5,736 research outputs found

    The Deep Space Network: A Radio Communications Instrument for Deep Space Exploration

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    The primary purpose of the Deep Space Network (DSN) is to serve as a communications instrument for deep space exploration, providing communications between the spacecraft and the ground facilities. The uplink communications channel provides instructions or commands to the spacecraft. The downlink communications channel provides command verification and spacecraft engineering and science instrument payload data

    The Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX) for the Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory

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    The Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX) is a spectropolarimeter built by four institutions in Spain that flew on board the Sunrise balloon-borne telesocope in June 2009 for almost six days over the Arctic Circle. As a polarimeter IMaX uses fast polarization modulation (based on the use of two liquid crystal retarders), real-time image accumulation, and dual beam polarimetry to reach polarization sensitivities of 0.1%. As a spectrograph, the instrument uses a LiNbO3 etalon in double pass and a narrow band pre-filter to achieve a spectral resolution of 85 mAA. IMaX uses the high Zeeman sensitive line of Fe I at 5250.2 AA and observes all four Stokes parameters at various points inside the spectral line. This allows vector magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and intensity frames to be produced that, after reconstruction, reach spatial resolutions in the 0.15-0.18 arcsec range over a 50x50 arcsec FOV. Time cadences vary between ten and 33 seconds, although the shortest one only includes longitudinal polarimetry. The spectral line is sampled in various ways depending on the applied observing mode, from just two points inside the line to 11 of them. All observing modes include one extra wavelength point in the nearby continuum. Gauss equivalent sensitivities are four Gauss for longitudinal fields and 80 Gauss for transverse fields per wavelength sample. The LOS velocities are estimated with statistical errors of the order of 5-40 m/s. The design, calibration and integration phases of the instrument, together with the implemented data reduction scheme are described in some detail.Comment: 17 figure

    Adaptive and Robust Beam Selection in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems

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    Future 6G wireless communications network will increase the data capacity to unprecedented numbers and thus empower the deployment of new real-time applications. Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) band and Massive MIMO are considered as two of the main pillars of 6G to handle the gigantic influx in data traffic and number of mobile users and IoT devices. The small wavelengths at these frequencies mean that more antenna elements can be placed in the same area. Thereby, high spatial processing gains are achievable that can theoretically compensate for the higher isotropic path loss. The propagation characteristics at mmWave band, create sparse channels in typical scenarios, where only few paths convey significant power. Considering this feature, Hybrid (analog-digital) Beamforming introduces a new signal processing framework which enables energy and cost-efficient implementation of massive MIMO with innovative smart arrays. In this setup, the analog beamalignment via beam selection in link access phase, is the critical performance limiting step. Considering the variable operating condition in mmWave channels, a desirable solution should have the following features: efficiency in training (limited coherence time, delay constraints), adaptivity to channel conditions (large SNR range) and robustness to realized channels (LOS, NLOS, Multipath, non-ideal beam patterns). For the link access task, we present a new energy-detection framework based on variable length channel measurements with (orthogonal) beam codebooks. The proposed beam selection technique denoted as composite M-ary Sequential Competition Test (SCT) solves the beam selection problem when knowledge about the SNR operating point is not available. It adaptively changes the test length when the SNR varies to achieve an essentially constant performance level. In addition, it is robust to non-ideal beam patterns and different types of the realized channel. Compared to the conventional fixed length energy-detection techniques, the SCT can increase the training efficiency up to two times while reducing the delay if the channel condition is good. Having the flexibility to allocate resources for channel measurements through different beams adaptively in time, we improve the SCT to eliminate unpromising beams from the remaining candidate set as soon as possible. In this way, the Sequential Competition and Elimination Test (SCET) significantly further reduces training time by increasing the efficiency. The developed ideas can be applied with different codebook types considered for practical applications. The reliable performance of the beam selection technique is evident through experimental evaluation done using the state-of-the-art test-bed developed at the Vodafone Chair that combines a Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) based platform with mmWave frontends

    Upgraded photon calorimeter with integrating readout for Hall A Compton Polarimeter at Jefferson Lab

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    The photon arm of the Compton polarimeter in Hall A of Jefferson Lab has been upgraded to allow for electron beam polarization measurements with better than 1% accuracy. The data acquisition system (DAQ) now includes an integrating mode, which eliminates several systematic uncertainties inherent in the original counting-DAQ setup. The photon calorimeter has been replaced with a Ce-doped GSO crystal, which has a bright output and fast response, and works well for measurements using the new integrating method at electron beam energies from 1 to 6 GeV.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Co-adaptive myoelectric control for upper limb prostheses

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    [ES] Mucha gente en el mundo se ve afectada por la pérdida de una extremidad (las predicciones estiman que en 2050 habrá más de 3 millones de personas afectadas únicamente en los Estados Unidos de América). A pesar de la continua mejora en las técnicas de amputación y la prostética, vivir sin una extremidad sigue limitando las actividades de los afectados en su vida diaria, provocando una disminución en su calidad de vida. En este trabajo nos centramos en los casos de amputaciones de extremidades superiores, entendiendo por ello la pérdida de cualquier parte del brazo o antebrazo. Esta tesis trata sobre el control mioeléctrico (potenciales eléctricos superficiales generados por la contracción de los músculos) de prótesis de extremidades superiores. Los estudios en este campo han crecido exponencialmente en las últimas décadas intentando reducir el hueco entre la parte investigadora más dinámica y propensa a los cambios e innovación (por ejemplo, usando técnicas como la inteligencia artificial) y la industria prostética, con una gran inercia y poco propensa a introducir cambios en sus controladores y dispositivos. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar un nuevo controlador implementable basado en filtros adaptativos que supere los principales problemas del estado del arte. Desde el punto de vista teórico, podríamos considerar dos contribuciones principales. Primero, proponemos un nuevo sistema para modelar la relación entre los patrones de la señales mioélectricas y los movimientos deseados; este nuevo modelo tiene en cuenta a la hora de estimar la posición actual el valor de los estados pasados generando una nueva sinergia entre máquina y ser humano. En segundo lugar, introducimos un nuevo paradigma de entrenamiento más eficiente y personalizado autónomamente, el cual puede aplicarse no sólo a nuestro nuevo controlador, sino a otros regresores disponibles en la literatura. Como consecuencia de este nuevo protocolo, la estructura humano-máquina difiere con respecto del actual estado del arte en dos características: el proceso de aprendizaje del controlador y la estrategia para la generación de las señales de entrada. Como consecuencia directa de todo esto, el diseño de la fase experimental resulta mucho más complejo que con los controladores tradicionales. La dependencia de la posición actual de la prótesis con respecto a estados pasados fuerza a la realización de todos los experimentos de validación del nuevo controlador en tiempo real, algo costoso en recursos tanto humanos como de tiempo. Por lo tanto, una gran parte de esta tesis está dedicada al trabajo de campo necesario para validar el nuevo modelo y estrategia de entrenamiento. Como el objetivo final es proveer un nuevo controlador implementable, la última parte de la tesis está destinada a testear los métodos propuestos en casos reales, tanto en entornos simulados para validar su robustez ante rutinas diarias, como su uso en dispositivos prostéticos comerciales. Como conclusión, este trabajo propone un nuevo paradigma de control mioélectrico para prótesis que puede ser implementado en una prótesis real. Una vez se ha demostrado la viabilidad del sistema, la tesis propone futuras líneas de investigación, mostrando algunos resultados iniciales.[CA] Molta gent en el món es veu afectada per la pèrdua d'una extremitat (les prediccions estimen que en 2050 hi haurà més de 3 milions de persones afectades únicament als Estats Units d'Amèrica). Malgrat la contínua millora en les tècniques d'amputació i la prostètica, viure sense una extremitat continua limitant les activitats dels afectats en la seua vida diària, provocant una disminució en la seua qualitat de vida. En aquest treball ens centrem en els casos d'amputacions d'extremitats superiors, entenent per això la pèrdua de qualsevol part del braç o avantbraç. Aquesta tesi tracta sobre el control mioelèctric (potencials elèctrics superficials generats per la contracció dels músculs) de pròtesis d'extremitats superiors. Els estudis en aquest camp han crescut exponencialment en les últimes dècades intentant reduir el buit entre la part investigadora més dinàmica i propensa als canvis i innovació (per exemple, usant tècniques com la intel·ligència artificial) i la indústria prostètica, amb una gran inèrcia i poc propensa a introduir canvis en els seus controladors i dispositius. Aquesta tesi contribueix a la investigació des de diversos punts de vista. El principal objectiu és desenvolupar un nou controlador basat en filtres adaptatius que supere els principals problemes de l'estat de l'art. Des del punt de vista teòric, podríem considerar dues contribucions principals. Primer, proposem un nou sistema per a modelar la relació entre els patrons de la senyals mioelèctrics i els moviments desitjats; aquest nou model té en compte a l'hora d'estimar la posició actual el valor dels estats passats generant una nova sinergia entre màquina i ésser humà. En segon lloc, introduïm un nou paradigma d'entrenament més eficient i personalitzat autònomament, el qual pot aplicar-se no sols al nostre nou controlador, sinó a uns altres regresors disponibles en la literatura. Com a conseqüència d'aquest nou protocol, l'estructura humà-màquina difereix respecte a l'actual estat de l'art en dues característiques: el procés d'aprenentatge del controlador i l'estratègia per a la generació dels senyals d'entrada. Com a conseqüència directa de tot això, el disseny de la fase experimental resulta molt més complex que amb els controladors tradicionals. La dependència de la posició actual de la pròtesi respecte a estats passats força a la realització de tots els experiments de validació del nou controlador en temps real, una cosa costosa en recursos tant humans com de temps. Per tant, una gran part d'aquesta tesi està dedicada al treball de camp necessari per a validar el nou model i estratègia d'entrenament. Com l'objectiu final és proveir un nou controlador implementable, l'última part de la tesi està destinada a testar els mètodes proposats en casos reals, tant en entorns simulats per a validar la seua robustesa davant rutines diàries, com el seu ús en dispositius prostètics comercials. Com a conclusió, aquest treball proposa un nou paradigma de control mioelèctric per a pròtesi que pot ser implementat en una pròtesi real. Una vegada s'ha demostrat la viabilitat del sistema, la tesi proposa futures línies d'investigació, mostrant alguns resultats inicials.[EN] Many people in the world suffer from the loss of a limb (predictions estimate more than 3 million people by 2050 only in the USA). In spite of the continuous improvement in the amputation rehabilitation and prosthetic restoration, living without a limb keeps limiting the daily life activities leading to a lower quality of life. In this work, we focus in the upper limb amputation case, i.e., the removal of any part of the arm or forearm. This thesis is about upper limb prosthesis control using electromyographic signals (the superficial electric potentials generated during muscle contractions). Studies in this field have grown exponentially in the past decades trying to reduce the gap between a fast growing prosthetic research field, with the introduction of machine learning, and a slower prosthetic industry and limited manufacturing innovation. This thesis contributes to the field from different perspectives. The main goal is to provide and implementable new controller based on adaptive filtering that overcomes the most common state of the art concerns. From the theoretical point of view, there are two main contributions. First, we propose a new system to model the relationship between electromyographic signals and the desired prosthesis movements; this new model takes into account previous states for the estimation of the current position generating a new human-machine synergy. Second, we introduce a new and more efficient autonomously personalized training paradigm, which can benefit not only to our new proposed controller but also other state of the art regressors. As a consequence of this new protocol, the human-machine structure differs with respect to current state of the art in two features: the controller learning process and the input signal generation strategy. As a direct aftereffect of all of this, the experimental phase design results more complex than with traditional controllers. The current state dependency on past states forces the experimentation to be in real time, a very high demanding task in human and time resources. Therefore, a major part of this thesis is the associated fieldwork needed to validate the new model and training strategy. Since the final goal is to provide an implementable new controller, the last part of the thesis is devoted to test the proposed methods in real cases, not only analyzing the robustness and reliability of the controller in real life situations but in real prosthetic devices. As a conclusion, this work provides a new paradigm for the myoelectric prosthetic control that can be implemented in a real device. Once the thesis has proven the system's viability, future work should continue with the development of a physical device where all these ideas are deployed and used by final patients in a daily basis.The work of Carles Igual Bañó to carry out this research and elaborate this dissertation has been supported by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte under the FPU Grant FPU15/02870. One visiting research fellowships (EST18/00544) was also funded by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain.Igual Bañó, C. (2021). Co-adaptive myoelectric control for upper limb prostheses [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168192TESI

    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data processing

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    The available and optimal methods for generating SAR imagery for NASA applications were identified. The SAR image quality and data processing requirements associated with these applications were studied. Mathematical operations and algorithms required to process sensor data into SAR imagery were defined. The architecture of SAR image formation processors was discussed, and technology necessary to implement the SAR data processors used in both general purpose and dedicated imaging systems was addressed

    Design and Optimization of In-Cycle Closed-Loop Combustion Control with Multiple Injections

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    With the increasing demand of transportation, biofuels play a fundamental role in the transition to sustainable powertrains. For the increased uncertainty of biofuel combustion properties, advanced combustion control systems have the potential to operate the engine with high flexibility while maintaining a high efficiency and robustness. For that purpose, this thesis investigates the analysis, design, implementation, and application of closed-loop Diesel combustion control algorithms. By fast in-cylinder pressure measurements, the combustion evolution can be monitored to adjust a multi-pulse fuel injection within the same cycle. This is referred to as in-cycle closed-loop combustion control.The design of the controller is based on the experimental characterization of the combustion dynamics by the heat release analysis, improved by the proposed cylinder volume deviation model. The pilot combustion, its robustness and dynamics, and its effects on the main injection were analyzed. The pilot burnt mass significantly affects the main combustion timing and heat release shape, which determines the engine efficiency and emissions. By the feedback of a pilot mass virtual sensor, these variations can be compensated by the closed-loop feedback control of the main injection. Predictive models are introduced to overcome the limitations imposed by the intrinsic delay between the control action (fuel injection) and output measurements (pressure increase). High prediction accuracy is possible by the on-line model adaptation, where a reduced multi-cylinder method is proposed to reduce their complexity. The predictive control strategy permits to reduce the stochastic cyclic variations of the controlled combustion metrics. In-cycle controllability of the combustion requires simultaneous observability of the pilot combustion and control authority of the main injection. The imposition of this restriction may decrease the indicated efficiency and increase the operational constraints violation compared to open-loop operation. This is especially significant for pilot misfire. For in-cycle detection of pilot misfire, stochastic and deterministic methods were investigated. The on-line pilot misfire diagnosis was feedback for its compensation by a second pilot injection. High flexibility on the combustion control strategy was achieved by a modular design of the controller. A finite-state machine was investigated for the synchronization of the feedback signals (measurements and model-based predictions), active controller and output action. The experimental results showed an increased tracking error performance and shorter transients, regardless of operating conditions and fuel used.To increase the indicated efficiency, direct and indirect optimization methods for the combustion control were investigated. An in-cycle controller to reach the maximum indicated efficiency increased it by +0.42%unit. The indirect method took advantage of the reduced cyclic variations to optimize the indicated efficiency under constraints on hardware and emission limits. By including the probability and in-cycle compensation of pilot misfire, the optimization of the set-point reference of CA50 increased the indicated efficiency by +0.6unit at mid loads, compared to open-loop operation.Tools to evaluate the total cost of the system were provided by the quantification of the hardware requirements for each of the controller modules