657 research outputs found

    Non-contact Multimodal Indoor Human Monitoring Systems: A Survey

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    Indoor human monitoring systems leverage a wide range of sensors, including cameras, radio devices, and inertial measurement units, to collect extensive data from users and the environment. These sensors contribute diverse data modalities, such as video feeds from cameras, received signal strength indicators and channel state information from WiFi devices, and three-axis acceleration data from inertial measurement units. In this context, we present a comprehensive survey of multimodal approaches for indoor human monitoring systems, with a specific focus on their relevance in elderly care. Our survey primarily highlights non-contact technologies, particularly cameras and radio devices, as key components in the development of indoor human monitoring systems. Throughout this article, we explore well-established techniques for extracting features from multimodal data sources. Our exploration extends to methodologies for fusing these features and harnessing multiple modalities to improve the accuracy and robustness of machine learning models. Furthermore, we conduct comparative analysis across different data modalities in diverse human monitoring tasks and undertake a comprehensive examination of existing multimodal datasets. This extensive survey not only highlights the significance of indoor human monitoring systems but also affirms their versatile applications. In particular, we emphasize their critical role in enhancing the quality of elderly care, offering valuable insights into the development of non-contact monitoring solutions applicable to the needs of aging populations.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    The Multimodal Tutor: Adaptive Feedback from Multimodal Experiences

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    This doctoral thesis describes the journey of ideation, prototyping and empirical testing of the Multimodal Tutor, a system designed for providing digital feedback that supports psychomotor skills acquisition using learning and multimodal data capturing. The feedback is given in real-time with machine-driven assessment of the learner's task execution. The predictions are tailored by supervised machine learning models trained with human annotated samples. The main contributions of this thesis are: a literature survey on multimodal data for learning, a conceptual model (the Multimodal Learning Analytics Model), a technological framework (the Multimodal Pipeline), a data annotation tool (the Visual Inspection Tool) and a case study in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation training (CPR Tutor). The CPR Tutor generates real-time, adaptive feedback using kinematic and myographic data and neural networks

    Multimodal machine learning for intelligent mobility

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    Scientific problems are solved by finding the optimal solution for a specific task. Some problems can be solved analytically while other problems are solved using data driven methods. The use of digital technologies to improve the transportation of people and goods, which is referred to as intelligent mobility, is one of the principal beneficiaries of data driven solutions. Autonomous vehicles are at the heart of the developments that propel Intelligent Mobility. Due to the high dimensionality and complexities involved in real-world environments, it needs to become commonplace for intelligent mobility to use data-driven solutions. As it is near impossible to program decision making logic for every eventuality manually. While recent developments of data-driven solutions such as deep learning facilitate machines to learn effectively from large datasets, the application of techniques within safety-critical systems such as driverless cars remain scarce.Autonomous vehicles need to be able to make context-driven decisions autonomously in different environments in which they operate. The recent literature on driverless vehicle research is heavily focused only on road or highway environments but have discounted pedestrianized areas and indoor environments. These unstructured environments tend to have more clutter and change rapidly over time. Therefore, for intelligent mobility to make a significant impact on human life, it is vital to extend the application beyond the structured environments. To further advance intelligent mobility, researchers need to take cues from multiple sensor streams, and multiple machine learning algorithms so that decisions can be robust and reliable. Only then will machines indeed be able to operate in unstructured and dynamic environments safely. Towards addressing these limitations, this thesis investigates data driven solutions towards crucial building blocks in intelligent mobility. Specifically, the thesis investigates multimodal sensor data fusion, machine learning, multimodal deep representation learning and its application of intelligent mobility. This work demonstrates that mobile robots can use multimodal machine learning to derive driver policy and therefore make autonomous decisions.To facilitate autonomous decisions necessary to derive safe driving algorithms, we present an algorithm for free space detection and human activity recognition. Driving these decision-making algorithms are specific datasets collected throughout this study. They include the Loughborough London Autonomous Vehicle dataset, and the Loughborough London Human Activity Recognition dataset. The datasets were collected using an autonomous platform design and developed in house as part of this research activity. The proposed framework for Free-Space Detection is based on an active learning paradigm that leverages the relative uncertainty of multimodal sensor data streams (ultrasound and camera). It utilizes an online learning methodology to continuously update the learnt model whenever the vehicle experiences new environments. The proposed Free Space Detection algorithm enables an autonomous vehicle to self-learn, evolve and adapt to new environments never encountered before. The results illustrate that online learning mechanism is superior to one-off training of deep neural networks that require large datasets to generalize to unfamiliar surroundings. The thesis takes the view that human should be at the centre of any technological development related to artificial intelligence. It is imperative within the spectrum of intelligent mobility where an autonomous vehicle should be aware of what humans are doing in its vicinity. Towards improving the robustness of human activity recognition, this thesis proposes a novel algorithm that classifies point-cloud data originated from Light Detection and Ranging sensors. The proposed algorithm leverages multimodality by using the camera data to identify humans and segment the region of interest in point cloud data. The corresponding 3-dimensional data was converted to a Fisher Vector Representation before being classified by a deep Convolutional Neural Network. The proposed algorithm classifies the indoor activities performed by a human subject with an average precision of 90.3%. When compared to an alternative point cloud classifier, PointNet[1], [2], the proposed framework out preformed on all classes. The developed autonomous testbed for data collection and algorithm validation, as well as the multimodal data-driven solutions for driverless cars, is the major contributions of this thesis. It is anticipated that these results and the testbed will have significant implications on the future of intelligent mobility by amplifying the developments of intelligent driverless vehicles.</div

    Spatial and Temporal Modeling for Human Activity Recognition from Multimodal Sequential Data

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    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has been an intense research area for more than a decade. Different sensors, ranging from 2D and 3D cameras to accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, have been employed to generate multimodal signals to detect various human activities. With the advancement of sensing technology and the popularity of mobile devices, depth cameras and wearable devices, such as Microsoft Kinect and smart wristbands, open a unprecedented opportunity to solve the challenging HAR problem by learning expressive representations from the multimodal signals recording huge amounts of daily activities which comprise a rich set of categories. Although competitive performance has been reported, existing methods focus on the statistical or spatial representation of the human activity sequence; while the internal temporal dynamics of the human activity sequence are not sufficiently exploited. As a result, they often face the challenge of recognizing visually similar activities composed of dynamic patterns in different temporal order. In addition, many model-driven methods based on sophisticated features and carefully-designed classifiers are computationally demanding and unable to scale to a large dataset. In this dissertation, we propose to address these challenges from three different perspectives; namely, 3D spatial relationship modeling, dynamic temporal quantization, and temporal order encoding. We propose a novel octree-based algorithm for computing the 3D spatial relationships between objects from a 3D point cloud captured by a Kinect sensor. A set of 26 3D spatial directions are defined to describe the spatial relationship of an object with respect to a reference object. These 3D directions are implemented as a set of spatial operators, such as AboveSouthEast and BelowNorthWest, of an event query language to query human activities in an indoor environment; for example, A person walks in the hallway from north to south. The performance is quantitatively evaluated in a public RGBD object dataset and qualitatively investigated in a live video computing platform. In order to address the challenge of temporal modeling in human action recognition, we introduce the dynamic temporal quantization, a clustering-like algorithm to quantize human action sequences of varied lengths into fixed-size quantized vectors. A two-step optimization algorithm is proposed to jointly optimize the quantization of the original sequence. In the aggregation step, frames falling into the sample segment are aggregated by max-polling and produce the quantized representation of the segment. During the assignment step, frame-segment assignment is updated according to dynamic time warping, while the temporal order of the entire sequence is preserved. The proposed technique is evaluated on three public 3D human action datasets and achieves state-of-the-art performance. Finally, we propose a novel temporal order encoding approach that models the temporal dynamics of the sequential data for human activity recognition. The algorithm encodes the temporal order of the latent patterns extracted by the subspace projection and generates a highly compact First-Take-All (FTA) feature vector representing the entire sequential data. An optimization algorithm is further introduced to learn the optimized projections in order to increase the discriminative power of the FTA feature. The compactness of the FTA feature makes it extremely efficient for human activity recognition with nearest neighbor search based on Hamming distance. Experimental results on two public human activity datasets demonstrate the advantages of the FTA feature over state-of-the-art methods in both accuracy and efficiency

    Human Action Recognition and Monitoring in Ambient Assisted Living Environments

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    Population ageing is set to become one of the most significant challenges of the 21st century, with implications for almost all sectors of society. Especially in developed countries, governments should immediately implement policies and solutions to facilitate the needs of an increasingly older population. Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and in particular the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) offer a feasible response, allowing the creation of human-centric smart environments that are sensitive and responsive to the needs and behaviours of the user. In such a scenario, understand what a human being is doing, if and how he/she is interacting with specific objects, or whether abnormal situations are occurring is critical. This thesis is focused on two related research areas of AAL: the development of innovative vision-based techniques for human action recognition and the remote monitoring of users behaviour in smart environments. The former topic is addressed through different approaches based on data extracted from RGB-D sensors. A first algorithm exploiting skeleton joints orientations is proposed. This approach is extended through a multi-modal strategy that includes the RGB channel to define a number of temporal images, capable of describing the time evolution of actions. Finally, the concept of template co-updating concerning action recognition is introduced. Indeed, exploiting different data categories (e.g., skeleton and RGB information) improve the effectiveness of template updating through co-updating techniques. The action recognition algorithms have been evaluated on CAD-60 and CAD-120, achieving results comparable with the state-of-the-art. Moreover, due to the lack of datasets including skeleton joints orientations, a new benchmark named Office Activity Dataset has been internally acquired and released. Regarding the second topic addressed, the goal is to provide a detailed implementation strategy concerning a generic Internet of Things monitoring platform that could be used for checking users' behaviour in AmI/AAL contexts

    Designing Human-Centered Collective Intelligence

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    Human-Centered Collective Intelligence (HCCI) is an emergent research area that seeks to bring together major research areas like machine learning, statistical modeling, information retrieval, market research, and software engineering to address challenges pertaining to deriving intelligent insights and solutions through the collaboration of several intelligent sensors, devices and data sources. An archetypal contextual CI scenario might be concerned with deriving affect-driven intelligence through multimodal emotion detection sources in a bid to determine the likability of one movie trailer over another. On the other hand, the key tenets to designing robust and evolutionary software and infrastructure architecture models to address cross-cutting quality concerns is of keen interest in the “Cloud” age of today. Some of the key quality concerns of interest in CI scenarios span the gamut of security and privacy, scalability, performance, fault-tolerance, and reliability. I present recent advances in CI system design with a focus on highlighting optimal solutions for the aforementioned cross-cutting concerns. I also describe a number of design challenges and a framework that I have determined to be critical to designing CI systems. With inspiration from machine learning, computational advertising, ubiquitous computing, and sociable robotics, this literature incorporates theories and concepts from various viewpoints to empower the collective intelligence engine, ZOEI, to discover affective state and emotional intent across multiple mediums. The discerned affective state is used in recommender systems among others to support content personalization. I dive into the design of optimal architectures that allow humans and intelligent systems to work collectively to solve complex problems. I present an evaluation of various studies that leverage the ZOEI framework to design collective intelligence

    Elderly Fall Detection Systems: A Literature Survey

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    Falling is among the most damaging event elderly people may experience. With the ever-growing aging population, there is an urgent need for the development of fall detection systems. Thanks to the rapid development of sensor networks and the Internet of Things (IoT), human-computer interaction using sensor fusion has been regarded as an effective method to address the problem of fall detection. In this paper, we provide a literature survey of work conducted on elderly fall detection using sensor networks and IoT. Although there are various existing studies which focus on the fall detection with individual sensors, such as wearable ones and depth cameras, the performance of these systems are still not satisfying as they suffer mostly from high false alarms. Literature shows that fusing the signals of different sensors could result in higher accuracy and lower false alarms, while improving the robustness of such systems. We approach this survey from different perspectives, including data collection, data transmission, sensor fusion, data analysis, security, and privacy. We also review the benchmark data sets available that have been used to quantify the performance of the proposed methods. The survey is meant to provide researchers in the field of elderly fall detection using sensor networks with a summary of progress achieved up to date and to identify areas where further effort would be beneficial

    3D Sensor Placement and Embedded Processing for People Detection in an Industrial Environment

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    Papers I, II and III are extracted from the dissertation and uploaded as separate documents to meet post-publication requirements for self-arciving of IEEE conference papers.At a time when autonomy is being introduced in more and more areas, computer vision plays a very important role. In an industrial environment, the ability to create a real-time virtual version of a volume of interest provides a broad range of possibilities, including safety-related systems such as vision based anti-collision and personnel tracking. In an offshore environment, where such systems are not common, the task is challenging due to rough weather and environmental conditions, but the result of introducing such safety systems could potentially be lifesaving, as personnel work close to heavy, huge, and often poorly instrumented moving machinery and equipment. This thesis presents research on important topics related to enabling computer vision systems in industrial and offshore environments, including a review of the most important technologies and methods. A prototype 3D sensor package is developed, consisting of different sensors and a powerful embedded computer. This, together with a novel, highly scalable point cloud compression and sensor fusion scheme allows to create a real-time 3D map of an industrial area. The question of where to place the sensor packages in an environment where occlusions are present is also investigated. The result is algorithms for automatic sensor placement optimisation, where the goal is to place sensors in such a way that maximises the volume of interest that is covered, with as few occluded zones as possible. The method also includes redundancy constraints where important sub-volumes can be defined to be viewed by more than one sensor. Lastly, a people detection scheme using a merged point cloud from six different sensor packages as input is developed. Using a combination of point cloud clustering, flattening and convolutional neural networks, the system successfully detects multiple people in an outdoor industrial environment, providing real-time 3D positions. The sensor packages and methods are tested and verified at the Industrial Robotics Lab at the University of Agder, and the people detection method is also tested in a relevant outdoor, industrial testing facility. The experiments and results are presented in the papers attached to this thesis.publishedVersio
