69 research outputs found

    Automated Synthesis of SEU Tolerant Architectures from OO Descriptions

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    SEU faults are a well-known problem in aerospace environment but recently their relevance grew up also at ground level in commodity applications coupled, in this frame, with strong economic constraints in terms of costs reduction. On the other hand, latest hardware description languages and synthesis tools allow reducing the boundary between software and hardware domains making the high-level descriptions of hardware components very similar to software programs. Moving from these considerations, the present paper analyses the possibility of reusing Software Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance (SIHFT) techniques, typically exploited in micro-processor based systems, to design SEU tolerant architectures. The main characteristics of SIHFT techniques have been examined as well as how they have to be modified to be compatible with the synthesis flow. A complete environment is provided to automate the design instrumentation using the proposed techniques, and to perform fault injection experiments both at behavioural and gate level. Preliminary results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of the approach in terms of reliability improvement and reduced design effort

    Novel Control Flow Checking Implementations for Automotive Software

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    Safety-critical applications shall be implemented on highly dependable systems, and a part of their reliability is based on checking if the software is executed correctly. Various techniques are available for this purpose, like Control Flow Checking (CFC). Many CFC algorithms can be found in the literature, but their detection performances are assessed in theoretical scenarios, when implemented in Assembly language. The international standard on functional safety for automotive applications is ISO26262. It mandates to develop using high-level programming languages and the computation of the Diagnostic Coverage (DC). The DC measures the effectiveness of the chosen hardening method, in order to detect various Failure Modes (FMs). This paper discusses two alternative solutions, one software-only, and the other involving customized hardware, for these concerns: (i) address the FMs affecting the computation units described by Table 30 of part 11 of the ISO26262 (ii) guarantee the Freedom From Interference between the hardening method and the monitored entity

    E-QED: Electrical Bug Localization During Post-Silicon Validation Enabled by Quick Error Detection and Formal Methods

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    During post-silicon validation, manufactured integrated circuits are extensively tested in actual system environments to detect design bugs. Bug localization involves identification of a bug trace (a sequence of inputs that activates and detects the bug) and a hardware design block where the bug is located. Existing bug localization practices during post-silicon validation are mostly manual and ad hoc, and, hence, extremely expensive and time consuming. This is particularly true for subtle electrical bugs caused by unexpected interactions between a design and its electrical state. We present E-QED, a new approach that automatically localizes electrical bugs during post-silicon validation. Our results on the OpenSPARC T2, an open-source 500-million-transistor multicore chip design, demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of E-QED: starting with a failed post-silicon test, in a few hours (9 hours on average) we can automatically narrow the location of the bug to (the fan-in logic cone of) a handful of candidate flip-flops (18 flip-flops on average for a design with ~ 1 Million flip-flops) and also obtain the corresponding bug trace. The area impact of E-QED is ~2.5%. In contrast, deter-mining this same information might take weeks (or even months) of mostly manual work using traditional approaches

    Expecting the Unexpected: Radiation Hardened Software

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    Radiation induced Single Event Effects (SEEs) are a serious problem for spacecraft flight software, potentially leading to a complete loss of mission. Conventional risk mitigation has been focused on hardware, leading to slow, expensive and outdated on-board computing devices, increased power consumption and launch mass. Our approach is to look at SEEs from a software perspective, and to explicitly design flight software so that it can detect and correct the majority of SEES. Radiation hardened flight software will reduce the significant residual residual risk for critical missions and flight phases, and enable more use of inexpensive and fast COTS hardware

    Application-Based Analysis of Register File Criticality for Reliability Assessment in Embedded Microprocessors

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    There is an increasing concern to reduce the cost and overheads during the development of reliable systems. Selective protection of most critical parts of the systems represents a viable solution to obtain a high level of reliability at a fraction of the cost. In particular to design a selective fault mitigation strategy for processor-based systems, it is mandatory to identify and prioritize the most vulnerable registers in the register file as best candidates to be protected (hardened). This paper presents an application-based metric to estimate the criticality of each register from the microprocessor register file in microprocessor-based systems. The proposed metric relies on the combination of three different criteria based on common features of executed applications. The applicability and accuracy of our proposal have been evaluated in a set of applications running in different microprocessors. Results show a significant improvement in accuracy compared to previous approaches and regardless of the underlying architecture.This work was funded in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports with the project “Developing hybrid fault tolerance techniques for embedded microprocessors” (PHB2012-0158-PC)
