4 research outputs found

    Convergence of fully discrete schemes for diffusive dispersive conservation laws with discontinuous coefficient

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    We are concerned with fully-discrete schemes for the numerical approximation of diffusive-dispersive hyperbolic conservation laws with a discontinuous flux function in one-space dimension. More precisely, we show the convergence of approximate solutions, generated by the scheme corresponding to vanishing diffusive-dispersive scalar conservation laws with a discontinuous coefficient, to the corresponding scalar conservation law with discontinuous coefficient. Finally, the convergence is illustrated by several examples. In particular, it is delineated that the limiting solutions generated by the scheme need not coincide, depending on the relation between diffusion and the dispersion coefficients, with the classical Kruzkov-Oleinik entropy solutions, but contain nonclassical undercompressive shock waves.Comment: 38 Pages, 6 figure

    Entropy conditions for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux revisited

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    We propose new entropy admissibility conditions for multidimensional hyperbolic scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux which generalize one-dimensional Karlsen-Risebro-Towers entropy conditions. These new conditions are designed, in particular, in order to characterize the limit of vanishing viscosity approximations. On the one hand, they comply quite naturally with a certain class of physical and numerical modeling assumptions; on the other hand, their mathematical assessment turns out to be intricate. \smallskip The generalization we propose is not only with respect to the space dimension, but mainly in the sense that the "crossing condition" of [K.H. Karlsen, N.H. Risebro, J. Towers, Skr.\,K.\,Nor.\,Vid.\,Selsk. (2003)] is not mandatory for proving uniqueness with the new definition. We prove uniqueness of solutions and give tools to justify their existence via the vanishing viscosity method, for the multi-dimensional spatially inhomogeneous case with a finite number of Lipschitz regular hypersurfaces of discontinuity for the flux function.Comment: multidimensional case is included and mistakes are correcte


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    We consider non-strictly hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in triangular form, which arise in applications like three-phase flows in porous media. We device simple and efficient finite volume schemes of Godunov type for these systems that exploit the triangular structure. We prove that the finite volume schemes converge to weak solutions as the discretization parameters tend to zero. Some numerical examples are presented, one of which is related to flows in porous media