the channel. In contrast, in spectrum monitoring the SU can detect the emergence of the PU from its own receiver statistics such as receiver error count (REC). We investigate the problem of spectrum monitoring in the presence of fading where the SU employs diversity combining to mitigate the channel fading effects. We show that a decision statistic based on the REC alone does not provide a good performance. Next we introduce new decision statistics based on the REC and the combiner coefficients. It is shown that the new decision statistic achieves significant improvement in the case of maximal ratio combining (MRC). Next we consider the problem of cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks (CRN) in the presence of misbehaving radios. We propose a novel approach based on the iterative expectation maximization (EM) algorithm to detect the presence of the primary users, to classify the cognitive radios, and to compute their detection and false alarm probabilities. We also consider the problem of centralized binary hypothesis testing in a cognitive radio network (CRN) consisting of multiple classes of cognitive radios, where the cognitive radios are classified according to the probability density function (PDF) of their received data (at the FC) under each hypotheses

    Spectrum Sensing and Security Challenges and Solutions: Contemporary Affirmation of the Recent Literature

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    Cognitive radio (CR) has been recently proposed as a promising technology to improve spectrum utilization by enabling secondary access to unused licensed bands. A prerequisite to this secondary access is having no interference to the primary system. This requirement makes spectrum sensing a key function in cognitive radio systems. Among common spectrum sensing techniques, energy detection is an engaging method due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, the major disadvantage of energy detection is the hidden node problem, in which the sensing node cannot distinguish between an idle and a deeply faded or shadowed band. Cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) which uses a distributed detection model has been considered to overcome that problem. On other dimension of this cooperative spectrum sensing, this is vulnerable to sensing data falsification attacks due to the distributed nature of cooperative spectrum sensing. As the goal of a sensing data falsification attack is to cause an incorrect decision on the presence/absence of a PU signal, malicious or compromised SUs may intentionally distort the measured RSSs and share them with other SUs. Then, the effect of erroneous sensing results propagates to the entire CRN. This type of attacks can be easily launched since the openness of programmable software defined radio (SDR) devices makes it easy for (malicious or compromised) SUs to access low layer protocol stacks, such as PHY and MAC. However, detecting such attacks is challenging due to the lack of coordination between PUs and SUs, and unpredictability in wireless channel signal propagation, thus calling for efficient mechanisms to protect CRNs. Here in this paper we attempt to perform contemporary affirmation of the recent literature of benchmarking strategies that enable the trusted and secure cooperative spectrum sensing among Cognitive Radios

    A Context-aware Trust Framework for Resilient Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Dynamic Settings

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    Cognitive radios enable dynamic spectrum access where secondary users (SUs) are allowed to operate on the licensed spectrum bands on an opportunistic noninterference basis. Cooperation among the SUs for spectrum sensing is essential for environments with deep shadows. In this paper, we study the adverse effect of insistent spectrum sensing data falsification (ISSDF) attack on iterative distributed cooperative spectrum sensing. We show that the existing trust management schemes are not adequate in mitigating ISSDF attacks in dynamic settings where the primary user (PU) of the band frequently transitions between active and inactive states. We propose a novel context-aware distributed trust framework for cooperative spectrum sensing in mobile cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHN) that effectively alleviates different types of ISSDF attacks (Always-Yes, Always-No, and fabricating) in dynamic scenarios. In the proposed framework, the SU nodes evaluate the trustworthiness of one another based on the two possible contexts in which they make observations from each other: PU absent context and PU present context. We evaluate the proposed context-aware scheme and compare it against the existing context-oblivious trust schemes using theoretical analysis and extensive simulations of realistic scenarios of mobile CRAHNs operating in TV white space. We show that in the presence of a large set of attackers (as high as 60% of the network), the proposed context-aware trust scheme successfully mitigates the attacks and satisfy the false alarm and missed-detection rates of 10−210^{-2} and lower. Moreover, we show that the proposed scheme is scalable in terms of attack severity, SU network density, and the distance of the SU network to the PU transmitter

    Cooperative Sensing Approach in Cognitive Radio Network-A Review Paper

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    ABSTRACT: Radio Spectrum is considered as a base line in Wireless communication network, due to its important role as a transmission medium; and according to the rapid improvement in the technologies which deal with radio spectrum; cognitive radio raised as a promising solution for solving the problem of radio spectrum scarcity. Cognitive radio is based on spectrum sensing as appropriate tool to study surrounding environment in order to illustrate the suitable scenario for sharing spectrum between users. Cooperative sensing is the most sophisticated approach in spectrum sensing depends on base of sharing information to eliminate error in spectrum sensing mechanism. This paper is a review paper. It discusses Cooperative sensing approach features in cognitive radio

    Exploiting Rogue Signals to Attack Trust-based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radios are currently presented as the solution to the ever-increasing spectrum shortage problem. However, their increased capabilities over traditional radios introduce a new dimension of security threats. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) has been proposed as a means to protect cognitive radio networks from the well known security threats: Primary User Emulation (PUE) and Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification (SSDF). I demonstrate a new threat to trust-based CSS protocols, called the Rogue Signal Framing (RSF) intrusion. Rogue signals can be exploited to create the illusion of malicious sensors which leads to the framing of innocent sensors and consequently, their removal from the shared spectrum sensing. Ultimately, with fewer sensors working together, the spectrum sensing is less robust for making correct spectrum access decisions. The simulation experiments illustrate the impact of RSF intrusions which, in severe cases, shows roughly 40\% of sensors removed. To mitigate the RSF intrusion\u27s damage to the network\u27s trust, I introduce a new defense based on community detection from analyzing the network\u27s Received Signal Strength (RSS) diversity. Tests show a 95\% damage reduction in terms of removed sensors from the shared spectrum sensing, thus retaining the benefits of CSS protocols
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