699 research outputs found

    Advanced signal processing tools for ballistic missile defence and space situational awareness

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    The research presented in this Thesis deals with signal processing algorithms for the classification of sensitive targets for defence applications and with novel solutions for the detection of space objects. These novel tools include classification algorithms for Ballistic Targets (BTs) from both micro-Doppler (mD) and High Resolution Range Profiles (HRRPs) of a target, and a space-borne Passive Bistatic Radar (PBR) designed for exploiting the advantages guaranteed by the Forward Scattering (FS) configuration for the detection and identification of targets orbiting around the Earth.;Nowadays the challenge of the identification of Ballistic Missile (BM) warheads in a cloud of decoys and debris is essential in order to optimize the use of ammunition resources. In this Thesis, two different and efficient robust frameworks are presented. Both the frameworks exploit in different fashions the effect in the radar return of micro-motions exhibited by the target during its flight.;The first algorithm analyses the radar echo from the target in the time-frequency domain, with the aim to extract the mD information. Specifically, the Cadence Velocity Diagram (CVD) from the received signal is evaluated as mD profile of the target, where the mD components composing the radar echo and their repetition rates are shown.;Different feature extraction approaches are proposed based on the estimation of statistical indices from the 1-Dimensional (1D) Averaged CVD (ACVD), on the evaluation of pseudo-Zerike (pZ) and Krawtchouk (Kr) image moments and on the use of 2-Dimensional (2D) Gabor filter, considering the CVD as 2D image. The reliability of the proposed feature extraction approaches is tested on both simulated and real data, demonstrating the adaptivity of the framework to different radar scenarios and to different amount of available resources.;The real data are realized in laboratory, conducting an experiment for simulating the mD signature of a BT by using scaled replicas of the targets, a robotic manipulator for the micro-motions simulation and a Continuous Waveform (CW) radar for the radar measurements.;The second algorithm is based on the computation of the Inverse Radon Transform (IRT) of the target signature, represented by a HRRP frame acquired within an entire period of the main rotating motion of the target, which are precession for warheads and tumbling for decoys. Following, pZ moments of the resulting transformation are evaluated as final feature vector for the classifier. The features guarantee robustness against the target dimensions and the initial phase and the angular velocity of its motion.;The classification results on simulated data are shown for different polarization of the ElectroMagnetic (EM) radar waveform and for various operational conditions, confirming the the validity of the algorithm.The knowledge of space debris population is of fundamental importance for the safety of both the existing and new space missions. In this Thesis, a low budget solution to detect and possibly track space debris and satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is proposed.;The concept consists in a space-borne PBR installed on a CubeSaT flying at low altitude and detecting the occultations of radio signals coming from existing satellites flying at higher altitudes. The feasibility of such a PBR system is conducted, with key performance such as metrics the minimumsize of detectable objects, taking into account visibility and frequency constraints on existing radio sources, the receiver size and the compatibility with current CubeSaT's technology.;Different illuminator types and receiver altitudes are considered under the assumption that all illuminators and receivers are on circular orbits. Finally, the designed system can represent a possible solution to the the demand for Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) systems able to provide early warning and classification and its potential has been assessed also for this purpose.The research presented in this Thesis deals with signal processing algorithms for the classification of sensitive targets for defence applications and with novel solutions for the detection of space objects. These novel tools include classification algorithms for Ballistic Targets (BTs) from both micro-Doppler (mD) and High Resolution Range Profiles (HRRPs) of a target, and a space-borne Passive Bistatic Radar (PBR) designed for exploiting the advantages guaranteed by the Forward Scattering (FS) configuration for the detection and identification of targets orbiting around the Earth.;Nowadays the challenge of the identification of Ballistic Missile (BM) warheads in a cloud of decoys and debris is essential in order to optimize the use of ammunition resources. In this Thesis, two different and efficient robust frameworks are presented. Both the frameworks exploit in different fashions the effect in the radar return of micro-motions exhibited by the target during its flight.;The first algorithm analyses the radar echo from the target in the time-frequency domain, with the aim to extract the mD information. Specifically, the Cadence Velocity Diagram (CVD) from the received signal is evaluated as mD profile of the target, where the mD components composing the radar echo and their repetition rates are shown.;Different feature extraction approaches are proposed based on the estimation of statistical indices from the 1-Dimensional (1D) Averaged CVD (ACVD), on the evaluation of pseudo-Zerike (pZ) and Krawtchouk (Kr) image moments and on the use of 2-Dimensional (2D) Gabor filter, considering the CVD as 2D image. The reliability of the proposed feature extraction approaches is tested on both simulated and real data, demonstrating the adaptivity of the framework to different radar scenarios and to different amount of available resources.;The real data are realized in laboratory, conducting an experiment for simulating the mD signature of a BT by using scaled replicas of the targets, a robotic manipulator for the micro-motions simulation and a Continuous Waveform (CW) radar for the radar measurements.;The second algorithm is based on the computation of the Inverse Radon Transform (IRT) of the target signature, represented by a HRRP frame acquired within an entire period of the main rotating motion of the target, which are precession for warheads and tumbling for decoys. Following, pZ moments of the resulting transformation are evaluated as final feature vector for the classifier. The features guarantee robustness against the target dimensions and the initial phase and the angular velocity of its motion.;The classification results on simulated data are shown for different polarization of the ElectroMagnetic (EM) radar waveform and for various operational conditions, confirming the the validity of the algorithm.The knowledge of space debris population is of fundamental importance for the safety of both the existing and new space missions. In this Thesis, a low budget solution to detect and possibly track space debris and satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is proposed.;The concept consists in a space-borne PBR installed on a CubeSaT flying at low altitude and detecting the occultations of radio signals coming from existing satellites flying at higher altitudes. The feasibility of such a PBR system is conducted, with key performance such as metrics the minimumsize of detectable objects, taking into account visibility and frequency constraints on existing radio sources, the receiver size and the compatibility with current CubeSaT's technology.;Different illuminator types and receiver altitudes are considered under the assumption that all illuminators and receivers are on circular orbits. Finally, the designed system can represent a possible solution to the the demand for Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) systems able to provide early warning and classification and its potential has been assessed also for this purpose

    Using Agent-Based Modeling to Evaluate UAS Behaviors in a Target-Rich Environment

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    The trade-off between accuracy and speed is a re-occurring dilemma in many facets of military performance evaluation. This is an especially important issue in the world of ISR. One of the most progressive areas of ISR capabilities has been the utilization of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Many people believe that the future of UAS lies in smaller vehicles flying in swarms. We use the agent-based System Effectiveness and Analysis Simulation (SEAS) to create a simulation environment where different configurations of UAS vehicles can process targets and provide output that allows us to gain insight into the benefits and drawbacks of each configuration. Our evaluation on the performance of the different configurations is based on probability of correct identification, average time to identify a target after it has deployed in the area of interest, and average time to identify all targets in an area

    UAV swarm attack: protection system alternatives for Destroyers

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    Systems Engineering Project ReportThe Navy needs to protect Destroyers (DDGs) from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) attacks. The team, focusing on improving the DDG’s defenses against small radar cross section UAVs making suicide attacks, established a DRM, identified current capability gaps, established a functional flow, created requirements, modeled the DDG’s current sensing and engagement capabilities in Microsoft Excel, and used Monte Carlo analysis of 500 simulation runs to determine that four out of eight incoming IED UAVs are likely to hit the ship. Sensitivity analysis showed that improving weapon systems is more effec-tive than improving sensor systems, inspiring the generation of alternatives for improving UAV defense. For the eight feasible alternatives the team estimated cost, assessed risk in accordance with the requirements, simulated performance against the eight incoming UAVs, and performed cost benefit analysis. Adding CIWS mounts is the most cost effec-tive alternative, reducing the average number of UAV hits from a baseline of 3.82 to 2.50, costing 816Mtoequipthe62DDGfleetfora12yearlifecycle.CombiningthatwithupgradedEWcapabilitiestojamremotecontrolledUAVsreducesthehitsto1.56for816M to equip the 62-DDG fleet for a 12-year life cycle. Combining that with upgraded EW capabilities to jam remote-controlled UAVs reduces the hits to 1.56 for 1844M, and combining those with decoy launchers to defeat the radar-seeking Har-py UAVs reduces the hits to 1.12 for $2862M.http://archive.org/details/uavswarmttackpro1094528669Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Modeling Deception for Cyber Security

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    In the era of software-intensive, smart and connected systems, the growing power and so- phistication of cyber attacks poses increasing challenges to software security. The reactive posture of traditional security mechanisms, such as anti-virus and intrusion detection systems, has not been sufficient to combat a wide range of advanced persistent threats that currently jeopardize systems operation. To mitigate these extant threats, more ac- tive defensive approaches are necessary. Such approaches rely on the concept of actively hindering and deceiving attackers. Deceptive techniques allow for additional defense by thwarting attackers’ advances through the manipulation of their perceptions. Manipu- lation is achieved through the use of deceitful responses, feints, misdirection, and other falsehoods in a system. Of course, such deception mechanisms may result in side-effects that must be handled. Current methods for planning deception chiefly portray attempts to bridge military deception to cyber deception, providing only high-level instructions that largely ignore deception as part of the software security development life cycle. Con- sequently, little practical guidance is provided on how to engineering deception-based techniques for defense. This PhD thesis contributes with a systematic approach to specify and design cyber deception requirements, tactics, and strategies. This deception approach consists of (i) a multi-paradigm modeling for representing deception requirements, tac- tics, and strategies, (ii) a reference architecture to support the integration of deception strategies into system operation, and (iii) a method to guide engineers in deception mod- eling. A tool prototype, a case study, and an experimental evaluation show encouraging results for the application of the approach in practice. Finally, a conceptual coverage map- ping was developed to assess the expressivity of the deception modeling language created.Na era digital o crescente poder e sofisticação dos ataques cibernéticos apresenta constan- tes desafios para a segurança do software. A postura reativa dos mecanismos tradicionais de segurança, como os sistemas antivírus e de detecção de intrusão, não têm sido suficien- tes para combater a ampla gama de ameaças que comprometem a operação dos sistemas de software actuais. Para mitigar estas ameaças são necessárias abordagens ativas de defesa. Tais abordagens baseiam-se na ideia de adicionar mecanismos para enganar os adversários (do inglês deception). As técnicas de enganação (em português, "ato ou efeito de enganar, de induzir em erro; artimanha usada para iludir") contribuem para a defesa frustrando o avanço dos atacantes por manipulação das suas perceções. A manipula- ção é conseguida através de respostas enganadoras, de "fintas", ou indicações erróneas e outras falsidades adicionadas intencionalmente num sistema. É claro que esses meca- nismos de enganação podem resultar em efeitos colaterais que devem ser tratados. Os métodos atuais usados para enganar um atacante inspiram-se fundamentalmente nas técnicas da área militar, fornecendo apenas instruções de alto nível que ignoram, em grande parte, a enganação como parte do ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de software seguro. Consequentemente, há poucas referências práticas em como gerar técnicas de defesa baseadas em enganação. Esta tese de doutoramento contribui com uma aborda- gem sistemática para especificar e desenhar requisitos, táticas e estratégias de enganação cibernéticas. Esta abordagem é composta por (i) uma modelação multi-paradigma para re- presentar requisitos, táticas e estratégias de enganação, (ii) uma arquitetura de referência para apoiar a integração de estratégias de enganação na operação dum sistema, e (iii) um método para orientar os engenheiros na modelação de enganação. Uma ferramenta protó- tipo, um estudo de caso e uma avaliação experimental mostram resultados encorajadores para a aplicação da abordagem na prática. Finalmente, a expressividade da linguagem de modelação de enganação é avaliada por um mapeamento de cobertura de conceitos

    Engineering Automation for Reliable Software Interim Progress Report (10/01/2000 - 09/30/2001)

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    Prepared for: U.S. Army Research Office P.O. Box 12211 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211The objective of our effort is to develop a scientific basis for producing reliable software that is also flexible and cost effective for the DoD distributed software domain. This objective addresses the long term goals of increasing the quality of service provided by complex systems while reducing development risks, costs, and time. Our work focuses on "wrap and glue" technology based on a domain specific distributed prototype model. The key to making the proposed approach reliable, flexible, and cost-effective is the automatic generation of glue and wrappers based on a designer's specification. The "wrap and glue" approach allows system designers to concentrate on the difficult interoperability problems and defines solutions in terms of deeper and more difficult interoperability issues, while freeing designers from implementation details. Specific research areas for the proposed effort include technology enabling rapid prototyping, inference for design checking, automatic program generation, distributed real-time scheduling, wrapper and glue technology, and reliability assessment and improvement. The proposed technology will be integrated with past research results to enable a quantum leap forward in the state of the art for rapid prototyping.U. S. Army Research Office P.O. Box 12211 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-22110473-MA-SPApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Crossbow Volume 1

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    Student Integrated ProjectIncludes supplementary materialDistributing naval combat power into many small ships and unmanned air vehicles that capitalize on emerging technology offers a transformational way to think about naval combat in the littorals in the 2020 time frame. Project CROSSBOW is an engineered systems of systems that proposes to use such distributed forces to provide forward presence to gain and maiantain access, to provide sea control, and to project combat power in the littoral regions of the world. Project CROSSBOW is the result of a yearlong, campus-wide, integrated research systems engineering effort involving 40 student researchers and 15 supervising faculty members. This report (Volume I) summarizes the CROSSBOW project. It catalogs the major features of each of the components, and includes by reference a separate volume for each of the major systems (ships, aircraft, and logistics). It also prresents the results of the mission and campaign analysis that informed the trade-offs between these components. It describes certain functions of CROSSBOW in detail through specialized supporting studies. The student work presented here is technologically feasible, integrated and imaginative. The student project cannot by itself provide definitive designs or analyses covering such a broad topic. It does strongly suggest that the underlying concepts have merit and deserve further serious study by the Navy as it transforms itself

    Deception in Game Theory: A Survey and Multiobjective Model

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    Game theory is the study of mathematical models of conflict. It provides tools for analyzing dynamic interactions between multiple agents and (in some cases) across multiple interactions. This thesis contains two scholarly articles. The first article is a survey of game-theoretic models of deception. The survey describes the ways researchers use game theory to measure the practicality of deception, model the mechanisms for performing deception, analyze the outcomes of deception, and respond to, or mitigate the effects of deception. The survey highlights several gaps in the literature. One important gap concerns the benefit-cost-risk trade-off made during deception planning. To address this research gap, the second article introduces a novel approach for modeling these trade-offs. The approach uses a game theoretic model of deception to define a new multiobjective optimization problem called the deception design problem (DDP). Solutions to the DDP provide courses of deceptive action that are efficient in terms of their benefit, cost, and risk to the deceiver. A case study based on the output of an air-to-air combat simulator demonstrates the DDP in a 7 x 7 normal form game. This approach is the first to evaluate benefit, cost, and risk in a single game theoretic model of deception

    Joint ACCESS: high-speed assault connector (HSAC) for joint expeditionary logistics

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    Includes suppmentary materialThe current notion of seabasing requires that three Battalion Landing Teams (BLT) of a 2025 Joint Expeditionary Brigade (JEB) need to be able to transit from the Sea Base to the objective within a 10 hour period. Of the three BLTs, two of them must be transported by surface craft a distance of no more than 200nm in sea state 4 or less. The two surface bound BLTs need to be loaded onto the transporting craft and delivered to shore, whether it is a port facility or austere beachhead. There is no current or future system of connectors to meet all the time-distance, sea state, and interface flexibility requirements for this aspect of seabasing. To meet these requirements a High Speed Assault Connector (HSAC) is needed which either augments current or replaces existing connector platforms to deliver and support the required forces ashore. The Joint ACCESS is a HSAC that brings the necessary speed, payload capacity, interface capability, and mission flexibility needed to fill the Sea Base to shore transportation gap. With a maximum speed of 43kts and payload capacity of 800LT, 12 Joint ACCESS trimarans can transit 200nm and fully offload in 7 hours. Its beachable design uses a floating bow ramp to reach out to austere beaches, while its combat system suite provides self defense in addition to robust offensive capabilities.http://web.archive.org/web/20050218202650/http://www.nps.navy.mil/tsse/files/2004.htmApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited