521 research outputs found

    Assessing the Computational Complexity of Multi-Layer Subgraph Detection

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    Multi-layer graphs consist of several graphs (layers) over the same vertex set. They are motivated by real-world problems where entities (vertices) are associated via multiple types of relationships (edges in different layers). We chart the border of computational (in)tractability for the class of subgraph detection problems on multi-layer graphs, including fundamental problems such as maximum matching, finding certain clique relaxations (motivated by community detection), or path problems. Mostly encountering hardness results, sometimes even for two or three layers, we can also spot some islands of tractability

    StructMatrix: large-scale visualization of graphs by means of structure detection and dense matrices

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    Given a large-scale graph with millions of nodes and edges, how to reveal macro patterns of interest, like cliques, bi-partite cores, stars, and chains? Furthermore, how to visualize such patterns altogether getting insights from the graph to support wise decision-making? Although there are many algorithmic and visual techniques to analyze graphs, none of the existing approaches is able to present the structural information of graphs at large-scale. Hence, this paper describes StructMatrix, a methodology aimed at high-scalable visual inspection of graph structures with the goal of revealing macro patterns of interest. StructMatrix combines algorithmic structure detection and adjacency matrix visualization to present cardinality, distribution, and relationship features of the structures found in a given graph. We performed experiments in real, large-scale graphs with up to one million nodes and millions of edges. StructMatrix revealed that graphs of high relevance (e.g., Web, Wikipedia and DBLP) have characterizations that reflect the nature of their corresponding domains; our findings have not been seen in the literature so far. We expect that our technique will bring deeper insights into large graph mining, leveraging their use for decision making.Comment: To appear: 8 pages, paper to be published at the Fifth IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks, 2015 as Hugo Gualdron, Robson Cordeiro, Jose Rodrigues (2015) StructMatrix: Large-scale visualization of graphs by means of structure detection and dense matrices In: The Fifth IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks 1--8, IEE

    Intrinsically Dynamic Network Communities

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    Community finding algorithms for networks have recently been extended to dynamic data. Most of these recent methods aim at exhibiting community partitions from successive graph snapshots and thereafter connecting or smoothing these partitions using clever time-dependent features and sampling techniques. These approaches are nonetheless achieving longitudinal rather than dynamic community detection. We assume that communities are fundamentally defined by the repetition of interactions among a set of nodes over time. According to this definition, analyzing the data by considering successive snapshots induces a significant loss of information: we suggest that it blurs essentially dynamic phenomena - such as communities based on repeated inter-temporal interactions, nodes switching from a community to another across time, or the possibility that a community survives while its members are being integrally replaced over a longer time period. We propose a formalism which aims at tackling this issue in the context of time-directed datasets (such as citation networks), and present several illustrations on both empirical and synthetic dynamic networks. We eventually introduce intrinsically dynamic metrics to qualify temporal community structure and emphasize their possible role as an estimator of the quality of the community detection - taking into account the fact that various empirical contexts may call for distinct `community' definitions and detection criteria.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Finding the Hierarchy of Dense Subgraphs using Nucleus Decompositions

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    Finding dense substructures in a graph is a fundamental graph mining operation, with applications in bioinformatics, social networks, and visualization to name a few. Yet most standard formulations of this problem (like clique, quasiclique, k-densest subgraph) are NP-hard. Furthermore, the goal is rarely to find the "true optimum", but to identify many (if not all) dense substructures, understand their distribution in the graph, and ideally determine relationships among them. Current dense subgraph finding algorithms usually optimize some objective, and only find a few such subgraphs without providing any structural relations. We define the nucleus decomposition of a graph, which represents the graph as a forest of nuclei. Each nucleus is a subgraph where smaller cliques are present in many larger cliques. The forest of nuclei is a hierarchy by containment, where the edge density increases as we proceed towards leaf nuclei. Sibling nuclei can have limited intersections, which enables discovering overlapping dense subgraphs. With the right parameters, the nucleus decomposition generalizes the classic notions of k-cores and k-truss decompositions. We give provably efficient algorithms for nucleus decompositions, and empirically evaluate their behavior in a variety of real graphs. The tree of nuclei consistently gives a global, hierarchical snapshot of dense substructures, and outputs dense subgraphs of higher quality than other state-of-the-art solutions. Our algorithm can process graphs with tens of millions of edges in less than an hour

    Algorithm-Level Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Graph Processing

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    Efficiently processing large graphs is challenging, since parallel graph algorithms suffer from poor scalability and performance due to many factors, including heavy communication and load-imbalance. Furthermore, it is difficult to express graph algorithms, as users need to understand and effectively utilize the underlying execution of the algorithm on the distributed system. The performance of graph algorithms depends not only on the characteristics of the system (such as latency, available RAM, etc.), but also on the characteristics of the input graph (small-world scalefree, mesh, long-diameter, etc.), and characteristics of the algorithm (sparse computation vs. dense communication). The best execution strategy, therefore, often heavily depends on the combination of input graph, system and algorithm. Fine-grained expression exposes maximum parallelism in the algorithm and allows the user to concentrate on a single vertex, making it easier to express parallel graph algorithms. However, this often loses information about the machine, making it difficult to extract performance and scalability from fine-grained algorithms. To address these issues, we present a model for expressing parallel graph algorithms using a fine-grained expression. Our model decouples the algorithm-writer from the underlying details of the system, graph, and execution and tuning of the algorithm. We also present various graph paradigms that optimize the execution of graph algorithms for various types of input graphs and systems. We show our model is general enough to allow graph algorithms to use the various graph paradigms for the best/fastest execution, and demonstrate good performance and scalability for various different graphs, algorithms, and systems to 100,000+ cores
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