40 research outputs found

    Describing function analysis of mechanical systems with nonlinear friction and backlash phenomena

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    This paper analyses the dynamical properties of systems with nonlinear friction and backlash phenomena based on the describing function method. The dynamics is illustrated using the Nyquist and Bode plots and the results are compared with those of standards models.N/

    Robusno adaptivno upravljanje istosmjernim servomotorom s nelinearnom širokom zračnosti

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    In this paper, the problem of driving angular position of a direct current servomotor system with unmodeled wide backlash nonlinearity is addressed. In order to tackle this problem, a control scheme based on an adaptive super twisting algorithm is proposed. In order to implement the proposed controller, information about angular velocity is estimated by means of a robust differentiator. Based on a simplified model of the system, the proposed scheme increases robustness against unmodeled dynamics as backlash, as not all the parameters of the system nor the bounds of the perturbations are required to be known. Experimental results considering a wide backlash angle near to 2*PI, illustrate the feasibility and performance of the proposed control methodology.U ovom radu bavi se problemom kutnog pozicioniranja istosmjernog sevomotora s nemodeliranom nelinearnošću široke zračnosti. Za rješenje tog problema predlaže se korištenje upravljačke sheme bazirane na algoritmu adaptivnog uvijanja. Kako bi se implementiralo predloženo upravljanje, kutna brzina estimira se korištenjem robusnog diferencijatora. Bazirana na pojednostavljenom modelu sustava, predložena shema povećava robustnost u odnosu na nemodeliranu dinamiku kao što je zračnost. Pritom nije potrebno poznavanje svih parametara sustava niti očekivane granice smetnji. Eksperimetalni rezultati, koji uzimaju u obzir široki kut zračnosti od skoro pi$, ilustriraju izvodljivost i učinkovitost predloženog algoritma upravljanja

    Filtering method in backlash phenomena analysis

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    The behavior of robotic manipulators with backlash is analyzed. Based on the pseudo-phase plane two indices are proposed to evaluate the backlash effect upon the robotic system: the root mean square error and the fractal dimension. For the dynamical analysis the noisy signals captured from the system are filtered through wavelets. Several tests are developed that demonstrate the coherence of the results

    Position control of parallel active link suspension with backlash

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    In this paper, a position control scheme for the novel Parallel Active Link Suspension (PALS) with backlash is developed to enhance the vehicle ride comfort and road holding. A PALS-retrofitted quarter car test rig is adopted, with the torque flow and backlash effect on the suspension performance analyzed. An elastic linear equivalent model of the PALS-retrofitted quarter car, which bridges the actuator position and the equivalent force between the sprung and unsprung masses, is proposed and mathematically derived, with both the geometry and backlash nonlinearities compensated. A position control scheme is then synthesized, with an outer-loop H∞ control for ride comfort and road holding enhancement and an inner-loop cascaded proportional-integral control for the reference position tracking. Experiments with the PALS-retrofitted quarter car test rig are performed over road cases of a harmonic road, a smoothed bump and frequency swept road excitation. As compared to a conventional torque control scheme, the newly proposed position control maintains the performance enhancement by the PALS, while it notably attenuates the overshoot in the actuator’s speed variation, and thereby it benefits the PALS with less power demand and less suspension deflection increment

    Parallel active link suspension: full car application with frequency-dependent multi-objective control strategies

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    In this article, a recently proposed at basic level novel suspension for road vehicles, the parallel active link suspension (PALS), is investigated in the realistic scenario of a sport utility vehicle (SUV) full car. The involved rocker-pushrod assembly is generally optimized to maximize the PALS capability in improving the suspension performance. To fully release the PALS functions of dealing with both low- and high-frequency road cases, a PID control scheme is first employed for the chassis attitude stabilization, focusing on the minimization of both the roll and pitch angles; based on a derived linear equivalent model of the PALS-retrofitted full car, an H∞ control scheme is designed to enhance the ride comfort and road holding; moreover, a frequency-dependent multiobjective control strategy that combines the developed PID and H∞ control is proposed to enable: 1) chassis attitude stabilization at 0-1 Hz; 2) vehicle vibration attenuation at 1-8 Hz; and 3) control effort penalization (for energy saving) above 10 Hz. With a group of ISO-defined road events tested, numerical simulation results demonstrate that, compared to the conventional passive suspension, the PALS has a promising potential in full-car application, with up to 70% reduction of the chassis vertical acceleration in speed bumps and chassis leveling capability of dealing with up to 4.3-m/s² lateral acceleration

    Analysis of collocated feedback controllers for four-bar planar mechanisms with joint clearances

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    International audienceThis article presents an analysis of two-dimensional four-bar mechanisms with joint clearance, when one joint is actuated by collocated open-loop or state feedback controllers (proportional-derivative, state feedback linearization, passivity-based control). The study is led with numerical simulations obtained with a projected Moreau-Jean's event-capturing algorithm. The contact/impact model uses kinematic coefficients of restitution, and Coulomb's friction. The focus is put on how much the performance deteriorates when clearances are added in the joints. It is shown that collocated feedback controllers behave in a very robust way

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