598 research outputs found

    Mixed-Signal Testability Analysis for Data-Converter IPs

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    In this paper, a new procedure to derive testability measures is presented. Digital testability can be calculated by means of probability, while in analog it is possible to calculate testability using impedance values. Although attempts have been made to reach compatibility, matching was somewhat arbitrary and therefore not necessarily compatible. The concept of the new approach is that digital and analog can be integrated in a more consistent way. More realistic testability figures are obtained, which makes testability of true mixed-signal systems and circuits feasible. To verify the results, our method is compared with a sensitivity analysis, for a simple 3-bit ADC

    Test-Signal Search for Mixed-Signal Cores in a System-on-Chip

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    The well-known approach towards testing mixed-signal cores is functional testing and basically measuring key parameters of the core. However, especially if performance requirements increase, and embedded cores are considered, functional testing becomes technically and economically less attractive. A more cost-effective approach could be accomplished by a combination of reduced functional tests and added structural tests. In addition, it will also improve the debugging facilities of cores. Basic problem remains the large computational effort for analogue structural testing. In this paper, we introduce the concept of Testability Transfer Function for both analogue as well as digital parts in a mixed-signal core. This opens new possibilities for efficient structural testing of embedded mixed-signal cores, thereby adding to\ud the quality of tests

    Automating the IEEE std. 1500 compliance verification for embedded cores

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    The IEEE 1500 standard for embedded core testing proposes a very effective solution for testing modern system-on-chip (SoC). It proposes a flexible hardware test wrapper architecture, together with a core test language (CTL) used to describe the implemented wrapper functionalities. Already several IP providers have announced compliance in both existing and future design blocks. In this paper we address the challenge of guaranteeing the compliance of a wrapper architecture and its CTL description to the IEEE std. 1500. This is a mandatory step to fully trust the wrapper functionalities in applying the test sequences to the core. The proposed solution aims at implementing a verification framework allowing core providers and/or integrators to automatically verify the compliancy of their products (sold or purchased) to the standar

    Design for testability of high-order OTA-C filters

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    Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.A study of oscillation-based test for high-order Operational Transconductance Amplifier-C (OTA-C) filters is presented. The method is based on partition of a high-order filter into second-order filter functions. The opening Q-loop and adding positive feedback techniques are developed to convert the second-order filter section into a quadrature oscillator. These techniques are based on an open-loop configuration and an additional positive feedback configuration. Implementation of the two testability design methods for nth-order cascade, IFLF and leapfrog (LF) filters is presented, and the area overhead of the modified circuits is also discussed. The performances of the presented techniques are investigated. Fourth-order cascade, inverse follow-the-leader feedback (IFLF) and LF OTA-C filters were designed and simulated for analysis of fault coverage using the adding positive feedback method based on an analogue multiplexer. Simulation results show that the oscillation-based test method using positive feedback provides high fault coverage of around 97%, 96% and 95% for the cascade, IFLF and LF OTA-C filters, respectively. Copyright ÂPeer reviewe

    Phase Locking Authentication for Scan Architecture

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    Scan design is a widely used Design for Testability (DfT) approach for digital circuits. It provides a high level of controllability and observability resulting in a high fault coverage. To achieve a high level of testability, scan architecture must provide access to the internal nodes of the circuit-under-test (CUT). This access however leads to vulnerability in the security of the CUT. If an unrestricted access is provided through a scan architecture, unlimited test vectors can be applied to the CUT and its responses can be captured. Such an unrestricted access to the CUT can potentially undermine the security of the critical information stored in the CUT. There is a need to secure scan architecture to prevent hardware attacks however a secure solution may limit the CUT testability. There is a trade-off between security and testability, therefore, a secure scan architecture without hindering its controllability and observability is required. Three solutions to secure scan architecture have been proposed in this thesis. In the first method, the tester is authenticated and the number of authentication attempts has been limited. In the second method, a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is utilized to secure scan architecture. In the third method, the scan architecture is secured through a clock and data recovery (CDR) technique. This is a manuscript based thesis and the results of this study have been published in two conference proceedings. The latest results have also been prepared as an article for submission to a high rank conference

    Are IEEE 1500 compliant cores really compliant to the standard?

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    Functional verification of complex SoC designs is a challenging task, which fortunately is increasingly supported by automation. This article proposes a verification component for IEEE Std 1500, to be plugged into a commercial verification tool suit

    Oscillation-Based Test Structure and Method for OTA-C Filters

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”This paper describes a design for testability technique for operational transconductance amplifier and capacitor filters using an oscillation-based test topology. The oscillation-based test structure is a vectorless output test strategy easily extendable to built-in self-test. The proposed methodology converts filter under test into a quadrature oscillator using very simple techniques and measures the output frequency. The oscillation frequency may be considered as a digital signal and it can be evaluated using digital circuitry therefore the test time is very small. These characteristics imply that the proposed method is very suitable for catastrophic and parametric faults testing and also effective in detecting single and multiple faults. The validity of the proposed method has been verified using comparison between faulty and fault-free simulation results of two integrator loop and Tow-Thomas filters. Simulation results in 0.25 mum CMOS technology show that the proposed oscillation-based test strategy for OTA-C filters has 87% fault coverage and with a minimum number of extra components, requires a negligible area overhead

    Calibration and Debugging of Multi-step Analog to Digital Converters

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    This paper reports a new approach for debugging of the analog to digital converters based on process monitoring and extended design-for-test implementation. The circuit is re-configured in such a way that all sub-blocks are analysed and tested for their full input range allowing full observability and controllability of the analog to digital converter. To set initial data, estimate the parameter update and to guide the test, dedicated monitors have been designed. Additionally, the second presented algorithm allow circuit calibration without explicit need for any dedicated test signal nor requires a part of the conversion time. It works continuously and with every signal applied to the ADC
