65 research outputs found

    Control bifurcations

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    A parametrized nonlinear differential equation can have multiple equilibria as the parameter is varied. A local bifurcation of a parametrized differential equation occurs at an equilibrium where there is a change in the topological character of the nearby solution curves. This typically happens because some eigenvalues of the parametrized linear approximating differential equation cross the imaginary axis and there is a change in stability of the equilibrium. The topological nature of the solutions is unchanged by smooth changes of state coordinates so these may be used to bring the differential equation into Poincare/spl acute/ normal form. From this normal form, the type of the bifurcation can be determined. For differential equations depending on a single parameter, the typical ways that the system can bifurcate are fully understood, e.g., the fold (or saddle node), the transcritical and the Hopf bifurcation. A nonlinear control system has multiple equilibria typically parametrized by the set value of the control. A control bifurcation of a nonlinear system typically occurs when its linear approximation loses stabilizability. The ways in which this can happen are understood through the appropriate normal forms. We present the quadratic and cubic normal forms of a scalar input nonlinear control system around an equilibrium point. These are the normal forms under quadratic and cubic change of state coordinates and invertible state feedback. The system need not be linearly controllable. We study some important control bifurcations, the analogues of the classical fold, transcritical and Hopf bifurcations

    Normal Forms and Bifurcations of Control Systems

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    Research supported in part by AFOSR-49620-95-1-0409 and by NSF 9970998. To be presented at the IEEE CDC 2000, Sydney.We present the quadratic and cubic normal forms of a nonlinear control system around an equilibrium point. These are the normal forms under change of state coordinates and invertible state feedback. The system need not be linearly controllable. A control bifurcation of a nonlinear system occurs when its linear approximation loses stabilizability. We study some important control bifurcations, the analogues of the classical fold, transcritical and Hopf bifurcations

    An artificial neural network that utilizes hip joint actuations to control bifurcations and chaos in a passive dynamic bipedal walking model

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    Chaos is a central feature of human locomotion and has been suggested to be a window to the control mechanisms of locomotion. In this investigation, we explored how the principles of chaos can be used to control locomotion with a passive dynamic bipedal walking model that has a chaotic gait pattern. Our control scheme was based on the scientific evidence that slight perturbations to the unstable manifolds of points in a chaotic system will promote the transition to new stable behaviors embedded in the rich chaotic attractor. Here we demonstrate that hip joint actuations during the swing phase can provide such perturbations for the control of bifurcations and chaos in a locomotive pattern. Our simulations indicated that systematic alterations of the hip joint actuations resulted in rapid transitions to any stable locomotive pattern available in the chaotic locomotive attractor. Based on these insights, we further explored the benefits of having a chaotic gait with a biologically inspired artificial neural network (ANN) that employed this chaotic control scheme. Remarkably, the ANN was quite robust and capable of selecting a hip joint actuation that rapidly transitioned the passive dynamic bipedal model to a stable gait embedded in the chaotic attractor. Additionally, the ANN was capable of using hip joint actuations to accommodate unstable environments and to overcome unforeseen perturbations. Our simulations provide insight on the advantage of having a chaotic locomotive system and provide evidence as to how chaos can be used as an advantageous control scheme for the nervous system

    Multi-agent decision-making dynamics inspired by honeybees

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    When choosing between candidate nest sites, a honeybee swarm reliably chooses the most valuable site and even when faced with the choice between near-equal value sites, it makes highly efficient decisions. Value-sensitive decision-making is enabled by a distributed social effort among the honeybees, and it leads to decision-making dynamics of the swarm that are remarkably robust to perturbation and adaptive to change. To explore and generalize these features to other networks, we design distributed multi-agent network dynamics that exhibit a pitchfork bifurcation, ubiquitous in biological models of decision-making. Using tools of nonlinear dynamics we show how the designed agent-based dynamics recover the high performing value-sensitive decision-making of the honeybees and rigorously connect investigation of mechanisms of animal group decision-making to systematic, bio-inspired control of multi-agent network systems. We further present a distributed adaptive bifurcation control law and prove how it enhances the network decision-making performance beyond that observed in swarms

    Do horizontal propulsive forces influence the nonlinear structure of locomotion?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several investigations have suggested that changes in the nonlinear gait dynamics are related to the neural control of locomotion. However, no investigations have provided insight on how neural control of the locomotive pattern may be directly reflected in changes in the nonlinear gait dynamics. Our simulations with a passive dynamic walking model predicted that toe-off impulses that assist the forward motion of the center of mass influence the nonlinear gait dynamics. Here we tested this prediction in humans as they walked on the treadmill while the forward progression of the center of mass was assisted by a custom built mechanical horizontal actuator.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nineteen participants walked for two minutes on a motorized treadmill as a horizontal actuator assisted the forward translation of the center of mass during the stance phase. All subjects walked at a self-select speed that had a medium-high velocity. The actuator provided assistive forces equal to 0, 3, 6 and 9 percent of the participant's body weight. The largest Lyapunov exponent, which measures the nonlinear structure, was calculated for the hip, knee and ankle joint time series. A repeated measures one-way analysis of variance with a t-test post hoc was used to determine significant differences in the nonlinear gait dynamics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The magnitude of the largest Lyapunov exponent systematically increased as the percent assistance provided by the mechanical actuator was increased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results support our model's prediction that control of the forward progression of the center of mass influences the nonlinear gait dynamics. The inability to control the forward progression of the center of mass during the stance phase may be the reason the nonlinear gait dynamics are altered in pathological populations. However, these conclusions need to be further explored at a range of walking speeds.</p
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