16 research outputs found

    Research Paper on Firefly Optimized Leach to Reduce Energy Consumption

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    The recent advances in information and communication technologies enable fast development and practical applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The operation of the WSNs including sensing and communication tasks needs to be planned properly in order to achieve the application-specific objectives. The WSNs consist of a number of sensor nodes equipped with microprocessor, wireless transceiver, sensing components and energy source. These sensor nodes operate as autonomous devices to perform different tasks including sensing, communication and data processing. We made this protocol more efficient by using optimization algorithm to choose the cluster head optimally amongst all nodes in the cluster. A new evolutionary firefly Algorithm (FA) is used which is advanced than efficient PSO algorithm and more fast converging and accurate algorithm. We optimised the cluster head based on energy and distance from other neighboring nodes by this FA algorithm and achieves high residual energy than PSO optimised LEACH and conventional LEACH protocol for the same network parameters

    DiDrip: A Secure and Distributed Protocol for Updation and Dissemination of Data in WSN

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    A data discovery and dissemination protocol for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is responsible for updation of configuration parameters and distribution of management commands to the sensor nodes. The existing data discovery and dissemination protocols faces several drawbacks. The idea behind the project is to use the first secure and distributed data discovery and dissemination protocol named DiDrip for WSN. DiDrip allows the network owners to authorize multiple network users with different privileges to directly and simultaneously disseminate data items to the nodes. Extensive security analysis shows that DiDrip is probably secure

    Reputation-based intrusion detection system for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be used in a broad range of applications from complex military operations to simple domestic environments. This makes security a vital characteristic in WSNs. There have been numerous studies in the field of security in sensor networks, being Intrusion Detection System (IDS) among the most used tools in this area. This study proposes a new IDS design based on reputation and trust of the different nodes of a network for decision-making and analysis of possible sources of malicious attacks

    Energy Consumption Minimization in WSN using BFO

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    The popularity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have increased rapidly and tremendously due to the vast potential of the sensor networks to connect the physical world with the virtual world. Since sensor devices rely on battery power and node energy and may be placed in hostile environments, so replacing them becomes a difficult task. Thus, improving the energy of these networks i.e. network lifetime becomes important. The thesis provides methods for clustering and cluster head selection to WSN to improve energy efficiency using fuzzy logic controller. It presents a comparison between the different methods on the basis of the network lifetime. It compares existing ABC optimization method with BFO algorithm for different size of networks and different scenario. It provides cluster head selection method with good performance and reduced computational complexity. In addition it also proposes BFO as an algorithm for clustering of WSN which would result in improved performance with faster convergence

    Security Overview of Wireless Sensor Network

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    [EN] There are several types of security threats that can give rise to vulnerability issues and performance degradation for the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The existing protocols that incorporate security features for authentication, key management, and secure routing, have not able to protect the WSN, effectively but a new Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can overcome these problems. The IDS collects data for analysis in order to identify any abnormal behaviour at the sensor nodes, which if present, could indicate an attack on the network. Many different intrusion detection systems for wireless sensor networks have been proposed in the past years. This paper focuses on the security requirements, layering-based attacks, and intrusion detection in WSN.This work was supported in part by the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia under UMRG Grant (RG080/11ICT).Modares, H.; Moravejosharieh, A.; Salleh, R.; Lloret, J. (2013). Security Overview of Wireless Sensor Network. Life Science Journal. 10(2):1627-1632. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/46745S1627163210


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    The development of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has been attained in the past few years due to its important using in wide range of application. The readings of data derived from WSN nodes are not always accurate and may contain abnormal data. This paper proposed an anomaly detection and classification algorithm in WSNs. At first, an integration of Contourlet Transform (CT) algorithm and One Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) algorithm (CT-OCSVM) is utilized to detect outliers then Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is used to identify the source of these outliers. The underlying aim of this paper focuses on treating the collected streams of data as raw datum of an image, which is then passed through some filters using CT to get compressed size of directional subbands coefficients. The coefficients of CT are examined by OCSVM algorithm to detect anomalies. Finally the source of anomalies is identified based on using FIS and by exploiting the spatial temporal correlation existing between the sensed data. The integrated algorithm is tested using different types of filters. Real datasets collected from a small WSN constructed in a local lab are used for testing the integrated algorithms. The simulation results have shown a high rate of accurate classification with high detection rate and low false alarm rate

    Probabilistic model for single and multi-sensing intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks consists of tiny devices capable of processing, routing the sensed data and are capable of detecting the intruders. The process of detecting any suspected (anomalous) moving object (attacker) within the reach of a Wireless Sensor Network area is referred to as intrusion detection. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to detect the intruder by the cluster heads in a 2D and 3D homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. This algorithm overcomes the attacks on implementation and also, reduces the energy consumption. The proposed algorithm considers Single Sensing and Multi-Sensing Intrusion Detection using minimum number of sensor nodes and a probabilistic model has been developed for both 2D and 3D homogeneous networks. Simulation results show that the power analysis attack and energy consumption is minimized by activating only few sensor nodes for detection and using only few sensor nodes for processing of data. The performance of the proposed algorithm is better compared to using all the sensor nodes for detection where the energy consumption is more

    System for Malicious Node Detection in IPv6-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The trend of implementing the IPv6 into wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has recently occurred as a consequence of a tendency of their integration with other types of IP-based networks. The paper deals with the security aspects of these IPv6-based WSNs. A brief analysis of security threats and attacks which are present in the IPv6-based WSN is given. The solution to an adaptive distributed system for malicious node detection in the IPv6-based WSN is proposed. The proposed intrusion detection system is based on distributed algorithms and a collective decision-making process. It introduces an innovative concept of probability estimation for malicious behaviour of sensor nodes. The proposed system is implemented and tested through several different scenarios in three different network topologies. Finally, the performed analysis showed that the proposed system is energy efficient and has a good capability to detect malicious nodes


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    Published ThesisThe world is embracing the idea of Internet of Things and Industrial Revolution 4.0. However, this acceptance of computerised evolution is met with a myriad of challenges, where consumers of this technology are also growing ever so anxious about the security of their personal data as well as reliability of data collected by the millions and even billions of sensors surrounding them. Wireless sensor networks are the main baseline technology driving Internet of things; by their very inherent nature, these networks are too vulnerable to attacks and yet the network security tools designed for conventional computer networks are not effective in countering these attacks. Wireless sensors have low computational resources, may be highly mobile and in most cases, these networks do not have a central point which can be marked as an authentication point for the sensors, any node can join or leave whenever they want. This leaves the sensors and the internet of things applications depending on them highly susceptible to attacks, which may compromise consumer information and leave security breaches in situation that need absolute security such as homes or even the cars they drive. There are many possibilities of things that could go wrong when hackers gain control of sensors in a car or a house. There have been many solutions offered to address security of Wireless Sensor Networks; however, most of those solutions are often not customised for African context. Given that most African countries have not kept pace with the development of these underlying technologies, blanket adoption of the solutions developed for consumption in the developed world has not yielded optimal results. The focus of this research was the development of an Intrusion Detection System that works in a hierarchical network structured Wireless Sensor Network, where cluster heads oversee groups of nodes and relay their data packets all the way to the sink node. This is a reactive Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that makes use of a fuzzy logic based algorithm for verification of intrusion detections. This system borrows characteristics of traditional Wireless Sensor Networks in that it is hosted external to the nodes; that is, on a computer or server connected to the sink node. The rational for this is the premise that developing the system in this manner optimises the power and processing resource of nodes because no part of the IDS is found in the nodes and they are left to focus purely on sensing. The Intrusion Detection System makes use of remote Over The Air programming to communicate with compromised nodes, to either shut down or reboot and is designed with the ZigBee protocol in mind. Additionally, this Intrusion Detection System is intended to being part of a larger Internet of Things integration framework being proposed at the Central University of Technology. This framework is aimed at developing an Internet of Things adoption strategy customised for African needs and regionally local consumers. To evaluate the effectiveness of the solution, the rate of false detections being picked out by the security algorithm were reduced through the use of fuzzy logic systems; this resulted in an accuracies of above 90 %. The algorithm is also very light when asymptotic notation is applied, making it ideal for Wireless Sensors. Lastly, we also put forward the Xbee version of the Triple Modular Redundancy architecture, customised for Wireless sensor networks in order to beef-up on the security solution presented in this dissertation

    Методи оцінювання та обґрунтування стійкості потокових шифрів відносно статистичних атак на основі алгебраїчно вироджених наближень булевих функцій

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    У дисертації розв’язано актуальну наукову задачу розробки методів по-будови науково обґрунтованих оцінок стійкості синхронних потокових шиф-рів (СПШ) відносно статистичних атак на основі алгебраїчно вироджених наближень булевих функцій. Отримані нові результати дозволяють на прак-тиці оцінювати і обґрунтовувати стійкість сучасних СПШ, що, зрештою, на-дає можливість суттєво скоротити час проведення експертних досліджень алгоритмів потокового шифрування, призначених для захисту державних інформаційних ресурсів України