7 research outputs found

    On the motion of rigid bodies in a compressible viscous fluid under the action of gravitational forces

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    summary:The global existence of weak solution is proved for the problem of the motion of several rigid bodies in a barotropic compressible fluid, under the influence of gravitational forces

    Existence of weak solutions up to collision for viscous fluid-solid systems with slip

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    We study in this paper the movement of a rigid solid inside an incompressible Navier-Stokes flow, within a bounded domain. We consider the case where slip is allowed at the fluid/solid interface, through a Navier condition. Taking into account slip at the interface is very natural within this model, as classical no-slip conditions lead to unrealistic collisional behavior between the solid and the domain boundary. We prove for this model existence of weak solutions of Leray type, up to collision, in three dimensions. The key point is that, due to the slip condition, the velocity field is discontinuous across the fluid/solid interface. This prevents from obtaining global H1 bounds on the velocity, which makes many aspects of the theory of weak solutions for Dirichlet conditions unadapted.Comment: 45 page

    Existence of weak solutions for a Bingham fluid-rigid body system

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    International audienceWe consider the motion of a rigid body in a viscoplastic material. This material is modeled by the 3D Bingham equations, and the Newton laws govern the displacement of the rigid body. Our main result is the existence of a weak solution for the corresponding system. The weak formulation is an inequality (due to the plasticity of the fluid), and it involves a free boundary (due to the motion of the rigid body). We approximate it by regularizing the convex terms in the Bingham fluid and by using a penalty method to take into account the presence of the rigid body

    Convergence analysis of a penalization method for the three-dimensional motion of a rigid body in an incompressible viscous fluid

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    International audienceWe present and analyze a penalization method wich extends the the method of [1] to the case of a rigid body moving freely in an incompressible fluid. The fluid-solid system is viewed as a single variable density flow with an interface captured by a level set method. The solid velocity is computed by averaging at avery time the flow velocity in the solid phase. This velocity is used to penalize the flow velocity at the fluid-solid interface and to move the interface. Numerical illustrations are provided to illustrate our convergence result. A discussion of our result in the light of existing existence results is also given. [1] Ph. Angot, C.-H. Bruneau and P. Fabrie, A penalization method to take into account obstacles in incompressible viscous flows, Numer. Math. 81: 497--520 (1999

    Problèmes d'interactions entre une structure déformable et un fluide visqueux et incompressible

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions un système fluide-solide qui modélise les interactions entre une struc- ture déformable, et un fluide visqueux et incompressible qui l'entoure. Il couple les équations de Navier- Stokes incompressibles (pour l'état du fluide) avec les lois de Newton (pour la dynamique du solide). L'existence de solutions fortes est étudiée dans les deux premiers chapitres, pour des déformations du solide limitées ou non en régularité. Puis nous prouvons la stabilisation à zéro de ce système couplé, pour des perturbations extérieures petites, par des déformations du solide soumises à des contraintes physiques qui lui garantissent en particulier d'être autopropulsé. Ensuite nous décrivons des moyens pratiques de générer de telles déformations. Enfin nous développons une méthode numérique pour un problème de Stokes avec conditions de Dirichlet non homogènes. Elle nous permet d'obtenir une bonne approximation de la trace normale du tenseur des contraintes de Cauchy, pour des frontières qui ne dépendent pas du maillage. Cette méthode combine une approche de type domaines fictifs basée sur les idées de Xfem, et une méthode de Lagrangien augmenté. Du point de vue des interactions fluide-structure, l'intérêt de cette méthode réside dans l'importance du rôle joué par les forces du fluide à l'interface fluide-solide.In this thesis, we study a fluid-solid system which is a model for the interactions between a deformable structure, and a viscous incompressible fluid surrounding it. It couples the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (for the fluid flow) with the Newton's laws (for the solid's dynamics). The existence of strong solutions is studied in the first two chapters, for solid's deformations which are limited or not in regularity. Then we prove the stabilization to zero of this coupled system, for small external perturbations, by solid's deformations submitted to physical constraints which guarantee its self-propel led nature. After that we describe practical means of generating such deformations. Finally we develop a numerical method for a Stokes problem with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions. It enables us to get a good approximation of the normal trace of the Cauchy stress tensor, for boundaries which does not depend on the mesh. This method combines a fictitious domain type approach based on the ideas of Xfem, and an augmented Lagrangian method. In a fluid-structure interaction perspective, the interest of this method lies in the importance of the role played by the fluid's forces at the fluid-solid interface