166 research outputs found

    Convolutional neural networks for segmentation and object detection of human semen

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    We compare a set of convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures for the task of segmenting and detecting human sperm cells in an image taken from a semen sample. In contrast to previous work, samples are not stained or washed to allow for full sperm quality analysis, making analysis harder due to clutter. Our results indicate that training on full images is superior to training on patches when class-skew is properly handled. Full image training including up-sampling during training proves to be beneficial in deep CNNs for pixel wise accuracy and detection performance. Predicted sperm cells are found by using connected components on the CNN predictions. We investigate optimization of a threshold parameter on the size of detected components. Our best network achieves 93.87% precision and 91.89% recall on our test dataset after thresholding outperforming a classical mage analysis approach.Comment: Submitted for Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 201

    Sperm cell segmentation in digital micrographs based on convolutional neural networks using u-net architecture

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    Human infertility is considered a serious disease of the the reproductive system that affects more than 10% of couples worldwide,and more than 30% of reported cases are related to men. The crucial step in evaluating male in fertility is a semen analysis, highly dependent on sperm morphology. However,this analysis is done at the laboratory manually and depends mainly on the doctor’s experience. Besides,it is laborious, and there is also a high degree of interlaboratory variability in the results. This article proposes applying a specialized convolutional neural network architecture (U-Net),which focuses on the segmentation of sperm cells in micrographs to overcome these problems.The results showed high scores for the model segmentation metrics such as precisión (93%), IoU score (86%),and DICE score of 93%. Moreover,we can conclude that U-net architecture turned out to be a good option to carry out the segmentation of sperm cells

    A review of different deep learning techniques for sperm fertility prediction

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    Sperm morphology analysis (SMA) is a significant factor in diagnosing male infertility. Therefore, healthy sperm detection is of great significance in this process. However, the traditional manual microscopic sperm detection methods have the disadvantages of a long detection cycle, low detection accuracy in large orders, and very complex fertility prediction. Therefore, it is meaningful to apply computer image analysis technology to the field of fertility prediction. Computer image analysis can give high precision and high efficiency in detecting sperm cells. In this article, first, we analyze the existing sperm detection techniques in chronological order, from traditional image processing and machine learning to deep learning methods in segmentation and classification. Then, we analyze and summarize these existing methods and introduce some potential methods, including visual transformers. Finally, the future development direction and challenges of sperm cell detection are discussed. We have summarized 44 related technical papers from 2012 to the present. This review will help researchers have a more comprehensive understanding of the development process, research status, and future trends in the field of fertility prediction and provide a reference for researchers in other fields

    Sperm quality, semen production, and fertility in young Norwegian Red bulls

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    Ved bruk av genomisk seleksjon i storfeavlen blir eliteokser selektert basert på deres estimerte genomiske avlsverdier i stedet for ved avkomsgransking. Oksene er derfor yngre når de blir tatt i bruk i sædproduksjon enn tidligere. Hovedmålet med denne avhandlingen var å identifisere nye indikatorer for når sædproduksjonen er i gang hos unge Norsk Rødt Fe okser, og som kan måles i løpet av testperioden og gi informasjon om oksenes potensielle fremtidige sædproduksjon, aksept for semin-stasjonen samt fruktbarhet i felt. I Artikkel 1 ble flowcytometri og Computer-Aided Sperm Analysis brukt til å analysere ulike spermiekvalitetsparametere i ejakulater fra 65 okser i alderen 9-13 måneder. Sædprøver ble utsatt for stresstester og kryokonservering. Oksene ble klassifisert i tre grupper med ulik respons på spermie-stresstester. Ved å benytte spermie-stresstester, kryokonservering og morfologianalyse tidlig i testperioden, kan en få verdifull innsikt i når oksene er tilstrekkelig utviklet for sædproduksjon. Med denne tilnærmingen vil en kunne ta i bruk yngre okser i sæduttak og -produksjon, og dermed bidra til redusert generasjonsintervall og økt genetisk framgang. I Artikkel 2 ble det fokusert på å undersøke potensialet til insulin-like factor 3 som en biomarkør for å predikere når sædproduksjonen starter hos unge Norsk Rødt Fe okser. Det ble tatt blodprøver og samtidig utført målinger av skrotumomkrets på 142 okser på fire tidspunkt mellom 2 og 12 måneders alder. Studien hadde som mål å belyse sammenhenger mellom nivået av insulin-like factor 3, skrotumomkrets og ulike sædparametere. Det ble funnet en positiv korrelasjon mellom insulin-like factor 3 og skrotumomkretsen, men det ble ikke funnet signifikante sammenhenger mellom skrotumomkretsen og sædparametere. På grunn av betydelige individuelle variasjoner i den undersøkte norske okse-populasjonen, er insulin-like factor 3 foreløpig ikke en egnet biomarkør til å kunne predikere når sædproduksjonen starter hos denne rasen. I Artikkel 3 presenteres en automatisert metode for å måle skrotumomkretsen hos Norsk Rødt Fe okser ved hjelp av 3D-bilder og konvolusjonelle nevrale nettverk. 3D-bilder ble tatt samtidig som manuelle målinger av skrotumomkretsen ble utført på oksene, noe som ble gjentatt ved ulike aldere. Studien sammenlignet de manuelle og automatiserte målingene oppnådd ved semantisk segmentering. Det ble vist at de automatiserte målingene av skrotumomkretsen ga tilsvarende resultater som de manuelle målingene. Gjennomsnittlig prediksjonsfeil varierte med oksenes alder og kvaliteten på 3D-bildene. Denne nye målemetoden har potensiale til å kunne implementeres i breeding soundness evaluation ved testings- og seminstasjoner, og kan gi en rask og effektiv vurdering av skrotumomkretsen.Abstract. With the application of genomic selection in dairy cattle breeding, the choice of elite sires is based on their estimated genomic breeding values instead of progeny testing. Consequently, bulls are introduced into semen production at a younger age than previously. The main aim of this thesis was to identify novel early indicators of sperm production onset and maturity status of young Norwegian Red bulls during their performance test period, to provide insight into their potential future semen production, acceptance for the AI station, and field fertility. In Paper 1, flow cytometry and computer-aided sperm analysis were used to analyse various sperm quality parameters in ejaculates collected from 65 bulls aged 9-13 months. Semen samples were subjected to stress tests and cryopreservation. The bulls were classified into three clusters with different responses to sperm stress tests. By incorporating sperm stress tests, cryopreservation, and early morphology analysis, valuable insights into the maturity of bulls for sperm production could be gained. This approach would allow for the integration of younger bulls into semen collection, facilitating reduced generation interval and increased genetic gain. The focus in Paper 2 is on investigating the potential of insulin-like factor 3 as a biomarker for predicting the onset of sperm production in young Norwegian Red bulls. Blood samples and scrotal circumference measurements were collected from 142 bulls at four time-points between 2 and 12 months of age. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between insulin-like factor 3, scrotal circumference, and semen characteristics. While a positive correlation was found between insulin-like factor 3 and scrotal circumference, no significant correlations were observed between scrotal circumference and semen characteristics. Due to the substantial interindividual variability in the Norwegian Red bull population, insulin-like factor 3 is currently not a reliable biomarker for predicting the onset of sperm production in this breed. In Paper 3 an automated method for measuring scrotal circumference of Norwegian Red bulls using 3D images and convolutional neural networks is presented. 3D images were captured, and manual scrotal circumference measurements made of bulls at different ages. The study compared the manual and automated measurements obtained through semantic segmentation. The results showed that the automated scrotal circumference measurements were similar to manual measurements. Mean prediction error varied depending on bull age and image quality. This novel measurement method has the potential to be implemented in bull breeding soundness evaluations at performance test stations and semen collection centers, providing a fast and efficient approach for assessing scrotal circumference.publishedVersio