2,919 research outputs found

    Recursive dynamics for flexible multibody systems using spatial operators

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    Due to their structural flexibility, spacecraft and space manipulators are multibody systems with complex dynamics and possess a large number of degrees of freedom. Here the spatial operator algebra methodology is used to develop a new dynamics formulation and spatially recursive algorithms for such flexible multibody systems. A key feature of the formulation is that the operator description of the flexible system dynamics is identical in form to the corresponding operator description of the dynamics of rigid multibody systems. A significant advantage of this unifying approach is that it allows ideas and techniques for rigid multibody systems to be easily applied to flexible multibody systems. The algorithms use standard finite-element and assumed modes models for the individual body deformation. A Newton-Euler Operator Factorization of the mass matrix of the multibody system is first developed. It forms the basis for recursive algorithms such as for the inverse dynamics, the computation of the mass matrix, and the composite body forward dynamics for the system. Subsequently, an alternative Innovations Operator Factorization of the mass matrix, each of whose factors is invertible, is developed. It leads to an operator expression for the inverse of the mass matrix, and forms the basis for the recursive articulated body forward dynamics algorithm for the flexible multibody system. For simplicity, most of the development here focuses on serial chain multibody systems. However, extensions of the algorithms to general topology flexible multibody systems are described. While the computational cost of the algorithms depends on factors such as the topology and the amount of flexibility in the multibody system, in general, it appears that in contrast to the rigid multibody case, the articulated body forward dynamics algorithm is the more efficient algorithm for flexible multibody systems containing even a small number of flexible bodies. The variety of algorithms described here permits a user to choose the algorithm which is optimal for the multibody system at hand. The availability of a number of algorithms is even more important for real-time applications, where implementation on parallel processors or custom computing hardware is often necessary to maximize speed

    A nonrecursive order N preconditioned conjugate gradient: Range space formulation of MDOF dynamics

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    While excellent progress has been made in deriving algorithms that are efficient for certain combinations of system topologies and concurrent multiprocessing hardware, several issues must be resolved to incorporate transient simulation in the control design process for large space structures. Specifically, strategies must be developed that are applicable to systems with numerous degrees of freedom. In addition, the algorithms must have a growth potential in that they must also be amenable to implementation on forthcoming parallel system architectures. For mechanical system simulation, this fact implies that algorithms are required that induce parallelism on a fine scale, suitable for the emerging class of highly parallel processors; and transient simulation methods must be automatically load balancing for a wider collection of system topologies and hardware configurations. These problems are addressed by employing a combination range space/preconditioned conjugate gradient formulation of multi-degree-of-freedom dynamics. The method described has several advantages. In a sequential computing environment, the method has the features that: by employing regular ordering of the system connectivity graph, an extremely efficient preconditioner can be derived from the 'range space metric', as opposed to the system coefficient matrix; because of the effectiveness of the preconditioner, preliminary studies indicate that the method can achieve performance rates that depend linearly upon the number of substructures, hence the title 'Order N'; and the method is non-assembling. Furthermore, the approach is promising as a potential parallel processing algorithm in that the method exhibits a fine parallel granularity suitable for a wide collection of combinations of physical system topologies/computer architectures; and the method is easily load balanced among processors, and does not rely upon system topology to induce parallelism

    Computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures

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    Two key areas of crucial importance to the computer-based simulation of large space structures are discussed. The first area involves multibody dynamics (MBD) of flexible space structures, with applications directed to deployment, construction, and maneuvering. The second area deals with advanced software systems, with emphasis on parallel processing. The latest research thrust in the second area involves massively parallel computers

    High Performance Algorithms and Implementations Using Sparse and Parallelization Techniques on MBS

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    In this paper we will see how the efficiency of the MBS simulations can be improved in two different ways, by considering both an explicit and implicit semi-recursive formulation. The explicit method is based on a double velocity transformation that involves the solution of a redundant but compatible system of equations. The high computational cost of this operation has been drastically reduced by taking into account the sparsity pattern of the system. Regarding this, the goal of this method is the introduction of MA48, a high performance mathematical library provided by Harwell Subroutine Library. The second method proposed in this paper has the particularity that, depending on the case, between 70 and 85% of the computation time is devoted to the evaluation of forces derivatives with respect to the relative position and velocity vectors. Keeping in mind that evaluating these derivatives can be decomposed into concurrent tasks, the main goal of this paper lies on a successful and straightforward parallel implementation that have led to a substantial improvement with a speedup of 3.2 by keeping all the cores busy in a quad-core processor and distributing the workload between them, achieving on this way a huge time reduction by doing an ideal CPU usag

    Non-intrusive parallelization of multibody system dynamic simulations

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    [Abstract] This paper evaluates two non-intrusive parallelization techniques for multibody system dynamics: parallel sparse linear equation solvers and OpenMP. Both techniques can be applied to existing simulation software with minimal changes in the code structure; this is a major advantage over Message Passing Interface, the standard parallelization method in multibody dynamics. Both techniques have been applied to parallelize a starting sequential implementation of a global index-3 augmented Lagrangian formulation combined with the trapezoidal rule as numerical integrator, in order to solve the forward dynamics of a variable-loop four-bar mechanism. Numerical experiments have been performed to measure the efficiency as a function of problem size and matrix filling. Results show that the best parallel solver (Pardiso) performs better than the best sequential solver (CHOLMOD) for multibody problems of large and medium sizes leading to matrix fillings above 10. OpenMP also proved to be advantageous even for problems of small sizes. Both techniques delivered speedups above 70% of the maximum theoretical values for a wide range of multibody problems

    Dynamic modelling of a 3-CPU parallel robot via screw theory

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    The article describes the dynamic modelling of I.Ca.Ro., a novel Cartesian parallel robot recently designed and prototyped by the robotics research group of the Polytechnic University of Marche. By means of screw theory and virtual work principle, a computationally efficient model has been built, with the final aim of realising advanced model based controllers. Then a dynamic analysis has been performed in order to point out possible model simplifications that could lead to a more efficient run time implementation