51 research outputs found

    Sustainability and Role of Engineering Education: SERINA

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    In the IACEE (International Association for Continuing Engineering Education - www.iacee.org) world conference of 2016 a declaration was signed by participants. IACEE is an international organization dedicated to the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and to the Continuing Education in Engineering (CEE). This declaration resulted in the creation of SERINA (http://serina.iacee.org). SERINA means Sustainability Education and Research in Action. SERINA recognizes the scale and complexity of the gap between existing solutions and the needs facing our planet concerning sustainability. SERINA is likely placed to act on this opportunity. SERINA seeks to pivot the organization to connect individuals, universities, industry, government and NGO organizations to meet the grand challenges facing humanity and the world. Keeping with its dedication to lifelong learning, SERINA has developed and will continue to develop global initiatives to address those twenty-one century challenges threatening the survival of human kind through collaboration, design, creative thinking and engineering. SERINA wants to implement the Porto declaration within the engineering community and influence stakeholders to comply with a framework of global sustainable development. Change and improvement can be obtained mostly by education and training of the current engineering community around the world

    Polson City Library added to library learning centers

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    Purpose of Study: The aim of this paper was designing a multi-stage model for the learning of maths of engineering college students under continuous learning.This was a content analysis study, then we first outlined the basic and key mathematical topics that engineering students should be mastering. We then identified a multi-stage model of expected learning levels for each of these topics, after that, we categorized the topics based on the levels desired and put them in the form of a pattern of continuous learning courses and finally, the time and type of evaluation were determined in each period. Accordingly, the length of each period was considered to be 3 months, and the upgrade criterion in each curse was considered as a step in 80% of the topics. Methodology: This was a content analysis study, in which mathematical topics were first categorized in the field of engineering. Results: In this research, a five-level model was designed in 12 courses. The criterion for determining the levels, the degree of deepening and the importance of learning, and for the determination of curses, were the key to the basic concepts and concepts that students had difficulty with. The model was designed in five levels, moving from top to bottom, math problems became more abstract and complex. Then, for each level, steps were taken to determine the expectations of the course for students. Implications/Applications: Mathematical concepts are crucial in engineering, but students over time forget them and face a lot of problems in their work. Accordingly, it is imperative to use This model for continuous learning of these concepts for Russian engineering students

    Improvement of Characteristics of a Liquefiable Soil Deposit by Pile Driving Operations

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    Large scale failures of pile foundations driven in liquefiable soil deposits have been reported during the 1964 Alaska and Nighaata Earthquakes. Where the subsoil did not liquefy, the piles did not fail. These conclusions were the basis of selection of a proper pile type for the Bonoaigaon Complex wherein it was intended that the pile installation procedure shall also adequately densify the loose saturated sandy and silty subsoils prone to liquefaction during expected earthquakes at site. Studies were carried out to assess soil characteristics before and after piling and the resulting improvement in the subsoil. It is concluded that the subsoil densification achieved after piling is adequate to guard against possibility of liquefaction occurring within pile groups and thus ensure the safety of the piles

    Postgraduate management study options for engineers

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    Most professional engineers will spend a significant proportion of their careers as managers of technology, and large numbers of engineers seek formal education in management at the postgraduate level. Study options include the Master of Business Administration, Master of Engineering Management, and management of technology programs. This paper reviews the literature on postgraduate engineering management education to examine the documented claims for and against particular options. The diversity of engineers and engineering practice will ensure a diversity of postgraduate management education needs, which will be best served by a diversity of options for study. Diversity of options is a strength not a weakness; there is not a single \u27\u27best\u27\u27 option for management education for engineering graduates. As long as they offer relevance, convenience, interest and value, the various postgraduate management study options with their particular distinctions and emphasis on technology or management will find a ready audience.<br /

    Whither management studies in Australian engineering undergraduate courses

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    In response to a perceived need for management studies in engineeringundergraduate courses, the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust)mandated a requirement for 10% of course content to be managementstudies in Australia in 1991. In 1996 a major review of engineeringeducation in Australia recommended that the IEAust move from a courseaccreditation regime based on prescribed inputs to one based ondemonstrated graduate attributes. In the move to the new accreditationsystem the policy on management studies in engineering undergraduatecourses has become less definitive and more open to interpretation byindividual educational institutions. A survey of recent engineeringgraduates suggests that those management skills most highly valued bygraduates were generic professional practice skills, and that moreopportunities to develop these skills in undergraduate studies would bebeneficial. Survey respondents suggested the inclusion in the course ofmore real world examples of engineering management, including casestudies, hands-on activities, industry visits, more in-depth coverage oftopics, and presentations from practicing professionals.<br /

    Conceptual Design of Submarine Outfalls - I: Jet Diffusion

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    Effective utilization of the ocean for natural purification of sewage effluent depends on good jet mixing and oceanic convection and diffusion. Important factors are ocean currents, density stratification, bacterial die off, and the use of multiple-jet diffusers

    Volume 1, Number 3 (October 1977)

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    Volume 1, Number 4 (November 1977)

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