156 research outputs found

    A Multiscale Framework for Challenging Discrete Optimization

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    Current state-of-the-art discrete optimization methods struggle behind when it comes to challenging contrast-enhancing discrete energies (i.e., favoring different labels for neighboring variables). This work suggests a multiscale approach for these challenging problems. Deriving an algebraic representation allows us to coarsen any pair-wise energy using any interpolation in a principled algebraic manner. Furthermore, we propose an energy-aware interpolation operator that efficiently exposes the multiscale landscape of the energy yielding an effective coarse-to-fine optimization scheme. Results on challenging contrast-enhancing energies show significant improvement over state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, To appear in NIPS Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning (December 2012). Camera-ready version. Fixed typos, acknowledgements adde

    Neighbourhood-consensus message passing and its potentials in image processing applications

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    In this paper, a novel algorithm for inference in Markov Random Fields (MRFs) is presented. Its goal is to find approximate maximum a posteriori estimates in a simple manner by combining neighbourhood influence of iterated conditional modes (ICM) and message passing of loopy belief propagation (LBP). We call the proposed method neighbourhood-consensus message passing because a single joint message is sent from the specified neighbourhood to the central node. The message, as a function of beliefs, represents the agreement of all nodes within the neighbourhood regarding the labels of the central node. This way we are able to overcome the disadvantages of reference algorithms, ICM and LBP. On one hand, more information is propagated in comparison with ICM, while on the other hand, the huge amount of pairwise interactions is avoided in comparison with LBP by working with neighbourhoods. The idea is related to the previously developed iterated conditional expectations algorithm. Here we revisit it and redefine it in a message passing framework in a more general form. The results on three different benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed technique can perform well both for binary and multi-label MRFs without any limitations on the model definition. Furthermore, it manifests improved performance over related techniques either in terms of quality and/or speed

    Algorithms for selecting parameters of combination of acyclic adjacency graphs in the problem of texture image processing

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    Nowadays the great interest of researchers in the problem of processing the interrelated data arrays including images is retained. In the modern theory of machine learning, the problem of image processing is often viewed as a problem in the field of graph models. Image pixels constitute a unique array of interrelated elements. The interrelations between array elements are represented by an adjacency graph. The problem of image processing is often solved by minimizing Gibbs energy associated with corresponding adjacency graphs. The crucial disadvantage of Gibbs approach is that it requires empirical specifying of appropriate energy functions on cliques. In the present work, we investigate a simpler, but not less effective model, which is an expansion of the Markov chain theory. Our approach to image processing is based on the idea of replacing the arbitrary adjacency graphs by tree-like (acyclic in general) ones and linearly combining of acyclic Markov models in order to get the best quality of restoration of hidden classes. In this work, we propose algorithms for tuning combination of acyclic adjacency graphs

    OpenGM: A C++ Library for Discrete Graphical Models

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    OpenGM is a C++ template library for defining discrete graphical models and performing inference on these models, using a wide range of state-of-the-art algorithms. No restrictions are imposed on the factor graph to allow for higher-order factors and arbitrary neighborhood structures. Large models with repetitive structure are handled efficiently because (i) functions that occur repeatedly need to be stored only once, and (ii) distinct functions can be implemented differently, using different encodings alongside each other in the same model. Several parametric functions (e.g. metrics), sparse and dense value tables are provided and so is an interface for custom C++ code. Algorithms are separated by design from the representation of graphical models and are easily exchangeable. OpenGM, its algorithms, HDF5 file format and command line tools are modular and extendible

    On Sampling from the Gibbs Distribution with Random Maximum A-Posteriori Perturbations

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    In this paper we describe how MAP inference can be used to sample efficiently from Gibbs distributions. Specifically, we provide means for drawing either approximate or unbiased samples from Gibbs' distributions by introducing low dimensional perturbations and solving the corresponding MAP assignments. Our approach also leads to new ways to derive lower bounds on partition functions. We demonstrate empirically that our method excels in the typical "high signal - high coupling" regime. The setting results in ragged energy landscapes that are challenging for alternative approaches to sampling and/or lower bounds