116 research outputs found

    Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Control Approach for a Single Inverted Pendulum System

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    The inverted pendulum is an under-actuated and nonlinear system, which is also unstable. It is a single-input double-output system, where only one output is directly actuated. This paper investigates a single intelligent control system using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to stabilize the inverted pendulum system while tracking the desired position. The non-linear inverted pendulum system was modelled and built using MATLAB Simulink. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy logic controller was implemented and its performance was compared with a Sugeno-fuzzy inference system in both simulation and real experiment. The ANFIS controller could reach its desired new destination in 1.5 s and could stabilize the entire system in 2.2 s in the simulation, while in the experiment it took 1.7 s to reach stability. Results from the simulation and experiment showed that ANFIS had better performance compared to the Sugeno-fuzzy controller as it provided faster and smoother response and much less steady-state error

    Intelligent controllers for velocity tracking of two wheeled inverted pendulum mobile robot

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    Velocity tracking is one of the important objectives of vehicle, machines and mobile robots. A two wheeled inverted pendulum (TWIP) is a class of mobile robot that is open loop unstable with high nonlinearities which makes it difficult to control its velocity because of its nature of pitch falling if left unattended. In this work, three soft computing techniques were proposed to track a desired velocity of the TWIP. Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC), Neural Network Inverse Model control (NN) and an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) were designed and simulated on the TWIP model. All the three controllers have shown practically good performance in tracking the desired speed and keeping the robot in upright position and ANFIS has shown slightly better performance than FLC, while NN consumes more energy

    Correction of Visual Perception Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Learning for the Humanoid Robot TEO

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    New applications related to robotic manipulation or transportation tasks, with or without physical grasping, are continuously being developed. To perform these activities, the robot takes advantage of different kinds of perceptions. One of the key perceptions in robotics is vision. However, some problems related to image processing makes the application of visual information within robot control algorithms difficult. Camera-based systems have inherent errors that affect the quality and reliability of the information obtained. The need of correcting image distortion slows down image parameter computing, which decreases performance of control algorithms. In this paper, a new approach to correcting several sources of visual distortions on images in only one computing step is proposed. The goal of this system/algorithm is the computation of the tilt angle of an object transported by a robot, minimizing image inherent errors and increasing computing speed. After capturing the image, the computer system extracts the angle using a Fuzzy filter that corrects at the same time all possible distortions, obtaining the real angle in only one processing step. This filter has been developed by the means of Neuro-Fuzzy learning techniques, using datasets with information obtained from real experiments. In this way, the computing time has been decreased and the performance of the application has been improved. The resulting algorithm has been tried out experimentally in robot transportation tasks in the humanoid robot TEO (Task Environment Operator) from the University Carlos III of Madrid.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by Programas de Actividades I + D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU

    Real time control of nonlinear dynamic systems using neuro-fuzzy controllers

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    The problem of real time control of a nonlinear dynamic system using intelligent control techniques is considered. The current trend is to incorporate neural networks and fuzzy logic into adaptive control strategies. The focus of this work is to investigate the current neuro-fuzzy approaches from literature and adapt them for a specific application. In order to achieve this objective, an experimental nonlinear dynamic system is considered. The motivation for this comes from the desire to solve practical problems and to create a test-bed which can be used to test various control strategies. The nonlinear dynamic system considered here is an unstable balance beam system that contains two fluid tanks, one at each end, and the balance is achieved by pumping the fluid back and forth from the tanks. A popular approach, called ANFIS (Adaptive Networks-based Fuzzy Inference Systems), which combines the structure of fuzzy logic controllers with the learning aspects from neural networks is considered as a basis for developing novel techniques, because it is considered to be one of the most general framework for developing adaptive controllers. However, in the proposed new method, called Generalized Network-based Fuzzy Inferencing Systems (GeNFIS), more conventional fuzzy schemes for the consequent part are used instead of using what is called the Sugeno type rules. Moreover, in contrast to ANFIS which uses a full set of rules, GeNFIS uses only a limited number of rules based on certain expert knowledge. GeNFIS is tested on the balance beam system, both in a real- time actual experiment and the simulation, and is found to perform better than a comparable ANFIS under supervised learning. Based on these results, several modifications of GeNFIS are considered, for example, synchronous defuzzification through triangular as well as bell shaped membership functions. Another modification involves simultaneous use of Sugeno type as well as conventional fuzzy schemes for the consequent part, in an effort to create a more flexible framework. Results of testing different versions of GeNFIS on the balance beam system are presented

    Modeling and controller design of a single-linked inverted pendulum using optimized fuzzy logic controller approach

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    Inverted pendulum (IP) is an underactuated systems, since the input of the system is the force applied to the cart and the outputs are the cart position and pendulum angle (SIMO) system, which makes this system is highly nonlinear and unstable. Inverted pendulum considered as the one the most famous classical systems in the field of control and mechatronics. This project focuses on the design of a fuzzy controller to stabilize an inverted pendulum in a vertical position. A continuous correction mechanism is required to move the cart in a certain way in order to balance the pendulum to prevent it from falling down. This project started by a derivation of the mathematical model of the single linked inverted pendulum system by using Euler-Lagrange method. After that, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based Sugeno inference system was designed and genetic algorithm was used to tune the parameters of the controller using MATLAB software. Both controllers were tested using real time inverted pendulum. Experimental results showed that optimized FLC was much better than Sugeno FLC in terms of settling time, overshoot and steady state error

    Dynamic nonlinear inverse-model based control of a twin rotor system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system

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    A dynamic control system design has been a great demand in the control engineering community, with many applications particularly in the field of flight control. This paper presents investigations into the development of a dynamic nonlinear inverse-model based control of a twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS). The TRMS is an aerodynamic test rig representing the control challenges of modern air vehicle. A model inversion control with the developed adaptive model is applied to the system. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is augmented with the control system to improve the control response. To demonstrate the applicability of the methods, a simulated hovering motion of the TRMS, derived from experimental data is considered in order to evaluate the tracking properties and robustness capacities of the inverse- model control technique

    Neuro-fuzzy controller for active ankle foot orthosis

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    SummaryThe ankle foot orthosis (AFO) is as an assistive device used in foot disability for gait improvement. The objective of this paper was to design a neuro fuzzy controller for an AFO. Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was selected after a detailed study of existing neuro-fuzzy architectures. Data of gait pattern was collected with the help of analog gyro sensors. This data was fed to the ANFIS and a fuzzy rule base was created to complete the neuro-fuzzy system which was used to control the gait pattern. Angular velocity and angle of feet served as inputs to the controller and the output was actuation. The results obtained showed sigmoidal membership functions for the various inputs and outputs due to their close resemblance with the normal human gait. Output of the ANFIS showcased the initial data which was fed to the system; the modified data; changed membership functions and error after training

    A new approach to fuzzy estimation of Takagi-Sugeno model and its applications to optimal control for nonlinear systems

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    An efficient approach is presented to improve the local and global approximation and modelling capability of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model. The main aim is obtaining high function approximation accuracy. The main problem is that T-S identification method cannot be applied when the membership functions are overlapped by pairs. This restricts the use of the T-S method because this type of membership function has been widely used during the last two decades in the stability, controller design and are popular in industrial control applications. The approach developed here can be considered as a generalized version of T-S method with optimized performance in approximating nonlinear functions. A simple approach with few computational effort, based on the well known parameters' weighting method is suggested for tuning T-S parameters to improve the choice of the performance index and minimize it. A global fuzzy controller (FC) based Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) is proposed in order to show the effectiveness of the estimation method developed here in control applications. Illustrative examples of an inverted pendulum and Van der Pol system are chosen to evaluate the robustness and remarkable performance of the proposed method and the high accuracy obtained in approximating nonlinear and unstable systems locally and globally in comparison with the original T-S model. Simulation results indicate the potential, simplicity and generality of the algorithm