7,388 research outputs found

    Representing and coding the knowledge embedded in texts of Health Science Web published articles

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    Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Semantic Web environment. This is a report of the results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records the knowledge embedded in the text of scientific articles as an ontology. Knowledge thus represented enables its processing by intelligent software agents The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    Head in the clouds: Re-imagining the experimental laboratory record for the web-based networked world

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    The means we use to record the process of carrying out research remains tied to the concept of a paginated paper notebook despite the advances over the past decade in web based communication and publication tools. The development of these tools offers an opportunity to re-imagine what the laboratory record would look like if it were re-built in a web-native form. In this paper I describe a distributed approach to the laboratory record based which uses the most appropriate tool available to house and publish each specific object created during the research process, whether they be a physical sample, a digital data object, or the record of how one was created from another. I propose that the web-native laboratory record would act as a feed of relationships between these items. This approach can be seen as complementary to, rather than competitive with, integrative approaches that aim to aggregate relevant objects together to describe knowledge. The potential for the recent announcement of the Google Wave protocol to have a significant impact on realizing this vision is discussed along with the issues of security and provenance that are raised by such an approach

    Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Choice and Refusal of Partners

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    This article extends the traditional iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) with round-robin partner matching by permitting players to choose and refuse partners in each iteration on the basis of continually updated expected payoffs. Comparative computer experiments are reported that indicate the introduction of partner choice and refusal accelerates the emergence of mutual cooperation in the IPD relative to round-robin partner matching. Moreover, in contrast to findings for round-robin partner matching (in which the average payoffs of the players tend to be either clustered around the mutual cooperation payoff or widely scattered), the average payoff scores of the players with choice and refusal of partners tend to cluster into two or more distinct narrow bands. Preliminary analytical and computational sensitivity studies are also reported for several key parameters. Related work can be accessed here: http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/tnghome.htmiterated prisoner's dilemma; preferential partner selection; evolutionary game theory

    Saturn Platform: Foundation Model Operations and Generative AI for Financial Services

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    Saturn is an innovative platform that assists Foundation Model (FM) building and its integration with IT operations (Ops). It is custom-made to meet the requirements of data scientists, enabling them to effectively create and implement FMs while enhancing collaboration within their technical domain. By offering a wide range of tools and features, Saturn streamlines and automates different stages of FM development, making it an invaluable asset for data science teams. This white paper introduces prospective applications of generative AI models derived from FMs in the financial sector

    Are multimedia resources effective in life science education? A meta-analysis.

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    Multimedia learning is widely used in life science education where the use of pictures and text can bring complex structures and processes to life. However the impact on academic performance and deeper understanding is not well documented. We therefore carried out a systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of multimedia resources in tertiary level life science education. Comprehensive literature searches were conducted; studies were selected based on stringent pre-set criteria, and data were extracted for meta-analysis. In total, 17 studies were used in the meta-analyses with a total population of 2,290 students. The results show that, when used as a substitute for laboratory practicals, multimedia improved student learning gains assessed with an end-of-year examination, (mean difference 7.06, ±4.61). Although it did not improve short-term learning gains in this scenario, multimedia improved learning gains in 10 of the 16 sub-group comparisons made across all the studies. Overall, multimedia learning was more effective than many traditional educational methods although the numbers of studies included in the analysis were ultimately considered to be small due to many exclusions from the studies included in the analysis. Therefore, more good quality trials are required to evaluate a broader range of scenarios relevant to modern practices. Studies would benefit from being rigorous in design with good quality reporting of all aspects of methodology and study results.HEA Subject Centre for Bioscienc

    Design and Characterization of 3D-printed Weaire-Phelan Hydrogel Lattices

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    The objective of this work is to design, fabricate, and characterize scaled and unscaled 3D-printed hydrogel lattices with controlled structural and mechanical anisotropy. These 3D-printed hydrogel lattices could be used to create soft structures of desired shape and consistent mechanical properties for potential use as anisotropic tissue mimics. The topics in this report cover design techniques to generate 3D-modeled unit cell lattices using CAD software, fabrication using SLA, and experimental characterization by bench-top mechanical tests (uniaxial compression test)

    Human factors in instructional augmented reality for intravehicular spaceflight activities and How gravity influences the setup of interfaces operated by direct object selection

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    In human spaceflight, advanced user interfaces are becoming an interesting mean to facilitate human-machine interaction, enhancing and guaranteeing the sequences of intravehicular space operations. The efforts made to ease such operations have shown strong interests in novel human-computer interaction like Augmented Reality (AR). The work presented in this thesis is directed towards a user-driven design for AR-assisted space operations, iteratively solving issues arisen from the problem space, which also includes the consideration of the effect of altered gravity on handling such interfaces.Auch in der bemannten Raumfahrt steigt das Interesse an neuartigen Benutzerschnittstellen, um nicht nur die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion effektiver zu gestalten, sondern auch um einen korrekten Arbeitsablauf sicherzustellen. In der Vergangenheit wurden wiederholt Anstrengungen unternommen, Innenbordarbeiten mit Hilfe von Augmented Reality (AR) zu erleichtern. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf einen nutzerorientierten AR-Ansatz, welcher zum Ziel hat, die Probleme schrittweise in einem iterativen Designprozess zu lösen. Dies erfordert auch die Berücksichtigung veränderter Schwerkraftbedingungen

    Affective Computing

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    This book provides an overview of state of the art research in Affective Computing. It presents new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this increasingly important research field. The book consists of 23 chapters categorized into four sections. Since one of the most important means of human communication is facial expression, the first section of this book (Chapters 1 to 7) presents a research on synthesis and recognition of facial expressions. Given that we not only use the face but also body movements to express ourselves, in the second section (Chapters 8 to 11) we present a research on perception and generation of emotional expressions by using full-body motions. The third section of the book (Chapters 12 to 16) presents computational models on emotion, as well as findings from neuroscience research. In the last section of the book (Chapters 17 to 22) we present applications related to affective computing
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