960 research outputs found

    Markov Decision Processes with Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of autonomous and resource-limited devices. The devices cooperate to monitor one or more physical phenomena within an area of interest. WSNs operate as stochastic systems because of randomness in the monitored environments. For long service time and low maintenance cost, WSNs require adaptive and robust methods to address data exchange, topology formulation, resource and power optimization, sensing coverage and object detection, and security challenges. In these problems, sensor nodes are to make optimized decisions from a set of accessible strategies to achieve design goals. This survey reviews numerous applications of the Markov decision process (MDP) framework, a powerful decision-making tool to develop adaptive algorithms and protocols for WSNs. Furthermore, various solution methods are discussed and compared to serve as a guide for using MDPs in WSNs

    Outlier detection techniques for wireless sensor networks: A survey

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    In the field of wireless sensor networks, those measurements that significantly deviate from the normal pattern of sensed data are considered as outliers. The potential sources of outliers include noise and errors, events, and malicious attacks on the network. Traditional outlier detection techniques are not directly applicable to wireless sensor networks due to the nature of sensor data and specific requirements and limitations of the wireless sensor networks. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of existing outlier detection techniques specifically developed for the wireless sensor networks. Additionally, it presents a technique-based taxonomy and a comparative table to be used as a guideline to select a technique suitable for the application at hand based on characteristics such as data type, outlier type, outlier identity, and outlier degree

    Outlier Detection Techniques For Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    In the field of wireless sensor networks, measurements that significantly deviate from the normal pattern of sensed data are considered as outliers. The potential sources of outliers include noise and errors, events, and malicious attacks on the network. Traditional outlier detection techniques are not directly applicable to wireless sensor networks due to the multivariate nature of sensor data and specific requirements and limitations of the wireless sensor networks. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of existing outlier detection techniques specifically developed for the wireless sensor networks. Additionally, it presents a technique-based taxonomy and a decision tree to be used as a guideline to select a technique suitable for the application at hand based on characteristics such as data type, outlier type, outlier degree

    Coverage Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: Review and Future Directions

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    The coverage problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be generally defined as a measure of how effectively a network field is monitored by its sensor nodes. This problem has attracted a lot of interest over the years and as a result, many coverage protocols were proposed. In this survey, we first propose a taxonomy for classifying coverage protocols in WSNs. Then, we classify the coverage protocols into three categories (i.e. coverage aware deployment protocols, sleep scheduling protocols for flat networks, and cluster-based sleep scheduling protocols) based on the network stage where the coverage is optimized. For each category, relevant protocols are thoroughly reviewed and classified based on the adopted coverage techniques. Finally, we discuss open issues (and recommend future directions to resolve them) associated with the design of realistic coverage protocols. Issues such as realistic sensing models, realistic energy consumption models, realistic connectivity models and sensor localization are covered

    Survey of location-centric target tracking with mobile elements in wireless sensor networks

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    介绍目标跟踪的过程以及移动跟踪的特点;通过区分目标定位为主的方法和目标探测为主的方法,介绍定位为主的移动式目标跟踪方法(称为目标的移动式定位跟踪; )的研究现状;分析和比较不同方法的特点和应用领域,发现现有方法虽然可以提高跟踪质量、降低网络整体能耗,但是还存在一些问题。基于此,总结目标的移动; 式定位跟踪方法在方法类型、网络结构和节点模型等方面可能存在的研究热点,指出其研究和发展趋势。The basic process of target tracking and the properties of tracking; solutions with mobile elements were introduced. By distinguishing; location-centric methods and detection-centric methods, the current; research status of the location-centric target tracking methods were; reviewed. The properties and application fields of different solutions; were analyzed and compared. Although the existing solutions can; significantly improve tracking quality and reduce energy consumption of; the whole network, there are also some problems. Based on these; discoveries, some possible research hotspots of mobile solutions were; summarized in many aspects, such as method types, network architecture,; node model, and so on, indicating the future direction of research and; development.国家自然科学基金资助项目; 国家科技支撑计划项

    Intrusion Detection Mechanism for Empowered Intruders Using IDEI

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    In the past, intrusion detection has been extensively investigated as a means of ensuring the security of wireless sensor networks. Anti-recon technology has made it possible for an attacker to get knowledge about the detecting nodes and plot a route around them in order to evade detection. An "empowered intruder" is one who poses new threats to current intrusion detection technologies. Furthermore, the intended impact of detection may not be obtained in certain subareas owing to gaps in coverage caused by the initial deployment of detection nodes at random. A vehicle collaboration sensing network model is proposed to solve these difficulties, in which mobile sensing cars and static sensor nodes work together to identify intrusions by empowered intruders. An algorithm for mobile sensing vehicles, called Intrusion Detection Mechanism for Empowered Intruders(IDEI), and a sleep-scheduling technique for static nodes form the basis of our proposal. Sophisticated intruders will be tracked by mobile sensors, which will fill in the gaps in coverage, while static nodes follow a sleep schedule and will be woken when the intruder is discovered close. Our solution is compared to current techniques like Kinetic Theory Based Mobile Sensor Network (KMsn)and Mean Time to Attacks (MTTA) in terms of intrusion detection performance, energy usage, and sensor node movement distance. IDEI's parameter sensitivity is also examined via comprehensive simulations. It is clear from the theoretical analysis and simulation findings that our idea is more efficient and available

    Virtual and topological coordinate based routing, mobility tracking and prediction in 2D and 3D wireless sensor networks

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    2013 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.A Virtual Coordinate System (VCS) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) characterizes each sensor node's location using the minimum number of hops to a specific set of sensor nodes called anchors. VCS does not require geographic localization hardware such as Global Positioning System (GPS), or localization algorithms based on Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) measurements. Topological Coordinates (TCs) are derived from Virtual Coordinates (VCs) of networks using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Topology Preserving Maps (TPMs) based on TCs contain 2D or 3D network topology and directional information that are lost in VCs. This thesis extends the scope of VC and TC based techniques to 3D sensor networks and networks with mobile nodes. Specifically, we apply existing Extreme Node Search (ENS) for anchor placement for 3D WSNs. 3D Geo-Logical Routing (3D-GLR), a routing algorithm for 3D sensor networks that alternates between VC and TC domains is evaluated. VC and TC based methods have hitherto been used only in static networks. We develop methods to use VCs in mobile networks, including the generation of coordinates, for mobile sensors without having to regenerate VCs every time the topology changes. 2D and 3D Topological Coordinate based Tracking and Prediction (2D-TCTP and 3D-TCTP) are novel algorithms developed for mobility tracking and prediction in sensor networks without the need of physical distance measurements. Most existing 2D sensor networking algorithms fail or perform poorly in 3D networks. Developing VC and TC based algorithms for 3D sensor networks is crucial to benefit from the scalability, adjustability and flexibility of VCs as well as to overcome the many disadvantages associated with geographic coordinate systems. Existing ENS algorithm for 2D sensor networks plays a key role in providing a good anchor placement and we continue to use ENS algorithm for anchor selection in 3D network. Additionally, we propose a comparison algorithm for ENS algorithm named Double-ENS algorithm which uses two independent pairs of initial anchors and thereby increases the coverage of ENS anchors in 3D networks, in order to further prove if anchor selection from original ENS algorithm is already optimal. Existing Geo-Logical Routing (GLR) algorithm demonstrates very good routing performance by switching between greedy forwarding in virtual and topological domains in 2D sensor networks. Proposed 3D-GLR extends the algorithm to 3D networks by replacing 2D TCs with 3D TCs in TC distance calculation. Simulation results show that the 3D-GLR algorithm with ENS anchor placement can significantly outperform current Geographic Coordinates (GCs) based 3D Greedy Distributed Spanning Tree Routing (3D-GDSTR) algorithm in various network environments. This demonstrates the effectiveness of ENS algorithm and 3D-GLR algorithm in 3D sensor networks. Tracking and communicating with mobile sensors has so far required the use of localization or geographic information. This thesis presents a novel approach to achieve tracking and communication without geographic information, thus significantly reducing the hardware cost and energy consumption. Mobility of sensors in WSNs is considered under two scenarios: dynamic deployment and continuous movement. An efficient VC generation scheme, which uses the average of neighboring sensors' VCs, is proposed for newly deployed sensors to get coordinates without flooding based VC generation. For the second scenario, a prediction and tracking algorithm called 2D-TCTP for continuously moving sensors is developed for 2D sensor networks. Predicted location of a mobile sensor at a future time is calculated based on current sampled velocity and direction in topological domain. The set of sensors inside an ellipse-shaped detection area around the predicted future location is alerted for the arrival of mobile sensor for communication or detection purposes. Using TPMs as a 2D guide map, tracking and prediction performances can be achieved similar to those based on GCs. A simple modification for TPMs generation is proposed, which considers radial information contained in the first principle component from SVD. This modification improves the compression or folding at the edges that has been observed in TPMs, and thus the accuracy of tracking. 3D-TCTP uses a detection area in the shape of a 3D sphere. 3D-TCTP simulation results are similar to 2D-TCTP and show competence comparable to the same algorithms based on GCs although without any 3D geographic information